JUI!V*ITV WSn’ACLAHE ACmCjWV ARTSCTTRE ZFIIUVI II off HaffOßD ST 743-67? HOKHMD ST. 60-167 DAILY 1.30 pm and7.3optn (ffOTHURSI wxi . HI» Lovm md Luttt dtrangammt;.. bawdy, arotfc and L 1 1 v ‘F 'TV L u KYdbaMamfl h’l 111 Ji I 3 JI 311 8 Km ill I (vil (R2O) Content may otfand R2O) SKYWAY g7 MAU I NORIHSIDE NK3HTLY tpm tffl THURS NIGHTLY tan tffl THURS NIGHTLY ipm tN THURS IFaatura entira programma) .J!!!??} lt"a a Comedy, Thrita, , Whan the wodd at atudy INSATIABLE (R2O) Romance, unHca any other bdenged only to men, there ~ Preceded by — movie you've ever eaen. —■IIWTEI & twin cinema UAII VLt/TWI RAyy n.bkhion ul>fwElA/VK SUMNEB 26 6102 HVLlgirrWlJ KWAI NIGHTLY 7.30 ti» THURS 1 NIGHTLY Spm (Feature entire programme) I limited season only! She's from the valley. Hg’e not' 'W J Men at Work. Culture Club & (G> TSLSIUgSt” V (RIW Plus i.QSIN'I'f (RIB) J I I —— woodend $ i.|. 11. TRoupei-g) BBSI ■- • [Rs ’ n * C r * , ‘ ,<w - •■JU* of •‘O'iw ■s] M*u| UU likl a Twanja. September 21 to 28 A bizarre comedy W 8.30 p.m.
A bizarre comedy ' \ by Sam Shepard Sepi . 25. Oct. 23
Bookings, Ph. 66-992 Court Studio ' Rra I WE ENTERTAINMENT Af ITS VERY BEST
Car Parts, Access HILLMAN Super Minx, Just arrived for wrecking., excel motor. All other parts available Ph. 388-848 a.h. 496-779. HIRE equipment, tow bars, trailer hire, new car parts amd accessories. Butler Auto Spares, open 7 days, 261 Stanmore Road. Open 6 days at Bishopdale Mall, 407 Colombo St and 18A Main North Rd. HOLDEN EJ ex motor, tyres, etc. wrecking at Kalapol Car Wreckers, Ltd. Phone 6510 Kai. HOLDEN HK station wagon, 1968. Just arrived, to wreck, EXIB6 motor tyres undamaged at Kalapol Car Wreck- ■ ers, Ltd. Phone 6510 Kai. HOLDEN HQs, cars, utes, station waggons, a large range of parts and accessories at A One Spares, G.M. Car Dismantle™, ph. 795-719. HOLDEN HR S.W. wrecking, less motor and wheels. Ph. 849-101. HOLDEN HT Monaro at A One Spares, G.M. Car Dismantle™, ph. 795-719. HOLDEN Klngswood HQ 19721975 (5) undamaged, wrecking. Phone 799-070, Christenson Auto Spares. HOLDENS a huge selection all undamaged; 1963-76, Centrepoint Phone 65-291. HOLDEN Toranas 71, 74, a large range of parts and accessories at A One Spares, G.M. Car dismantle™, ph. 795-719. HOLDEN 161, 173, 202, engines and autos, free fitting service available at A One Spares, G.M. Car Dismantle™, ph. 795-719. HOLDEN 173 motor sell. Good cond. Ph. 526-748 evenings. HOLDEN 202 motor, good condition, hear run. $6OO. Exchange. Ph. 480-430. HOLDEN 202 motor, reconditioned, guaranteed and fitted, $1095 exchange. Phone 583-803. HOLDEN 308 motor and 3 stage auto, motor fully rebuilt 30,000 miles ago, have receipts, offers over $lOOO. Phone 730-285 Dunedin. HOLDEN 6 cyl and 8 cyl recond, Trlmatlcs, guaranteed second hand units also fitting available, phone 480-430. HOLDEN 79 HZ Klngswood RTS Suspension, buckets, auto frontal damage, Just arrived at A One Spares, G. M. Car Dismantle™, ph. 795-719. HUNTERS, undamaged, all parts, Centrepoint Ph. 65-291. HUNTER 1725 motor, reconditioned, guaranteed and fitted, $695 exchange. Phone 583-803. HUNTER 1970, Just arrived for wrecking, all parts available, ph. 388-848 or a.h. 496-779. JUBILEE Spares wrecking Holdens EH, HD, HK, Valiant APS, AP6, VC, Vauxhall Vivas, 101 FB, PB, Cortlnas, Triumph Herald, and 2000 Minis 850,1100 and 1000 BMC full range Hillmans and numbers. Ph. 849-752, a.h. 880-699. ~T~ MAG wheel repair specialists. Circle Track Engineer, ph. 488-671, MAXI 1750 complete with good motor and gearbox at Shearer Spares bus, 389-788. MAZDA exhausts In stock now at The Muffler Man, Ph. 794-294. MAZDA 808, 75, dismantling, all parts, excellent motor, phone 495-962. MINI, all parts including motor and gearbox at Shearer Spares, bus 389-788.
Car Parts, Access FALCONS XA, XY and XR dismantling, good 250 motors, Centrepoint Ph. 65291. FALCON XB s.w. wrecking, Ph. 799-070, Christenson Auto Spares. FALCON XD, crossflow motor, 80,000 km. Excellent condition, complete. 480-430. FALCON XY 71 wrecking, 250 motor (receipts for repairs), Hornby Auto, phone 499-544. FALCON 1981, cross flow motor and auto, complete (alloy head), good for conversion. $l5OO guaranteed. Phone 799-070. Christenson Auto Spares, 240 St Asaph St., Chch. FALCON 250 motor reconditioned, guaranteed and fitted. $1095 exchange, phone 583-803. FALCON 4.1 Xflow motor, 79, reconditioned, guaranteed and fitted, $1195 exchange. Phone 583-803. FIAT 1500 Crusader dismantling, good motor and box. Phone 498-554. FIAT 850 Sport, wrecking, Christenson Auto Spares, Ph. 799-070. FORD car dismantle™, 147 Maces Road, Ph. 842-319. Can we help you? GIVE us a call, we may have the part you need. Waltham Auto Dismantle™, 199 Wordsworth St. Ph. 68-205. Cash for cars. HOLDEN HQ, HJ frontal parts. 480-430. Direct from U.S.A. COMPLETE DRUM TO DRUM REAR ENDS For most popular model U.S.A. FORD ■ CHEV 8" and 9" Ford 10 and 12 Bolt Chav , Some Poll or Limited Slip available. SYDENHAM PARK CHEV SPARES 33 BATH ST PH. 795-873 CHRISTCHURCH. SECONDHAND TYRES CHRISTCHURCH THE only Second-Hand Tyre Spepclalist In town. S/H RADIALS S/H CONVENTIONALS S/H LIGHT TRUCKS OFF ROAD REGROOVES DIRT TYRES etc, FREE FITTING Ph. 381-847 or 382-091 or call at 366 Lincoln Road