. Stations Vacant CREDITORS CLERK AN excellent opportunity has risen for an Intelligent and capable young person to Join the Christchurch branch of a highly successful New Zealand wide group. Responsibilities will Include preparation , coding and recbncilllatlcn of creditors acounts for payment as well as other office duties. Applicants must be neat and accurate with figures. While previous experience will be an advantage a wide range of ap- . pUcants will be considered. Applications are required in writing and must be addressed to:Credltors Clerk, P.O. Box 22517 CHRISTCHURCH ALUMINIUM JOINERY FOREMAN WE have a vacancy for a factory foreman experienced In residential aluminium Joinery. The factory foreman will be responsible for supervision on the factory floor, issuelngwork and quality control o: manufactured Joinery. We are a large national supplier in a modem factory and manufacture a wide range of quality products. Apply in the first Instance by telephoning: ROLLS INDUSTRIES (N.Z.) LTD, Phone 842-117. CLERICAL WE are looking for an experienced clerk with E.D.P. background to undertake all facets of data entry work within our organisation. The work includes commission, creditors, debitors, payroll and stock control. We are presently operating both Canon and Sord micro computers, and as an expanding company are continually looking at developing our E.D.P. System to improve recording and reporting. Full training in all aspects of the work will be given to the successful applicant. Please write to:— The Manager, POULTRY PROCESSORS (N.Z.), LTD, P.O. Box 73, RANGIORA. , Or telephone 6109 for further Information concerning the position. COMPUTER PAYROLL CLERK AN excellent opportunity has arisen for an intelligent and capable young person to Join the Christchurch branch of a highly successful New Zealand wide group. Duties will Include preparation and input of computer pays and maintenance of related records. Previous payroll and key punching or typing experience will be an advantage although consideration will be given to a wide range of appllclants. Applications are required in writing and must be addressed to:— • “COMPUTER PAYROLL CLERK,” P.O. Box 22517, Christchurch. CUTTER WANTED experienced cutter in lay cutting ladles’ fashion garments. PRESSER EXPERIENCED in pressing ladles’ fashion garments for our Harewood factory. PHONE 582-023 AFTER 8.30 A.M. DATA ENTRY TWO Data Entry Operators are required for our new computer installations, one on a temporary basis. An IBM system 36 is to be used running modern on line software. The permanent operator would be required to give guidance to non specialist staff Involved In data entry. Experience and accuracy are more Important than outright speed. Please apply in writing enclosing details of experience and two references, indicating whether you are interested in permanent or temporary work, to: THE COMPANY SECRETARY DON AGENCIES, LTD, P.O. BOX 6023, CHRISTCHURCH. DRIVER REQUIRED full time, must have H.T. licence, for poultry collection. Mechanical knowledge would be an advantage as would someone from Ranglora area. Phone 6109 Ranglora between 8.30 a.m.4.30 p.m. EXPERIENCED FIBREGLASS LAMINATOR REQUIRED for general fibreglass factory. Overtime available. Apply:— GRAEME McCAW, LTD, 38 SHEFFIELD CRES., CHRISTCHURCH. PHONE 582-317. EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS EXPERIENCED plain sewer machinists required for making complete garments. Small company, central city. Telephone: Vai, 792-104 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Page 42 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 42
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