Tenders - CHRISTCHURCH TENDERS closing on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1984, are invited for the supply of the following: P.V.C. INSULATED SERVICE CABLE, Ref. No. 966 P.V.C. COVERED AERIAL CABLE, Ref. No. 967 Specifications may be obtained from the office of the Municipal Electricity Department, P.O. Box 13-047 Armagh, Christchurch. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. C. S. LAURIE, General Manager, MUNICIPAL ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL . CITY PERSONAL • TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL, Old fashioned courtesy, also telex, R-T, and telepaglng services. Use our City address and P.O. Box number. Call: INTELEX GROUP (Established 1974) PHONE 62-845 Branches Auckland, Wellington, Sydney. CLEANING TENDERS FOR RANGIORA LINE DEPOT CLEANING POST OFFICE LINE DEPOT RANGIORA TENDERS are Invited for the cleaning of the new Post Office Line Depot In Newnham Street, Ranglora. The work involves dally cleaning of the Depot (Mon-day-Friday). The building comprises a floor area of approximately 500 sq m and is divided into offices, cafeteria, store rooms ana toilet block. Specifications may be obtained from the Property Supervisor, Regional Engineer’s Office, 3rd floor, Carruca House, Cathedral Square, Christchurch, or from the Postmaster, Ranglora. Tenders, which must be in a sealed envelope endorsed "Tender for Cleaning Ranglora Line Depot," close with the Regional Engineer, P.O. Box 1473, Christchurch, on Tuesday, October 9, at 4 p.m. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CONTRACTS Nos 84/17, 84/18, 84/19, 84/20, . 84/21 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE RESEALING OF SELECTED FOOTPATH AREAS LOCATED WITHIN THE DISTRICT TENDERS are Invited for the asphaltic concrete resealing of selected footpath areas within the District. Tenderers may submit tenders for any, or all of the above contracts. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Specifications and conditions of contract will be available from the District Office, corner of Clyde and Jeffreys Roads from Tuesday, September 18, 1984. The closing day for all five contracts will be 9 a.m. on Friday, October 5, 1984. A. J. W LAMB, District Engineer. MINISTRY OF WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALEXANDRA STATE HIGHWAY PAVEMENT MARKING IN CENTRAL OTAGO Contract 1576 A TENDERS are Invited for the painting of Pavement Marking on various State Highways In the Central Otago area. The extent of work comprises reflectorlsed and non-reflec-torised painting or repalntlQg of pavement markings. Tenders close with The Secretary, Tenders Board, M.W.D., P.O. Box 451, Dunedin, on Tuesday, October 2,1984, at 4 p.m. Contract documents will be available at M.W.D. offices at Dunedin and Alexandra. Tenders should be endorsed Contract 1576 A.
Ring early to place yow SATURDAY ADVERTISEMENT — Avoid time-consuming delays — Avoid Last-minute panic — Avoid disappointment Because of the large volume of advertisements for Saturday editions, your assistance In ringing your Classified Advertisement through on WEDNESDAY or THURSDAY Would be appreciated PHONE 792-440 ANYTIME / O / (24 Hour /cj / Service)
Page 39 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 39
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