Cars for Sale HONDAMATIC Civic 1979. Only 36,000, 2 lady owners, great buying, $7195. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam Street LMVD. HONDAMATIC 5 door, 1981, 57,000 miles, 1 owner, light blue, 12 months warranty, look $7695, dep. $l9OO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. HUNTER 1970. radials, excel, cond., t/out, only $2499 or terms. Betacars, 281 Ferry Rd, Ph. 891-121, a.h. 838-785. LMVD. HUNTER, 1978, Apache red, 4 speed, immaculate, $4199. MagnUm Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD. ISUZU Gemini 1600, 1979, immaculate. Compare, $4599. Magnum Motors, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD. KINGSWOOD S.W. Trlmatic look! Immaculate cond, yes, 1 year warranty. Now $4499, dep $1125. Hurry! Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse, 795-567, a.h. 370-257 LMVD. KINGSWOOD ute, 1972, mags stereo spoiler, custom paint, excel, cond, t.out only $5999 or terms, Beta Cars 287 Ferry Rd, phone 891-121, a.h. 830-785. LASER -Ghia 1.5 automatic, 1983, 24,000 km, as new, 2 years warranty, $13,295, dep. $3BOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. LOOK. Deposits from $4OO, $5OO, $6OO, $7OO, $BOO only at Sutherlands, 504 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 798-323, LMVD. MANY fine used cars at Rhodes Nissan, LMVD, 334 Riccarton Road. Ph. 485-099 any time. Open Saturdays. MARINA TC, coupe, 1973, extra tidy order, receipts for motor and new clutch. Only $2995. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. MARINA Wagon 1-8 1975. Real nice throughout, great value, $4795. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam Street LMVD. MARINA 1.8, 1974, red, 50,000 miles, $3699. Magnum Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD. MAXI 1750 5D H.B. 1976. Low miles, drives like new. Very tidy original car, for only $4499, $l5OO dep. 12 months warranty available. Canterbury Cars Ltd, 319 Loncoln Rd, Ph. 382-661 a.h. 881-081. LMVD. MAZDA 1981,323 H/B, 5 door, 1 owner, immac. cond., metallic blue. Now $10,495, dep. $2750, 2 year warranty. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 795-567, a.h. 340-601, LMVD. MAZDA 323 estate 1982 (facelift), 39,000 km radio, cloth trim, excellent condition with a 2 year warranty, look $10,995 dep. $2BOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071, 384-501, LMVD. MAZDA 323 1500 cc, saloon limited 1983, automatic. A rare model, complete with shadow tone paint job, radio, towbar etc., $13,999.12 month or 25,000 km. Parts and labour warranty. Horrells Mazda, LMVD. Ashley St, Ranglora, ph. 8355, a.h. Jim Cook, 6383 Ranglora. MAZDA 323 5 door, 1981, 51,000 miles, sparkling white, 12 months warranty. Look, $7495, dep. $l9OO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. MAZDA 626 GLX automatic 1984, latest model, locally owned In showroom condition, Cosmo blue metallic, unobtainable new, $18,499. Horrells Mazda, 19-21 Ashely St, Ranglora, phone 8355, a.h. Jim Cook 6383, Ranglora, LMVD. MAZDA 626 GLX 2 litre coupe 1984, very low km, latest Jap. assembled model. On view in our show rooms. $26,999. Horrells Mazda, 19-21 Ashley St, Ranglora. Ph. 8355, a.h. Jim Cook 6383 Ranglora, LMVD. MAZDA, 626. Look! 1 owner, must be seen, Immaculate yes, 1 year warranty. Now $8295, dep. $2OOO Hurry. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse, 795-567, a.h. 34-601, LMVD. MAZDA 626 1982, attractive facelift model, low km, $11,499. Magnum Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD.
MAZDA 808 station waggon, Dec. 1975, radio, heater etc., a very tidy one, only $3695. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. MAZDA 808 Station Wagon, 1976, facelift, sunset red, rear wiper, 90,000 km. Best buying, $5699. Simon Odium Motors, 407 Ferry Rd, Phone 894-467, a.h. 486-625, MVDI. MAZDA 929 station waggon, 1976, yes, 1 yr warranty, very nice, look, $5999 dep. $l5OO. Hurry. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse, 795-567, a.h. 370257, LMVD. MAZDA 929 s.w. 1978, excel, wagon Ilnlshed in Nugget brown, only 92,000km5, an Investment at $6999 or $2OOO dep. Dave Diggs Motors, cnr Hills and Shirley Rds. MERCEDES 280 SE auto, p/s, 1970, blue tan trim, excellent condition, $13,995. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St (High St cnr), ph. 67-401, a.h. 518-510, or DarIleld 88-479, LMVD. MERCURY Cougar XR7, 1978. Only 66,000 miles 351 auto power steering electrics cruise control etc. Has to be seen. $19,995. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph Street, (High St cnr), phone 67-401, a.h. 518-510, or Darfleld 88-479, LMVD. MINI CLUBMAN 1977, only 57,000 kms, (35,000 mlles).Glacier white, 12 mths warranty available. $5299, $1750 dep. Canterbury Cars Ltd, 319 Lincoln Rd, 382-66 L a.h. 881-081. LMVD. MINIS and Clubmans. 30 In stock in most prices at the South Island’s largest Mint specialists. We do trade all makes and models at Select Autos, 231 Colombo St (next to Boons), ph. 371-402, a.h. 487-803, LMVD. MINI 1000, 1975, 64,000 miles, rvery good order. $3500 or $9OO ,dep. and $lO3 month. Cashmere Garage, LMVD. Phone 35-646. MIRAGE GLS. Look, 1980, mags, s/shlft, immac. Roman bronze, 2 yr warranty. Now $8999, dep. $2250. Hurry. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse, 795-567, a.h. 34601, LMVD. MIRAGE GL 1982, 36,000 miles, 1 owner, Sapphire metallic, 2 years warranty, look, $8295, dep. $2lOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, phone 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. MIRAGE GL 3 door, 6000 km. Dec. 83. $10,750 0.n.0. Ph. 597768. MITSI Sigma GLX 1981, 1 owner, 1 yr warranty, look, $9595 dep. $2400. Hurry, Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse. 795-567, a.h. 370-257. LMVD. MITSUBISHI Celeste 1981, GSR 2.0 Immac. cond., yes, 2 yr warranty, now $11,795 dep. $2950. Hurry. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse, 795-567, a.h. 370-257. MITSUBISHI Galant, coupe 1850, 1977. very tidy, $6699 12 mths 20,000 km warranty. Blackwells Motors. Rga, Ltd, High St, Rga, ph. 8237. a.h. 882-751. Chch. MITSUBISHI Galant. 1600 4 door, 1974. Only 65,000 miles, radio, towbar, radials. A popular low mileage model, in great condition. Only $4539 or $l5OO deposit. Gordon McMillan Motors, MVDI. 166 Tuam Street, phone 61-431. a.h. 516-589. MITSUBISHI Lancer. 1978. yellow. 48,000 km. 47299. Magnum Motors. 540 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 67-177. a.h. 389-812. LMVD.