Situations Vacant Situations Vacant NATIONAL INSURANCE LTD COMPUTER SERVICES DIVISION OFFER A CAREER OPPORTUNITY to a person with DL/I experience. Current equipment is an IBM 4341 group 2 using vollle, easytrieve plus, cobol, DMS and CICS. This position would initially Involve working on our redesign project, maintaining and developing data bases for our “real time” system. Remuneration is a comprehensive salary package with consideration being given to removal expenses. Appy to: The Manager, (Alan Thomas), Computer Services Division, Phone Collect (024) 772-426 (bus), (024) 63-812 (pte), P.O. Box 539, DUNEDIN kl I fcyry*! y 1 HISSAN MANUFACTURING, LTD PRODUCTION ENGINEER A PRODUCTION ENGINEER is required for our Diesel Truck Assembly Section at our Otahuhu Plant. DUTIES INCLUDE: Preparation of process and consumable product specifications, solution of process of problems, carry out studies relating to productivity improvement, liaison with Service Department and local suppliers, plant layout and specific projects investigation and costing. The applicant should have had experience with volume production planning and manufacture of jigs and tooling. Some exposure to work study would be an advantage. Preference will be given to a person having experience in vehicle or specifically diesel truck assembly. The applicant should have N.Z.C.E. or equivalent with a minimum of 5 years experience in a manufacturing Industry. An excellent salary will be offered to the most suitable applicant. Enquiries for specific details about this position may be made by telephoning (collect), to Mr Dave Small, Senior Engineer, telephone 276-2009 Auckland. Applications which will be treated in strictest confidence, giving personal particulars, background, experience, qualifications and copies of references, should be addressed to: The Personnel Manager, NISSAN MANUFACTURING, LTD, P.O. Box 541, Manurewa, AUCKLAND. | All BANK OFFSET PRINTER A VACANCY EXISTS in the modern printing section of our Wellington Head Office for a competent offset printer. The successful applicant will ideally hold Trade Certificate and must be able to work with a minimum of supervision. DUTIES INCLUDE: — Layout/Platemaking — Printing and Finishing Work — Distribution of Finished Work A competitive salary and generous benefit package commensurate with qualifications and experience is offered. Assistance with relocation expenses will be paid where appropriate. Applications including details of experience, and qualification should be addressed to: MR T. N. THOMSON ANZ BANKING GROUP (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED EDP/METHODS/SUPPLY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1492 WELLINGTON PART-TIME CLEANER FLOOR POLISHING, CLEANING of toilets and ablutions. Hours, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday to Friday. Apply in writing to: Secretary-Manager, RANNERDALE HOME, P.O. Box 6018, Upper Riccarton. PART-TIME SALES REPRESENTATIVE A PROGRESSIVE COMPANY servicing advertising agencies, graphic artists and the printing industry in the greater Christchurch area wishes to appoint a part-time sales representative. The successful applicant should be pleasant, presentable, with an outgoing personality and be able to communicate effectively with a wide range of clients. It is envisaged that the position would suit an outgoing person in their twenties or early thirties who enjoys meeting people and working in a stimulating environment. Initial job training will be provided and applicants will be expected to work a minimum of three days a week. An attractive salary will be negotiated with the successful applicant Applicants should telephone Christchurch 68033 for an interview appointment, or write to: Network Communications (Christchurch) Limited, 776 Colombo St P.O. Box 838, CHRISTCHURCH SALES TRAINING CHAMPION PERSONNEL, LTD are now training people using the famous TOM HOPKINS SALES TRAINING TECHNIQUES Company Managers, Proprietors, Sales Managers are invited to attend a free demonstration. All training will be in at times to suit your Phone 64-145 for details.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 43
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