Auctions TODAY 1 p.m. IN GALLERY WO ABOUT 70 simply superb hand knitted oriental rugs. BY AUCTION Mrs Marcia Dlsse will demonstrate on her loom the ancient art of the rug weaver. The sale will start about 130. R. G. BELL AND CO. 169 GLOUCESTER ST Catalogues 50 cents, proceeds Famine Relief City Car Park near. Properties for Sale PAPANUI NOTE THE FEATURES 1012sq.m (40 perch) section. 24x14 lounge, bay window. 4 bedrooms main ensuite. Separate forma! dining. Separate family room. Outdoor living with Inground pool Quiet location, lots of trees. $115,750 RAMSAY REAL, ESTATE BM— M—■ Phone 517-141 AJL 588-411 PAPANUI, $55,000. First time offered by sole agent, delightful 3-bdrm bungalow. Sunny lounge, sep. dining, tasteful decor throughout Dble garage. Close to all amenities. Suitable first home buyer. Please ph. Abina Maguire, Papanul Estate Agency, 529-455, a.h. 528-948, MREINZ. PAPANUI. Urgent, urgent sale. This attractive 3 bdrm w'board home is now for urgent sale. Comprising sunny lounge, sep. kitchen, dining, with two dble bdrms and one single. Plus outside two single sleepouts In ex. condition, two car garage. Reduced to $72,500 but realistic offers considered. Contact sole agents, Neumann, MREINZ, phone Peter Nash 790-246 or ah. 881-967. PARKLANDS ATTRACTIVE modern Summerhill stone bungalow, featuring 3 bdrms, large kitchen dining, spacious sunny lounge, all permanent materials, double garage. $59350. PHONE 529-426, a.h. Wendy Niven 529-616. PARKLANDS, $68,950. Mod. 3 bdrm Summerlll stone home in heart of this popular area. Featuring large living areas, designer kitchen, alum, joinery and dble garage, this home is priced for quick sale,
the very best In convenient mod. living. Ph. Michael Garvey 888-931, ah. 841-094, R.E.F. MREINZ. PARKLANDS. Excellent 3 bdrm Summerhill stone house, very sunny with underfloor heating in hall and lounge. Double garage, easy care section, $58,950. Ph. Trevor Flint 887-077 St Albans Real Estate, MREINZ ah. 64-956. PARKLANDS. Sole agents, Ist day on market Perm, mat 3 bedroom home in private setting with rural outlook. Section just laid out Excellent Ist home and priced at only $61,000. Neumann Real Estate, MREINZ, Ph. 559-335, am. 557-256, Bill Powell. PARKLANDS. Sole agents, Ist day on market perm. mat. 3 bedroom home in private setting with rural outlook. Section Just laid out Excellent Ist home and priced at only $61,000. Neumann Real Estate, MREINZ, Ph. 559-335, ah. 557-256, BUI Powell. PIGEON BAY. Excellent 76 hectare farming block In 3 titles. Farmed energetically by young owner who has dramatically Improved farming capabUity. Now with 20 separate paddocks, first class tracks, near new fencing. Facing north this desirable block has to suit all alternatives, price $149,500 and open to negotiation, contact Les Day of Peninsula Real Estate Services, MREINZ, DuvaucheUes 874. PINES BEACH, $32,000. Twostorey home of 4 bdrms, lounge with open fire, large kitchen dining room, coal range, dual heating, dble garage, private tree lined section with rural aspect Sole agents, Glllman Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ, Ph. 6741 Kalapol, am. 8656 Belfast or 7036 Belfast. PREBBLETON, $71300. First day offered. ExceUent 3 bedroom Summerhill stone home situated In prime position, handy to all services. Large sunny lounge and dining area. Landscaped section of 1262 sq m with rural outlook. For inspection call sole agents, Wrlghtson NMA, Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 796-521, am. Keith Chamberlain, 496-254. PRIVATE sale. $89300, two storey perm mats home, beautiful position, Avonside Drive, three bdrms, 2 up, one down, large lounge with ranchslider to sundeck, sep. living room, study, super large sunny kitchen dining, two tenets, modem bathroom, dual hot water, garage, carport, caravan shed. A superb sunny family home now too large for present owners, genuine Inquiries. Ph. 898-712. QUEENSPARK. Three bdrm, 1370 sq ft house now under construction. Choice of brick and colour scheme. All stippled ceUlngs and quality joinery. Lounge 18 x 12 with Ranch slider onto full patio. Fully fenced 24p section. $6B 000. Ph. Palmer Bunders, 830-054. rangiora DEVLIN REAL ESTATE MREINZ VERY attractive Summerhill stone home in North West Rangiora, only a short distance from shops etc, and featuring 3 bedrooms, lovely big sunny kitchen, dinette and lounge with street outlook, big section with attached double garage and sheds, gardeners dream at only $65,000. Contact the sole agents, Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, Rangiora, ph. 8829, am. 607 Woodend or 7949 Rangiora. RANGIORA first day offered by sole agent, 3 bdrm perm, material, dream kitchen and dining area, desirable locality on large 40 p section. Inspection a must $65,000 Ph. Pam Farr Drewerys Estate Agency MREINZ 799-646 am. Kalapol 6061.