Wanted to Purchase, DOUBLE and single mattress and base sets wanted. Gloucester Trading. Ph. 891907. FRIDGE Fridge Freezers and Freezers wanted to buy, good prices paid, at Lanes Appliances, 155 Colombo St, ph. 327-687. FRIDGES. We buy for cash late model single and dual temp, fridges. F. and P. brands only. Ring Peter at M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St, ph. 60-904. FURNITURE, household, home appliances and kitchenware, house lots a specialty. Ph. Moores Used Fumtlrue. Ph. 791-466 or 429-471. GATES for driveway wanted. Phone 69-085 and ask for D. Ferrier-Kerr. GOLF clubs and all sporting goods urgently required. Buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester SL Ph. 64-296. GOLF clubs and all sporting goods urgently required. Buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. Ph. 64-296. GOLF clubs. I pay the top prices for used golf clubs, bags and trundlers, at Chris Franks Golf Shop, Avondale Golf Club. Phone 882-675. HAND tools, power tools, any equipment for engineering, woodworking, mechanics, gardening etc., good prices offered by Megson Tool and EquipmenL 147 High Street Ph. 65-239, a.h. 857-500. HOUSEHOLD lots, part household lots, deceased estates and any general good quality furniture is required by Mr Pickwicks. Phone 64-252 between 10 and 5 p.m. and our experienced buyer will call. HOUSE loads of furniture bought for cash. We can handle the largest house lot Kindly telephone us for an appointment with our experienced buyer. Smiths City Market Trade-in Centre, Ph. 798-100. HOUSE lots of good quality furniture wanted. Top prices, friendly service, gloucester Trading. Ph. 891907. JAZZ and Blues records wanted. Must be good cond. Ph. 67-410. LAWNMOWERS required. Rotary, reel and hand mowers. Please ph. Tony 794207. LOUNGE and dining suites under 5 years. Prompt service. Top prices for good Items. Gloucester Trading. Ph. 891-907. LOUNGE suite. Blue oatmeal or grey, ph. 528-458. LOUNGE suite, large old fashioned rolled arm couch and chairs. Phone 499-528. LOUNGE suite. Must have original covering, around 20 years old. Amber Trading Co. Phone 519-443. OUTDOOR furniture, anything considered, cash on inspection. Amber Trading Co. Phone 519-433. PRINTS, paintings etc., Tables and chairs, china cabinet Amber Trading Co. 107 Idris Road. Phone 519-433 RECORDS and cassettes, best prices paid. We stock the most, because we pay the most. Echo Records, 239 High Street, (open Saturdays). Phone 67-410. RECORDS and cassettes urgently required, top prices at Planet Records, upstairs, Shades. Ph. 50-442. RODD silver cutlery (laurette pattern). Ph. 66-059. SCRAP metal. Cash buyers of all scrap metal for prompt service. Hornby Metals, Ph. 494-078, 499-839. Open Sat. morning, 830 a.m.-12 noon. 14 Calgary Place. ~♦ ♦ ♦” .SHOP display counter, suitable foodstuffs. Ph. 554-868 or 556-720. STEREO equipment. We buy tor cash late model three in . ones rack systems, mini, components, port cass radios, etc. Ph. Peter at M. W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St ph. 60-904. STEREOS modem 3-ln-l units and all musical equipment buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. Ph. 64-296. TOOLS and equipment of any kind bought for cash. Good prices offered. Megson Tool and Equipment, 147 High St. Ph. 65-239, a.h. 857-500. . TYPEWRITERS, standard and portable wanted, any condition for cash. Berrymans, 77 Ferry Rd. Free parking. WEATHERBOARD secondhand Imperial, up to 300 m. Ph. 857-724. WHITEBAIT scoop net wanted. Phone 853-187. WOOLWORTHS cards No. 60, $2OOO cash. Phone 483-744. Personals A baby? A pregnancy worry? Abortion after blues? Pregnancy Councelllng Service. Available free. Ph. 68-650. ABORTION Action Alliance. For sympathetic, un-blased Information on abortion and the alternatives. Phone 796A gentleman can really relax at the Sunrise, a variety of attractive masseuses, excellent sauna and spa facilities. Come and Join our luxurious private club. Credit cards welcome. Open Mon. to Frl. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.; open Saturday and Sunday, noon till late, 184 High Street. Phone 797A lecture by Indian Meditation teacher. "The Essence of Eastern Philosophy.” Bookings ph. 68-138. A free community service run by the Raja Yoga Spiritual Education Trust. Lecture on Saturday, September 22, at 11 a.m. GAYLINE listens. Ph. 794-796.
Page 55 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 55
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