To Let A above average redecorated flat in Addington for a sensIble quiet couple. Not really suitable pets or children. $B5 p.w. Phone 832-690. A Beckenham exceptional flat, carport. $5O. Ph. 799-201 Access. 927. ACCOMMODATION. Refs re•qulred. 3 bdrm unfum. good quality houses. Halswell $l3O. Bishopdale, $l4O. Beckenham, (fum.), $B5. As new, 2 bdrm house, Shirley, $lOO. Also Shirley, 2 bdrm neat house Ideal bus couple, $B5. A good selection of mod. 2 bdrm unfum. flats from $46.35 to $llO. 2-lbdrm turn, flats City, $4120 and Beckenham, $47.50. Neat 1 bdrm older style unfum. flat, Beckenham, $55. Apply in person, Pasley Real Estate, Ltd. 77 Victoria St, between 1030 and 4 pan. A city spacious flat. Just redone, near everything at Rent Mart till 8. 796-510. A country 2 bdrm cottage, fenced, pet OK, garage, $3O. Only at Homefinders, 61-403. A delightful 1-bdrm furnished flat by Edgeware shopping, available from November 11th, for 2'Zi months, $3B p.w. Phone Warwick Todd, Ltd, 799-910, MREINZ. TO LET SPREYDON, 3 bedroom brand new home, suit professional couple/famlly, $l4O p.w. Montreal St, 1 bedroom sunny upstairs flat, carport, $67 p.w. Hereford St, 2 bedroom mod. unit, $9O p.w. Hoon Hay, 2 storey 3 bedroom house, $l2O p.w. Neg. Gloucester St near Woodham Rd, 2 bdrm flat, suit responsible couple $7O p.w. Tomes Rd, Immac.; 2 bdrm flat, carport, $lOO pw.; Opawa 4 bdrm house suit responsible group $llO p.w. Opawa 2 bdrm house $lOO p.w. 6 month tenancy; Pages Rd 6 bdrm house, short term, suit mature responsible person, $l2O p.w. Papanul, 3 bdrm house, short term, $l2O p.w. Carlton Mill, 1 bdrm fum. flat, suit, working person, 23 yrs and over, refs, required $6O p.w. Ph. 61-737, 60-166 or call N.Z. Tenancy Bonds Ltd, Ist Floor, Q.B.E. Building, 118 Hereford Street, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. RENT MART N.Z.’S LARGEST AND LONGEST SERVING RENTAL INFORMATION CENTRE The only international company with offices across Canada, U.S.A., U.K. and Australia, with 11 years experience catering for groups, Idds, pets, beneficiaries, executives. • Properties updated daify • Full descriptions obtained • New properties obtained daily • Free rental counselling • Over 1400 landlords on file • Join the rest of our satisfied clients, phone — 796-510 Open 7 days at 517 Colombo Street, from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m., Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. week-ends.
HOMEFINDERS WITH full descriptions on all vacancies, we can ensure your needs are catered for. For personal service contact us, our name Is our business. ST ALBANS, 2 bdrm clean tidy flat. Garage, Kids OK, $BO LINWOOD. 3 bdrm redecorated Vi house, sunny, parking, $BO SPREYDON. 3-4 bdrm, fenced house, kids, pets OK, $lOO SYDENHAM. 3-4 bdrm house, kids, pets OK, large yard, $lOO PETS, kids OK, fenced 3 bdrm house, garage, $95 MERIVALE. Tidy flat, kids OK, by shops, buses, $6O BRAND new, 2 storey flat, central location, parking, $lOO BEALEY AVE. 4 bdrm 2 storey house, many features, $135 MERIVALE, 2-3 bdrm superb flat, kids Ok, new carpets, $llO And there are many more only at Homefinders, 84 Hereford Street 9 a.m.-6 p.m. PHONE 61-403 HOMEFINDERS LOOKING for a rental? We carry vacancies in the country suburbs, and city. For friendly personal service, contact the experts, our name Is our business! ST ALBANS, large 3 bdrm house, kids, pets OK, $95 CITY, tidy flat, carpets, fridge, kitchen, parking, $3O AVONSIDE, carpeted flat, handy amenities, parking, $7O FENDALTON, 4 bdrm house, fenced yard, OK kids, pets, , $l3O i MERIVALE. Superior 3 bdrm 2 storey flat, luxury at $l5O AVONHEAD. Immaculate 3 bdrm house, kids pets OK, garage, $l2O ST ALBANS. Tidy flat, carpets throughout, parking, $7B RICCARTON, 3 bdrm fenced house, group or family, $ll5 ADDINGTON. Sunny flat, block of 3, by shops, $6O WOOLSTON. Renovated sunny flat, kids, pets, OK, yard, $5O SPREYDON. 4-5 bdrm house, family or group, by schools, $l4O And there are many more only at Homefinders, 84 Hereford Street 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Phone 61-403 HOMEFINDERS FLATMATE POSITIONS WITH well over 100 share vacancies to choose from, we can help you with the right one. Many OK for couples, singles, students, solos, and pets. BECKENHAM. 2 vacancies, $22 BEALEY AVE. One person, $2B RICCARTON, mixed group, $25 LINWOOD. For 2 people, $22 MERIVALE, mixed group, $26 FENDALTON, with 2 ladies, $33 BRYNDWR, pet OK, $27 CITY, suit student, $25 HALSWELL, luxury house, $45 PARKLANDS. 2 people wanted, $35 BISHOPDALE. Mixed group, $2O COASTAL views, mixed, $45 SPREYDON, Lady wanted, $3O STUDENT flat, mixed group, $24 ST ALBANS, 2 people wanted, $3O ADDINGTON, Mixed group, $25 K AIAPOI, spacious house. $2O NORTH BEACH, pet OK $25. SUMNER, great views, $3O BELFAST. Quality house, $35 incl and there are over 100 more to choose from, only at Home- ! finders, 84 Hereford street, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Phone 61-403