BRJGKTON central, only SSS/50. First day offered, sole agents. Only a stones throw from the beach and close Mun immaculate 1 of 2 own entranceway. Private, peaceful. a world of your own. Just like new, this Summerhill stone, trie roof, aluminium joinery. 2 bdrm, hostess style kitchen dining, sep. spactous lounge with ranchsllder to sun terrace, carpets, drapes, frrmtßhtngx sue jnrt. the best. A larger than normal lockup garage completes the picture of this gem. So seldom available In this locality. Be quick. Pta Phil Adcock 63-105 any time. Beasley, Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ. BRIGHTOH (Close). $45/03 onto Private perm am ent material unit, one of two, with garages between. Spacious living areas. To view phone Susan Asbury of Pacific Real Estate, Ltd, 791000 ata 325-578, MREINZ. BRIGHTON North, retirement gem. Front unit of 2, this compact Summerhill stone sunny flat has just become available and features 1 dble bdrm, warm cosy living areas, sep. laundry and large garage. $35,003 Inspect with REF, MREINZ, 886-199 ata Graham Pluck ®4-OS7. BRIGHTON NORTH. Rawhiti Retirement Village. A one bdrm unit, has become available and Is offered at $33/03 Natural tone carpets and vinyls In as new cond. Spend those retirement years ta the pleasant company of others ta your own age group. Each unit Is built facing the sun and Is set among pleasantly shrubbed surroundings with lots of trees and seats. Buses, shops and medical centre are all cose by. AU enquiries are confldentiaL Ph. Jim Mawdsley, R. E. F, MREINZ, 888-931, ata 26-6924. BRIGHTON, sole agents, $45/00. 2 bdrm unit, facing the street, own entrance, tow maintenance, open plan living areas. Close to the beach, garage with internal access. Ph. Bill Cornelius, 794-784. Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ. BURNSIDE, spacious two bdrm brick flat, one of two ta very desirable position. $69/00. For more information ring Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ, 68-853, ata 558-545. BURNSIDE, $75/03 Attractive 2-bdrm ownership unit, front unit of two, Internal access from garage. Spacious sunny lounge. Phone Ron Turner, RELF. (Real Estate and Finance, Ltd), 795-525, ata 39-927, MREINZ. CASHEL ST and Stanmore Rd comer. $43/00. Immaculately presented near new 2bdrm unit Huge lounge, top quality chattels. One tone carpet, perm, materials with aluminium windows and Ranctallders. Big lock-up garage. Be quick. Incredible value. Phone Danny Kett BSB-6S, ata 857-484. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. ~~i♦“ CASHMERE. $135/00. Superb 2-bdrm town house situated on level section with easy drive-on access. Double garaging, In-ground pool and spa. All-day sun. Seldom offered. Ph. Ron Turner, HEE. (Real Estate and Finance, Ltd), 795-525, ata 39-927, MREINZ. CITY superb 2 bdrm town house within walking distance of Square. Lovely sunny lounge, with dining area. Excel kitchen, two toilets, internal access to garage. 2 well planned courtyards, tasteful decor and quality fittings throughout A must for inspection at $B9/0. Phone Margaret Kershaw at Collins Real Estate MREINZ. 796-596 ata 855-154. CITY $28,000. One bedroom unit upstairs ta sunny tow maintenance block. Very Udy and handy to bus. Syme Beaton, Ltd, 370-400 ata Wayne Beaton, 33-639, MREINZ. CITY $53/00. Immaculately presented perm, mat front unit almost new. 2 bdrms, sep. lounge, Internal access from Ige garage. Lovely grounds. Be early ph. Michael Glubb, 62-972, ata 556-821, Wing Real Estate, MREINZ. CLOSE Pages Rd, $47,000, handy New Brighton, brand new very spacious, Summerhill stone 2 dble bdrms, one of a pair, dble garages between. Phone 888-647 ah. 884-353 887-326, RJL Carragher MREINZ. DALUNGTON. Delightful 2 bdrm rear unit ta block of 2, garages between, own private rear lawn, aluminium windows, decra roof, only 10 yrs, new carpets throughout Excellent buying $49/00. 60073, ata 499-709, Tom Glass Real Estate, MREINZ. DELIGHTFUL ownership unit In Spreydon. One dbel bdrm with built in robes to patio, one of two with lock up garage. This perm, mat unit has bus stop at gate and Is good value at $39/00. McMillan Real Estate, MREINZ, 63-628 ata Paul Soper 555-987. FENDALTON /Bumside. $129/00. Absolutely a once ta a lifetime opportunuty to buy this brilliant 3 bdrm 2 bathroom luxury townhouse. Spacious and sunny; elegant lounge with bay window. Superb Joinery and brass fittings. One tone carpet throughout And now for the best news- the vendors are prepared to leave ta up to $3O/00 Interest free for 2 years. For further details of this amazing offer phone Joanna Bulleld 795-525 Real Estate and Finance Ltd. MREINZ. FENDALTON, luxury 3 bdrm townhouse featuring all the requirements for gracious living. Ail perm. mats. Large lounge and sep. dintag, bay windows. Kitchen with complete modem facilities, 3 bathrooms, study with library shelves. AU furnishings of highest quality and choice. Dble garage with automatic door. Situated ta area of prestigious homes and beautiful mature trees and shrubs. $175,000. Ph. Peter Boyd Rlccarton Real Estate, 437-029, ata 436-803, MREINZ. FENDALTON - reduced for quick sale, bargain of the week! Only $73,000. 2 bdrm, very spacious lounge, sep dining. Abundance of storage areas and Internal garage. DeUghtful garden setting. Be quick, don't miss, phone now, Mrs Spencer 799896 anytime, exclusive St Albans Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. . FENDALTON, $76/00, sole agents. Quite separate and private attractively presented 2 bdrm perm, mat town house ta a superb setting of quality homes, established trees and shrubs. Spacious lounge opens onto a weU fenced lawn,- the functional living area plan lends Itself to privacy or entertaining, bathroom with sep. shower and bath, lock up garage, low maintenance. A delight to inspect Phone 794-784 BIU Cornelius, Stephens Real Estate MREINZ. FERRY RD. Front unit 2 bdrms, opp. Catholic Church and School. Ph. 841-726. HILLSBOROUGH, $64/00. Lovely retirement home. Brand new 3 bdrm brick property. Sheltered and sunny. Details from W. Nells of Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ, 68-853, ata