Properties for Sale BISHOPDALE, $130,000, (exciting new listing). A 1 year old brick home almost 2000 sq ft with tremendous sunny lounge, most appealing kitchen. eye-level stove, breakfast bar, dining room with ranch slider opening onto sheltered sundeck, huge bedrooms, stylish bathroom, dble garage with internal access. Super location close to buses, shops and schools. Phone Lynley Cunningham 517-159, a.h. 523-961 Chch R.E. Bryndwr MREINZ. ❖ 0 ❖ 4* BISHOPDALE $105,000. This beautifully presented, split level clean lined contemporary home offers large comfortable open plan living, 4 spacious bdrms, main bdrm with ranchslider to sun deck, excel, attic storage, dble garage with internal access, attractive well groomed 637 sq m section. Don’t put off seeing this home or you will pass up a rare opportunity. To view please phone sole agent Bishopdale Real Estate MREINZ 598-137 a.h. Joyce Jones 326-257. 4* 4 4 ❖ BISHOPDALE. $78,000. Urgent. Great opportunity to purchase family home, three/ four bedrooms, two livingrooms plus games room. Weatherboard, tile roof. Value here. Double garage. McClelland Real Estate, Ph. 524-926, a.h. 555-911, MREINZ. BRIGHTON South, sunny, tastefully decorated, open plan living, 3 bdrms, perm, mat., garage, suitable young or not so young. Early possession $38,000. Ph. Noel Harvey Real Estate MREINZ. Sole agents. Ph. 67-436. BROOKSIDE Terrace, (new listing), sunny perm. mat. home on attractive well landscaped section, 3 bedrooms, spacious lounge, large kltchen/dlnlng area and more. Full price $74,000. To view, ph. John Tlmoney of Drewerys Estate Agency MREINZ 799-646, a.h. 852-412. BURNSIDE A town house of exceptionally appealing interior and exterior design, large living area, 3 bdrms, bathroom, cloakroom, garage with Internal access. $125,000. Phone 798-212 a.h. Miss Hlshon 516-546. BURNSIDE: Sunny 3 bdrm permanent material home In this sought after area. Good condition throughout. Ideal first home buyers. Family sized section which Is well fenced off, $64,850. Phone sole agents, Ramsay Real Estate, MREINZ, 517-141, a.h. Alan Ramsay, 858-417. BURNSIDE, $67,950. Sole agent, sought after location, handy Kendal Shops. Nice street appeal, faithfully maintained tapestry brick and tile home, 24 perch easy care section, dble length garage, 3 spacious bdrms, sunny lounge, Irge spacious kitchen dining, 2 open fires, dual hot water, nice bathroom, sep. shower, extremely nicely presented, excel, carpets, drapes, Ideal first home buyers or retirement home. Be quick, contact Warren Bryant, 487-029 a.h. 529-436 Rlccarton Real Estate, MREINZ. BURNSIDE, $74,000. 3 bdrm plus large sunroom, brick, tile root home. Nice roomy lounge. Good sized dining, dble garage, small glasshouse. This represents excellent value in this popular area. Phone Leo of Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ, 68-853, a.h. 585-326. BURNSIDE $88,500. A mod.,perm, mat home with a difference. Sunny lounge and spacious dining room,has french doors opening onto a full length sheltered terrace overlooking a peaceful, private garden. Three large bdrms, and a neutral one tone carpet, tasteful decor, close to schools. Ph. Linley Cunningham 517-159 a.h. 523-961 Chch RE Bryndwr MREINZ. BURWOOD ONLY $52,500 FIRST HOME BUYER SPECIAL SCHOOL, shops handy; on bus stop. Lounge (open fire), adjoins dinette with practical kitchen, good sescttion; roomy garage. Some redecorating etc. required but priced accordingly. Transferred owners, can give early possession. Ph. 488-784 Bohnenn a.h. 516-488 or 515147. PH BUYING OR SELLING SHIRLEY/RICHMOND CONTACT your area specialist for his prompt and courteous services — Tony Attwood 792-120 a.h. 856-235. SIEHUS&ROBERTSON MREINZ LIMITED CASEBROOK $71,000 (sole agent). A sparkling perm, mat. home with new mod. kitchen, extra large lounge, sunny dining room opening onto wooden sundeck, 3 bdrms, new cobblestone drive and very spacious garage. A beautiful home close to buses and shops. Ph. Linley Cunningham, 517-159 a.h. 523-961 Chch. RE Bryndwr MREINZ. CASHMERE, an attractive chateau style home just on market. Nestled away on secluded 986m2 site with lovely sheltered views and entry from 2 streets. Featuring turret study, rich timbered ceilings throughout, 4-bedrooms, 2 with en suite, games room, massive elevated lounge and formal dining. Family kltchen/livIng. 4-car garaging. Something excitingly different and priced to sell at $250,000. Phone Ainsworth Ingram, Ford and Hadfield, Ltd, MREINZ, 797-830, a.h. 427773. CLIFON. $78,500. Enchanting little Hurst Seagar style cottage with an air of romance. Beautiful secluded setting of approx. 57p with magnificent view over Sumner Bay. Stephens zjßeal Estate, MREINZ, any time, Patricia Van der Bent