@1 Budget RENT-A-CAR 12 St. David St., Christchurch 798-310 B 7 I
Businesses Sell WE have an excel, site complete with good plant currently retailing a franchised Ice cream operation, great scope for expansion. $12,000 w.1.w.0. No goodwill, good lease, reas.. rental. Ph. bus. 486-753, a.h. 485-251. Ownership Flats ADDINGTON, $44,000. Sole agency. Attractive 2 bdrm flat. Spacious lounge, very large main bdrm, sep shower. Internal access to garage. For further information or viewing ring Ray Ganda 427-172 of Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ, 68-853. A Deposit of $14,900 and approx. $lO5 weekly, could get you into a nice upstairs 2 bdrm unit, 2 miles from square. Price only $44,900. Immediate possession. Two car garaging. Ph. 897-274. AVONHEAD, (Glenburn Country Estate, off Merrln St). Luxury 2 and 3 bdrm unattached single storey townhouses with spacious sunny living areas, dble garages) sep. drives, room for caravan, approx. 20 perches each, ideal retired people, handy buses and shopping centres, $104,000 and $llO,OOO. Ph. 595-600, a.h. Trevor Wright 559-901. St Albans Real Estate MREINZ, BRIGHTON, North. First day on the market. Only $48,950. Three bedroom permanent material flat Just 4 yers old. Spacious sunny lounge, ranchsliders and adjoining convenient kitchen dining area. Phone 517-141 now, for early inspection with sole agents, Ramsay Real Estate, MREINZ, a.h. Roger Turner, 526-845. BRYNDWR. Sunny front unit, 2 bdrms, lage lounge plus sunroom, kitchen with dining area, brick with iron roof, single garage, easy walking distance to shops and bus, $53,000. Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ, ph. 794-784 a.h. Tony Little, 478885. BURNSIDE, best part. New front town house complete with new carpets throughout, large living and modern amenities. Price $86,000. Ph. Rex Mercer, 898-638 or 66-917 any time, or 27-8044 a.h. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. BURNSIDE, $58,000. Beautifully presented 2 bdrm front flat, sep. dining, sunny, picturesque front garden. Garage with int. access, one tone carpet throughout. Al chattels. Ph. Ray Mercer, Geo. Anderson, Smiths City Market Ltd, MREINZ, 797-534, a.h. 588-785. BURNSIDE. Memorial Ave. $127,500. New luxurious three bedroom two storey town house available for immediate possession. Timber and tile kitchen, dining room opens to lounge, features colonial windows throughout. Easily maintained section with double drlveon access. Contact Denise Vivian, 517-039 anytime. Mona Vale Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ. BURWOOD, $75,950. Outstanding value, exceptionally appealing three bedroom two storeyed town house, front unit, block of two with garages between. Massive 27 ft open plan living area, ideal for entertaining. Attractive kitchen and bathroom facilities. Quality chattels. A real seller at this price, to view, please phone 62-083, Baker Bros, Ltd, MREINZ, a.h. John Evans, 324-289. CASEBROOK. Extremely sunny and spacious sparkling condition throughout, 2 bdrm rear flat, private backyard. At only $64,950 offers excellent buying. Ramsay Real Estate, MREINZ, Phone 517-141, a.h. Roger Turner, 526-845. CASEBROOK. Something really different and Just $74,950. Split level design. Rear one of 2 and look! can be 4 bedrooms with single basement garage or 3 bedrooms and double garage, spearate shower cabinet, separate w.c, dual hot water, and fantastic suundrenched terace. You’ll be delighted with the property and the price. Phone sole agent, Bill Smith, Matson and Allan Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, Phone 66-264, a.h. 517,543. CASEBROOK. $66,500. Beautifully presented modern 2 bdrm rear unit. Spacious lounge with sliding door to separate dining and roomy well planned kitchen, separate laundry, top quality chattels. Landscaped section and large single garage. Top value In this area. Sole Agents, Manchester Homes, MREINZ, 60-063, ah. lan Rule 853-411. 0 CITY, Inner. Cambridge Courts, $69,500. Very tidy 2 bdrms, large living area, first floor apartment. Jonathan Carey 68-669. a.h. 516-161, McCrostles. MREINZ.