Cars for Sale DATSUN 1808 Auto, 1979, 40,000 km, radio, heater etc, $8499. Gary Cockram Ltd, Japanese Car Corner, cnr. Tuam and Durham Sts, LMVD. DATSUN 180BGL automatic, 1976, superb in Hawthorne green with tan vinyl roof, cloth trim, stereo, etc, just 37,000 miles, 59,000 km, a must to see and drive, $5999 or terms. Warren Hammond Motors, 157 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 798-857 ah. 527-416, LMVD. DATSUN 1808, 1973, 84,500 miles, good order, goes well, $2750 oji.o. terms available, Ph. 61-374. DATSUN 1808 1975, auto, red, excellent condition, $5499, at Car Consultants Ltd, 51 Main North Rd. Ph. 529-017, a.h. 596-490, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 1977,89,000 km, 2 owners, red with brown cloth seats, radio, heater, etc. $5700. Cashel Car Sales, phone 68-425, ah. 555-415. DATSUN 1808 1973 1 owner, low miles, $4995. Rhodes Nissan, LMVD, 334 Riccarton Rd, phone 485-099 anytime, open Saturdays. DATSUN 1808, 1973,88,000, klri white, new tyres, top condition, the best available. $4599. Simon Odium Motors Ltd, 407 Ferry Rd, phone 894-467, ah. 486-625 MVDI. DATSUN 1808 1977, automatic, one owner, radio and heater, only 44,000 miles, lovely condition, $5299 or sl7s*’ dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, ph. 384-964. DATSUN 1808 1973, 1 owner, 63,000 miles, klri with blue trim, $4995. To arrive. Nissan Extended Warranty. Rhodes Nissan, 334 Riccarton Rd, ph. 485-099 any time, open Saturdays, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 1975, popular 4speed manual, klri white, with tan trim. Just 73,000 miles, value at $4699. Russell Taylor, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 60-666, Uh. 523-982, MVDL DATSUN 1808 1977, auto, finished in lovely B.R.G. immac. turnover, just arrived, be quick, only $5499 or $2OOO dep. John Sergei Cars, Ltd, 301 Lincoln Rd, ph. 381-654, ah. 881-333. DATSUN 2008 auto, 1979, a very attractive car, drives well, $7995. Wrightcars, 47 Moorhouse Ave, ph. Paul or Earl, 798-530 any-tlme, LMVD. DATSUN 2008 1980, nice yellow with body stripe, $8295, Rhodes Nissan, LMVD, 334 Riccarton Rd, phone 485-099 anytime, open Saturdays. DATSUN 2008 1980, radio, cloth trim, vinyl roof, H.R.W., priced to sell, $7999. Stuart Ware Ltd, 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567, LMVD, ah. 382954. DATSUN 2008, 1980, 1 owner, beige, brown Interior and matching vinyl roof, radio, heater, towbar, done 55,000 km. A nice clean car $8995. St Albans Motor Court, cnr Papanul-Office Rd, Merlvale, 555-711, ah. 324-504, 398-751, LMVD. DATSUN 2400, 1972, Jap. assent, auto, radio, excel, cond., mech. sound, luxury, economical 6 cyl. motoring for $4799. East End Service Station, Ltd, 258 Ferry Rd, ph. 63-370, LMVD. DATSUN 240 Z, 1971, motor recond., lovely car, fastest appreciating asset offered in town. $11,999 or $3OOO dep. Paul Pannell Motors, Ltd, 77 Moorhouse, LMVD. DATSUN 260 C ex Taxi, good condition, $2250. Phone 498554. ■ DATSUN 260 C in immaculate condition, only $4599, Don Mattlngley Motors, Ltd, 13 Nursery Rd (Just off Ferry Rd). Ph. 68-877, ah. 388-603, MVDL DATSUN 260 C 1974, stereo, heater, tow bar, sparkling red, very tidy cond. Only $3995. Averill Autos, 810-355 oh. 856-169, LMVD. DATSUN 260 C, 1977, auto, power steer, vinyl roof, clean, tidy example, $10,195, Nissan extended warranty. Rhodes Nissan, LMVD, 334 Riccarton Rd, Ph. 485-099 any time, open Saturdays. DATSUN 260 C, 1978, auto, p/s, electric windows, total luxury, only $9295. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-199, ah. 596-529, 582-069, 371-428, LMVD. ESCORT sport If yours is for sale ring Graeme Corlet Motors, 791-977 ah. 556-343.
The Canterbury Company CAR AUCTION - 10.30 AM 80 Mini 1275 GT 79 Avenger s/w 78 Sunbird 202 auto 79 Princess HL 77 Chevette 77 Mini Clubman 1100,1 77 Magnum 1300, 1 owner owner 75 Valiant utility 75 Corolla 73 Austin Maxi 74 Transit flat deck 70 Valiant utility 71 Falcon XY s/w, re- 69 Triumph Herald ceipts over $2OOO estate 68 Escort van AND MANY MORE TITLE GUARANTEED ON ALL VEHICLES AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, AT 10.30 A.M. BOOK NOW - PHONE 69-994 ABSENTEE BIDS ACCEPTED PRIOR TO AUCTION BRAND NEW VAN - WAGON FOR $2760 DEP. & $295 MONTHLY ustTp wceWf ONLY 910,850 price SUZUKI ST9OV 5 door, fully rust-protected & undersealed. Peppy 800 cc O/H Cam 4 stroke 4 cylinder engine. 600 kg load area on (1.87 x 1.23) fiat floor. Tail door window with heater, washer & wiper. Wool cloth insert upholstery. Up to 50mpg cruising. Folding rear seat available. Ideal commercial or recreational wagon. Economical and built to last. Manchester Fiat I 47 Manchester St phone 799-470