Situations Vacant A VACANCY IS now open for a young person over 17 but under 25. No experience necessary as we will train the successful applicant, but you must be free for immediate start. No sales, no typing and no car needed. Phone 791-153 for an interview. | MF DEALER | MASSEY-FERGUSON SERVICE MANAGER AN experienced person is required to take charge of our Tractor and Header workshop. As Massey Ferguson dealers we service a large range of machinery and agricultural equlpmenk This is a responsible position and a good knowledge of machines is required. Previous experience on M.F. equipment would be an advantage. Private superannuation scheme Salary will be In accordance with previous experience and qualifications. Apply in writing to: General Manager C. E. BAILEY, LTD P.O. Box 102 ASHBURTON Ph. 7119 Ph. 6017 Private TWO YOUNG LADIES FULL AND PART TIME WE require two young ladles (18 - 30 years) to train for positions in New Zealand’s largest sauna and spa complex. Mainly night work. This Is a well paid Job with excellent working conditions. Must be. on telephone. For an appointment telephone now 790-512. PACIFIC SAUNA 218 Tuam Street M.N.S.B.A.
Situations Vacant BUTCHER MANAGER PERSON capable of organising and running small business required. Excellent saary. For an interview please telephone:— 69-107 or a.h. 35-353. OFFICE OPPORTUNITY A UNIQUE, exciting oflice opportunity will become available next month In our busy supermarket. We are seeking a person with U.E. (or education to U.E. level). The position Involves banking, wages, accounts and general office duties. Experience In these areas would be advantageous. Essential qualities are accuracy, cleanliness and reliability. The successful applicant must be of the utmost Integrity. Reports, references and character references will be necessary. For an appointment phone: 898-365, Mr Sim, LINWOOD NEW WORLD SUPERMARKET. HANDKNITTERS REQUIRED INTERESTING work, fair Isle, plain and semi arran. Good renumeration. Phone: 791-339 Bus.
AN EXPERIENCED PARTS PERSON is required for a successful parts merchandising team. The person we are seeking would have probably worked in a Ford parts environment to date. Preferable age group would be in the 25-35 category. If you feel this field is in your area apply in writing in the first instance to: Mr G. Andrew Parts Manager Timaru Motors Ltd P.O. Box 122 TIMARU FITTER WELDER TEMPORARY WORK UNTIL CHRISTMAS (MIG WELDING) PHONE ADAMS AND CURRIE LIMITED 489-510.
Development Finance Corporation PERSONNEL rj?~ MANAGER I OFC Reorganisation of DFC's personnel function creates this opportunity for an experienced personnel specialist to lead a small team providing advice and assistance to management in a professional organisation of some 220 employees. The person appointed will have broad responsibilities in the areas of recruitment, induction, staff development and training, compensation administration, and personnel systems. He/She will become involved in the formulation and implementation of personnel policies and programmes. Applicants are likely to have at least 5 years' generalist experience in personnel work, and will probably nave a tertiary qualification in relevant subjects. The ability to relate well to all levels of line management is essential. The position is based in Wellington, with regular travel within New Zealand. Please address confidential written applications to: Richard Rudman Manager — Personnel & Public Affairs Development Finance Corporation PO Box 3090, Wellington.
STOREPERSON WE REQUIRE THE SERVICES of a responsible and active person for our Sydenham warehouse. Applicants must be honest and reliable with the ability to handle some telephone Inquiries. Applications to: Mr J. Setterington, SAMSON GOLDEX COATINGS, Phone 60-016, CHRISTCHURCH. URGENT AGENTS REQUIRED WHO WANT TO EARN GOOD MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS - START NOW TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT commission selling Princess Jewellery. Price range from $3.90 to $lOOO. Reliable car required. Don’t delay. TELEPHONE DIANE 890-396.
Page 31 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 30 October 1984, Page 31
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