Farms for Sale f WEST MELTON. An appealing contemporary 4 bdrm family home on 5.7 ha. (approx. 15 acres) of excel, cropping land fully irrigated. Mature shelter, excel, outbuildings, good location. Inspection recommended. $190,000- For definite sale. Ph. Brian Cleland 797-830, at Ford and Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ, aJi. 427-971. WOODEND. New listing, modem 5 year old summerhill stone home, 1500 sq. ft. Lounge 15ft x 21ft with feature open fire. Spacious kitchen dining room, with Kent log fire, pantry and wastemaster. Three double bedrooms, luxuriously appointed throughout Garage 30ft x 23ft Greenhouse, loosebox and feedroom. Set on one acre of landscaped grounds, this delightful executive home is. excellent value at $115,000. Coates Turnbull Real Estate, Rga, MREINZ, sole agents, Ph. 8022 a.h. 7064, 6636, 6928. YALDHURST close in. 5K acres, dble fenced, good outbuildings, $55,000 0.n.0. Ph. 487-509. YALDHURST. ha farmlet in Christchurch’s most favoured area. 4 bedroom Summerbill stone home with large kitchen, dining, lounge and family room. Garage attached, swimming pool, workshop and store shed. This farmlet has a good cash Income and would suite family or semi retired. $220,000. Wrlghtson NMA Ltd, MREINZ, Ph. 796-521 a.h. Pat Gorman 427-842. AMBERLEY $290,000 58 acres. Good range of farm buildings, well fenced. Very pleasant large family home. Charming mature garden. Vendor finance available. $260,000 44 acres. 7 acres deer fenced, 814 acres partially deer fenced, deer yards, piggery, Near new 2100 sq ft open plan permanent material .home. $lBO,OOO 54 acres In 11 paddocks. 600 producing apricot trees. Would make ideal deer farm. Attractive 3 bdrm older style home. Possible vendor finance. MREINZ PHONE 794*784 ANY TIME A.H. Tony Little 478-885 IDEVLINI (REAL ESTATE MREINZ RANGIORA - $70,000 20 ACRES on main road with shelters and trees. Excellent corner site for building. Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, Ranglora. Phone 8829, a.h. 7949, 5445, or 607 Woodend. [DEVLIN [REAL estate mreinz RANGIORA - $220,000 NEW RELEASE 68 ACRES QUALITY land with magnificent big character home on quiet road with double garage and implement shed. This Is an excellent opportunity to purchase such a block close Contact the sole agents, Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, Ranglora, phone 8829, a.h. 5445, or 8066. IDEVLINI 1 REAL ESTATE MREINZI RANGIORA BARE BLOCKS 50 ACRES. Flaxton Rd, with excellent road frontage, 4 paddocks, well fenced, underground Irrigation main. Priced to sell at $120,000, with vendor finance available. 50 ACRES. $llO,OOO. Private position, close to Ranglora, with underground Irrigation main, new fences, excellent building site and priced well below the G.V. of $125,000. Vendor finance available. Contact the sole agents: DEVLIN REAL ESTATE, MREINZ, RANGIORA. PHONE 8829, A.H. 8066 OR 5445. IDEVLINI [real ESTATE MREINZI OXFORD — 5 acres, soletagnets, $90,000. Suitable horses, pigs, cropping heavy land, hay sheds, stables, etc. 3 bedroom home. SUMMERHILL - 50 acres, $llO,OOO. Medium land, 250 stock units. 4 bedroom bungalow. Extensive outbuildings. WEST EYRE — 158 acres, $175,000. Good land, sheep, crop, 240 ft well. Hundreds shelter trees. Implement shed, 2 hay barns. 3 bedroom 8-year-old, bungalow. Some vendor finance. HORRELVILLE - 452 acres, $llO,OOO. Sheep, crop, high yields, 3000 bale hay barn, yards, wood lot, county races, crops in negotiable. HORRELVILLE - 425 acres, $350,000.1900 stock units, good crop yields, yards. 3 bedroom Summerhill stone bungalow. WEST EYRETON - 930 acres, $550,000. Considerable vendor finance. 2500 stock units, wool shed, covered yards, 80 tonne silo, barns, implement shed, 2500 sq ft magnificent permanent materials homestead. OXFORD - 142 acres, $290,000. Wakanui type soil, high production unit, extensive areas of crop sown, solid home, outbuildings, possible finance. To Inspect these and other properties in Oxford-Cust area, contact Chas Baker, Cust 612, of Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, 8829 Ranglora. LOOK WHAT WE’VE FOUND! AMONG the orchards and farmlands of Ouruhla. a delightful 2 acre farmlet together with a recently extended and completely updated 4 bdrm homestead, ideal for family living with 2 bathrooms, sep. kitchen, sep. living areas. Plus sleepout, and priced to sell at $89,000. Very rarely does such a secluded property so close to city become avail. For an early appointment to view phone the sole agents, Gillman Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ, Ranglora 6811, Kalapoi 6741, a.h. Doug Washington Ranglora 8162.