Properties Wanted BEXLEY $45,000. Tidy 3 bedroom permanent material sunny home, sep. dining, large garage and sectton. Near Wataonl School. Ph. Dale of Whittle, Knight and Bcatwt»d,Bs4-2M, MREINZ. aSHOPDALE. ftasebrook, $35/00 to $93/00, perm mats preferred, but would consider weatherboard three bdrm smallish section desired. My clients bare sold and will Inspect annd give a prompt dedsiCHx We sold 61 properties last month. Do you want to sell years? Then phone Colin Norton 62-105 any time, Beasley, Packard and Chamberlain, Ltd, BISHOPDALE, $73/X». Young couple from Nelsen require 3 bdrm heme ta this area. Immediate Inspection. If your borne is for sale or you are thinking of sentag phone Lindsay Dove, Bishopdale Real Estate =93-137 or 381-315 ata MREINZ. BRIGHTON Central, $44,750. Large 3 dble bdrm home situated imins walk from Brighton shops. Featuring modernised service areas, new block garage and large lounge. This home is sited an a small, easily kept section and is priced for quick salt Ph. Michael Garty 888-931 ata 841-094 Real Estate and Finance, MREINZ. BRIGHTON, North Beach, Burwood. I urgently require 2 and 3 bdrm homes in these areas for two valued buyers. If you are considering selling please phone me now for a confidential appraisal of your home. Paula Stockwell, 838-193 or 795-525 ata Real Estate and Finance, MREINZ. BRYNDWR ownership flat, 2 bdrms, required for retired couple. Parking for 2 cars essentlaL All properties priced to $7O/00 welcomed. Please phone Barry Rowe 790-246, Neumann Real Estate MREINZ, ata K-626. BURNSIDE, Blshopdale, Bryndwr. 3 bdrm perm, mat home up to $6B/»0. Immediate cash buyer. Please ph. 529-095. Mcßreartys, MREINZ, 583-290, Syd Hassle. BURNSIDE, Ham. Genuine buyer for modern 3 bdrm ownership flat, prefers double garage or caravan park. Will pay up to $llO/00. If you can help please phone Peter Boyd, Rlccarton Real Estate, 487-4E9, ata 498-803, MREINZ. BURNSIDE, Urgently required by transferring bank officer, 3 bdrm, perm, mats home. Must have sep. dining and living areas. Dble garage essential Finance available to $lO5/00. Ph. Russen Hoddlnott, Dunbar Topp Ltd, Blshopdale, MREINZ, 594099, ata (27) 89ffl KaiapoL BURWOOD, Avondale, Windsor. Urgently required 2, 3 and 4 bdrm homes In the above areas up to $9O/00 for my selected clients, however I have seen what’s currently listed. K you can help please phone Michael Garty 88-931 ata 841-094. RtaF, MREINZ. BURWOOD, Redwood, Casebrook. I have a lady looking to buy in one of the above areas. Perm, mats, with double garage preferable. If you can assist please phone Bernadette McKenzie 498178, rea 227-035, Neumann Real Estate, MREINZ. BURWOOD, Shirley or north of city. Must have the following Close to bus stop, within walking distance to a Catholic church, would pref, modern home but as money is coming from an estate minor redecoratlon would be considered. My middle-aged client Is arriving next month from Dunedin. Solicitor has granted finance up to $65/00. Ph. Mcßreartys, MREINZ, 529-085, ata David Adams, CASEBROOK, Burnside, Redwood. First home buyer with P.O. finance to $83,000 is looking for a perm, mat 3 or 4 bdrm home with dble garage on an easy care section. Can you help? Please ph. Lynley Cunningham, 517-159 ata 523-961 ChCh R. E. Bryndwr, MREINZ. CASEBROOK, I have cash buyers for 2 and 3 bdrm properties in the Casebrook area. Although perm, mats pref, any sound property would be considered. Prices required $55/00 to $ll9/00. Ph. Russell Hoddlnott, Dunbar Topp Ltd, Blshopdale, MREINZ, 594-099, ata (27) 8907 Kalapol CASH buyer willing to spend up to $llO/00, we have sold their own home. Looking for the Cashmere, Hoon Hay or surrounding areas. Colonial or similar style. 3 bdrms, perm . mat are the only requirements. Please help, this is an urgent request. We need to buy now. Phone Brent Dahks, Merivale Real Estate. 559-097 anytime MREINZ. CASHMERE area. Can you assist a client with cash to $lOO/00, requiring a 3 bdrm, perm, mats modem home, under 15 years. Prefer double garage and small section. Ph. Carol McCann, Chch Real Estate Bryndwr, CASHMERE, Huntsbury etc. I have a client with finance arranged to $l3O/00 wishing to purchase a sunny family home In this area. Prompt and courteous decisions assured. Please phone Danny Kett 898-638 ata 857-484. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. CLIENT on transfer from Nelson seeking modem home In North West area, vicinity of Airport with finance up to $lOO/00. Please ph. Hector McPherson on 588-761 anytime. McPherson Real Estate, MREINZ. COUNTRY atmosphere with perm, mat sunny home on large section, are the main requirements of my clients, any area considered. Cash to $lOO/00 available. Ph. Colin Hannah, Rlccarton Real Estate, 437-029, ata 518-536, MREINZ. COUNTRY house or cottage within 25 miles of city, renovations no worries. Phone 325-254. DALUNGTON, Shirley or near. Genuine request on behalf of family whose property we have sold, requiring modem perm. mat. 3 bedroom home priced to $70,000. Considering selling? Please phone 62-769 Binns, Barber and Keenan, Ltd, MREINZ, ata Heather Collie 587-347. EDGEWARE shops and bus stop near. Non-driving widow urgently requires a front unit up to $55/00. If you can help please phone Janice England, Benson and England, Ltd, MREINZ, 67-329, 24 hours. PAPANUI. Buyer for home to $68,000. 3 bdrms, open plan living. Ph. St Albans Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 799896, Anne Harris (anytime).