BLUMSKY, Cyril Patrick - On September 18, 1984 (peacefully), at Nelson, dearly loved husband of the late Nellie, much loved father of John, Paul, and Kay, much loved grandfather to Susan, Mark, Vicky, Catherine, Bernadette, Joanna, Patrick, Sara-Jane, Matthew, Joseph, Peter, and Sarah, and a loved father-in-law of BUI, Ellie, and Michele. RJ.P. No flowers, by requesL His Requiem Mass wIU be celebrated at St Francis' Catholic Church, Stoke, Tomorrow (Thursday), at 11 a.m. Eventide Funeral Services, Nelson. BROWN, Graoma William (Rocky) — On September 18, 1984, at his residence (suddenly), dearly loved husband of Marlene, loved father and father-in-law of Kim and Allan Williams, and Sonia and Tania, and dearly loved grandfather of Roseanne; in his 42nd year. The Funeral service will be held at the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, Christchurch, Tomorrow (Thursday),'at 12 noon. Academy Funeral Services BROWN, Greema William — Dearly beloved brother and brother-in-law of Norma, Robyn, and Richard, and loved uncle of Kerry, John, Mark, and Lisa Hanright, and Shaun and Dayne Wlpou. BROWN, Graeme William — On September 18, 1984 (suddenly), dearly loved son of Mollie and Ren Hanham. CLEMENS, Annie May — On September 17, 1984, at Christchurch, dearly beloved mother arid mother-in-law of Warren and Joyce, and loved grandmother of Renes and Norman Hawker, and Karen and Dennis Christmas, and great-grandmother of Sheryl and Darren; aged 83 years. (Peacefully.) Cut flowers only, please. Messages to 281 Hills Road, Christchurch 1. Her Funeral service will be held In Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Cashmere Chapel, 79 Ashgrove Terrace, Tomorrow (Thursday), at 1 p.m., thereafter Interment at the Bromley Cemetery. Academy Funeral Services.
CRISPIN, Charles William — On September 18, 1984, at Walrau Hospital, Blenheim (suddenly), beloved husband of the late Olive, loved father and father-in-law of Graham and Pauline (Wanganui), Alison and George Munro (Walrau Valley), and the late Linley and Harry Bowe, loved granddad of Helen, Ronald, Lyndon, Andrew and Christopher and Andrea, and a loved great-granddad; In his 89th year. In Ueu of flowers, a donation to the Royal N.Z. Foundation for the Blind, CZ- Mrs M. Deller, 237 Weld Street, Blenheim, would be appreciated. Messages to Mrs G. Munro, Erlna Downs, R.D. 1, Blenheim. His Funeral service will be held at the Church of the Nativity, Alfred Street, Blenheim, Tomorrow (Thursday), at 1.30 p.m., thereafter Interment at the Omaka Cemetery. Geoffrey T. Sowman, Ltd, Blenheim, F.D.A.N.Z. CURTAIN, Michaol James (formerly of Marshland Road) — On September 16, 1984, at Christchurch, dearly loved youngest son of Roy and Adah, of 26 Shortland Street, Christchurch, and loved brother of Kelvin (Taupo), Christine Mayers (Melbourne), Gael Rlghton and Garry; aged 20 years. (Result of an accldenL) Cut flowers only, please. The Funeral service will be held In the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, This Day (Wednesday), at 11.15 a.m. John Rhlnd, Ltd, F.D.A.N.Z. (Inc.) CURTAIN, Michaol — On September 16,1984. In memory of a good mate. Never forgotten. RJ.P. — lan, Joanne, Paul. CURTAIN, Michael James (Durry) — On September 16, 1984, sadly missed friend, of Craig, .will never be forgotten. DENNIS, Pamela Tumor — On September 17, 1984, at Eversfleld, Glenroy, dearly beloved wife of the late Ernest Dennis, beloved sister of Helen Wilson, Merl Grant, Rowena Woolley, and the late Ethel Webster, sister-in-law of Florrle Pickering, and of her dear companion, Ruby Bruce, beloved mother of Geraldine and Norman Mullions, Elaine and Robert Oakley, Clive and Esther Dennis, Roger and Shirley Dennis, Gordon and Rosemary Dennis, and Fiona and Carl Le Heux, beloved grandmother of Peter, John, Harold, and Elizabeth Oakley, Stephen and Jud! Dennis, and the late Winston Dennis, Fay and Doug Bennie, Yvonne and Martin Sutherland, Anthony Dennis, Julie and Chris Sorrell, Wendy and the late Linda Dennis, Christopher and Christine Dennis, Jeremy Dennis, Annabelle and Christopher Musson, Pamela and Truida Le Heux, Daniel and Alison Le Heux, Arleh and Margie Le Heux, and Benjamin Le Heux, a dearly loved greatgrandmother of Andrew Dennis, Louisa and Andrew Sutherland, Nathan and Julianne Sorrell, and Samuel Dennis, and loved aunt and great-aunt of all her nieces and nephews; aged 84 years. “My children, love must not be a matter of words or talk, It must be genuine and show Itself In action." I John, ill, 18. Messages to R. P. Dennis, Sleemans-Road, R.D. 2, Darfleld. Cut flowers only for a garden lover. The Funeral service will be held In St John’s Church, Hororata, This Day (Wednesday), at 2 p.m, and then to the Hororata Public Cemetery. John Rhlnd, Ltd, F.D.A.NX. (Inc.) EDWARDS, Norman Joseph — On September 17,. 1984, at Christchurch, dearly loved husband of Betty, dearly loved father and father-in-law of Peter and Lynn, and Marg and Tom Gardner, and treasured granddad of Phillipa, Robert, Garth, and Klrsty, and Matthew. In Ueu of flowers, donations to the National Heart Foundation may be made at the service. Messages to 102 Mathesons Road. The Funeral service win be held Today (Wednesday) at 3 p.m. at the Canterbury Crematorium, Linwood Avenue. J. Lamb, Trotter and Son, Ltd. FLEMING, Mamie Lee — On September 17, 1984, at Christchurch, beloved daughter of the late George and Mary Fleming. The Funeral service wIU be held in the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, Tomorrow (Thursday), at IXO p.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd, F.D.A.NX. (Inc.)