Sections FINANCE available on back section of 740 sq m in Fembrook Place, off Hills Rd. Special mortgage available for person willing to construct own kitset house. Ph. 855-067. FOUR 14 acre sections for sale In Hinds. Main Road frontage, handy to fishing and skiing. Phone 37279 Ashburton. —_ - - __ REDWOOD Ideal section available at the “Orchard,” 64 Prestons Road, these would definitely be Redwood’s finest sections. No building ties. Restrictions on flats. Approved plans only. Build a life worth living at the “Orchard.” Ph. sole agent, Colin Francis at Merritt Real Estate, ph. 797-820 bus, 889-431 a-h. MREINZ. SOUTH SHORE, 1388 sq m (55p) section with 2 bedroom bach with estuary frontage, $47,500 for quick sale.. Simmons Real Estate, 488-366, a_h. G. Pepper 427-034. ST MARTINS Two section 227 Fifield Terrace for auction, Saturday, November 3 at 1030. Details Sherris and Robertson. TEMUKA, Temuka, Temuka. 3 sections (large). 2 for $5OOO each, 1 comer section, $7OOO, 3 for $15,000. Assistance with purchase price, ring 33-264. $lOOO dep. could buy Karamea, Little Wanganui. Excellent beachside section In popular resort. Full price $5OOO or offer. Phone Lex Mercer, 898-638, or 278-044 a.h. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. $7OOO small section, $12,000 large, Linwood, $5OO deposit pay off over 5 years, ph. 841059 or 62-660. Wanted to Purchase ABC sell to me, I pay good prices, give us a call and you will see, Mr Pickwicks specialise in household lots, deceased estates, in fact any good quality furniture. Ph. 64-252 between 10 and 5 p.m. ABOUT lounge and dining suites and bedroom furniture. Prompt service and top prices for items under 5 yeas. Gloucester Trading. Ph. 891907. A competitive quote for all your modern or good used furniture from Smiths City Market’s Trade-in Centre. Kindly telephone 798-100, ext. 867 for our buyer to call. Houseloads a specialty. ALL saleable items accepted at Smiths City Market Auction Department. Market your surplus goods in New Zealand’s largest Auction Rooms. Up to four specialised Room Sales weekly. Ph. 798-100, or call for advice about cartage. Smiths City Market, Ltd, Auction Department, 88 Montreal St. BEDROOM furniture, mattresses and bases. Friendly service. Top prices for tidy items. Gloucester Trading, Ph. 891-907. BUY colour TV 221 n or smaller, pay cash. Phone 887-547. BUYING buying all the time. Good quality household furniture, required by Mr Pickwick. Oak and Colonial dining furniture, seagrass chairs, desks, Just ring 64-252 between 10 and 5 p.m and our buyer will call. BUY. MW Trading Store buy or trade at highest prices. All good bedroom, dining room and lounge furniture, complete housefuls or sundry lots and all good home appliances. MW Trading Store, 574 Colombo Street, ph. 60904. CASH paid for good furniture. House lots’or single items at Key Traders, 189 Tuam St. Ph. 65-489. CASSETTES and records buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. Ph. 64-296. COINS, banknotes, tokens and medals wanted., urgently. We , buy and sell. Auckland Coin and Bullion Exchange, Norwich House, cnr Hereford and Manchester Sts, Ph. 790-323. DIAMOND or gold rings. Old jewellery. Buy for cash. Hulston Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. DOUBLE and single mattress and base sets wanted. Gloucester Trading. Ph. 891907. FREEZERS, Highest cash price paid for chest and upright freezers Fisher and Paykel brand only. M. W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St Ph. 60-904. FRENCH doors, kitchen and vanity units, used timber, bricks, etc. Ph. 227-922, Musgroves. FURNITURE and effects, houselots a speciality. Buy for cash. Ph. Hulstons 64-296. GOLD, silver. We pay top prices for gold and silver Jewellery, watches, cups, medals, banknotes and coins. No amount too large or too small. Auckland Coin and Bullion Exchange, Norwich House, Corner Hereford and Manchester Streets. Phone 790-323. GOLF clubs and all sporting goods urgently required. Buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. Ph. 64-296. GOOD prices paid for gold, silver, fob chains, rings and broken gold and • silver jeweellery. Walker and Hall, Triangle Centre, cnr Cashel and Colombo St, ph. 63-721. HOUSEHOLD lots, part household lots, deceased estates and any general good quality furniture is required by Mr Pickwicks. Phone 64-252 between 10 and 5 p.m. and our experienced buyer will call.
$lOO,OOO TO SPEND Mr Mitchell of The Auckland Coin & Bullion Exchange is in Christchurch for a few days paying highest prices for: • Coin Collections • Old N.Z. & Foreign Banknotes • Old Tokens, Medals 9Vt and Full Sovereigns • Gold Chains, Pocket Watches • Pre-1947 Silver Coins PHONE 790-323 aecklandcoin&buluon exchange limited 162 Manchester St, Christchurch (AM phone Mr Mitchell at Noahs Hotel, 794-700) Mr Mitchell will be in Timaru and Ashburton on Thursday, phone'for an appointment. t