CHARGER E4B 1973, RT 6 pack, factory model, red black trim, 98,000 km, $9995. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St, (High St cnr), Ph. 67-401 a.h. 518-510 or Darfleld 88-479 LMVD. CHEVETTE 1979, 2-door, faultless original order, 2 owners, $5990 or $l5OO dep, $176 monthly, 32,000 miles. Cashmere Garage, LMVD. Phone 35-646. CHEVETTE, 3 door Enduro, 1980, Only 17,900 kms by one owner, like new, $8499, 12 month warranty. Contact Eddie Christian at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Avenue, ph. 790-024 a.h. 852-481. CHEVETTE 4 door, 1978. Lovely car. 2 owners, 63,000km5, extras, $4995. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam Street, LMVD. CHRYSLER Alpine GLS Hatchback 78. 53,000 miles (85,000 kms), very tidy throughout. Great buying, $5995, $2OOO dep. Mecca Motors 826 Colombo St North, ph. 799-575 a.h. 555-181 LMVD. CHRYSLER Regal 770, 1973, t/bar, bucket seats, 84,000 miles, many extras, $4999. Don Mattlngley Motors, Ltd, 13 Nursery Rd, just off Ferry Rd, Phone 68-877, a.h. 388603, MVDI. COMMODORE 4L Estate, 1981, 52,000 miles, automatic, red cloth trim, 12 months warranty. Look $11,695 dep. $3OOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 790-004 a.h. 35-071, LMVD. COMMODORE 4 SL sedan 1981, 1 owner, radio etc, $12,699. Terms available, 12 mths warranty. Blackwell Motors, (Rga) Ltd, High St, Ranglora. Ph. 8237 LMVD. A.H. 882-751, Chch. COMMODORE 4 SLX 5 speed, 1982, 1 owner, sparkling condition, $15,499 12 months warranty, Blackwell Motors (Rga) Ltd, High St, Ranglora, LMVD, ph. 8237, a.h. 882-751, Chch. COROLLA coupe SR 1977, 2 owner, 79,000 km, excel, cond. throughout. Only $6999 on terms. Betacars, 287 Ferry Rd, ph. 891-121, a.h. 830-785. COROLLA SR coupe, 1974, 65,000 miles, nice original cond. $4999 or terms. Betacars, 281 Ferry Rd, phone 891-121, a.h. 830-785. LMVD. COROLLA 1975 auto., really original order throughout, engine newly overhauled, a beauty. $4500 or $1125 dep. and $132 month. Cashmere Garage, LMVD. Phone 35646. COROLLA 1977 station wagon, 3 owners, miles high but excel. order. $4500 or $1125 and $132 month. Cashmere Garage, LMVD. Phone 35-646. CORONA 1600, 3 speed, 1975, tidy cond., throughout, only $3899 or terms, Betacars, 281 Ferry Rd, Ph. 891-121, a.h. 830-785. LMVD.
CORONA 1700 SEvl973, radio radials, excel. cond, throughout, only $3499 or terms, Beta Cars, 287 Ferry Rd, phone 891-121, a.h. 830785. CORTINA Ghla, manual, brown metallc, Immaculate, $8199. Magnum Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD. CORTINA Ghla Mk 4, bluer metallic, fawn cloth interior, stereo, etc, $8999. Magnum Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 65-177, a.h. 389-812, LMVD. CORTINA Mk II 1970, 77,000 genuine miles, finished In lovely aqua blue, $2999 or $l5OO dep. John Sergei Cars Ltd, 301 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 381654 a.h. 881-333. CORTINA Mk 4 S.W., 2000,1978, 75,000 miles, just had new rings, bearings, valve grind, ready to be run In, $7999. East End Service Station, 258 Ferry Rd, Ph. 63-370, LMVD. CORTINA Mk 5 estate 1.6 1980, 68,000 miles, one owner, sparkling red, nice, 12 months warranty, $7995 dep. $2OOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. CORTINA 1975 station wagon, 1.6, Radio, heater, wheel trims, etc. White with tan trim, only $4500. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. CORTINA 1980, 1.6 L, 2 owners, 38,000 miles, faultless original order, $8990 or $2250 dep. and $264 month. Cashmere Garage, LMVD. Phone 35646. CORTINA 1981, Estate S-OL. Superb 1 owner, all extras, roof rack, $9795. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam Street, LMVD. CORTINA 1981, Mk V, 2.0, 1 owner, mint cond,. yes 1 year warranty. Now $9499 dep. $2375. Small Car World, 85 Moorhouse 795-567, a.h. 370257, LMVD. I CORTINA 2.0 estate. Mk IV. 1977, drives well, 12 months warranty. Look, $7495, dep. $l9OO. Small Car World. 31 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071. LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 European, 1978, 80,000 km. troplcana, manual, private owners. A top car. $8399. Simon Odium Motors. 407 Ferry Rd, Phone 894-467, a.h. 486-625. MVDI. CORTINA 2.0 GL 1977, Mk 4, automatic, 63,000 miles, stereo, etc. Bronze metallic , 12 months waranty, $7995, dep. $2OOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave. ph. 790004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L Station Sedan. 1980.1 owner, radio, very tidy, $11,999. 12 months warranty. Blackwell Motors (Rga), Ltd, High St, Ranglora, Phone 8237. LMVD, a.h. 882-751 Chch. CORTINA 2.0 L 1980. only 24.000 km, one owner. Like new condition. Automatic, radio, light covers, electric boot release, towbar, etc. $11,999.12 month or 25,000 km, parts and labour warranty. Horrells Mazda, 19-21 Ashley St, Rangtora, Phone 8355, a.h. Jim Cook, 6383 Ranglora, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 1976. stereo etc. metallic blue, nice car. 12 months warranty. Look, $4895, dep, $l4OO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. DAIHATSU Charade STE, 1982, 6000 km, 1 private owner, indigo and silver. 5 speed. Top value at $7999. Simon Odium Motors. 407 Ferry Rd. Phone 894-467, a.h. 486-625. MVDI. DATSUN Bluebird GX 1981. Sulfcerb, 1 owner, economical family car, $9195. Alan Ford. 438 Tuam Street LMVD.