| Licensed Rest Homes SHORT or long term, in I superior comfortable surI roundings. Close to the city centre. Phone 64-438. VACANCIES exist for ladles only rest home. Excellent care and facilities, offered by Member Rest Homes Association. Ph. 388-803 for details. Cage Birds BABY magpies sell, ideal pets for talking and whistling. Ph. 484-803. COCKATIELS budgies, and finches. Wanted to buy Papanui Pets, 5 Main North Road. Ph. 528-693 open Sat. morn. WHISTLING canaries, birdcages, and bird accessories. Layby now for Christmas at Papanui Pet. 5 Main North Road. Ph. 528-693 open Sat morn. Board, Residence ARE you looking for good perm, board in the centre of town, then try the New City Hotel, 527 Colombo St BOARD in exchange tor housekeeping in Christian honie wanted. Reply “Press” 8092, c/o 1005, Chch. FULL board offered to respectable young gent, non smoker, Ilam. Ph. 582-589. FULL Private Board required for a quiet well educated young man from Oman. Ph. McKendry, Air New Zealand, 588-039, ext. 644. Photography ANTIQUE plate cameras wanted, private collector, Phone 68-176. BLACK and white developing and printing and enlarging done in our own lab. Also old black and white photos copied, enlarged and sepia toned. Lovedays, 621 Colombo St. BUDGET price colour film developing and printing, pay only for the number of prints you receive. Processing $1.75, prints 30 cents each (less than $9 for 24 prints). Lovedays,. 621 Colombo St, near Tuarh St. CANON FTB body $250 and Canon FD 100-200 F 5.6 1 touch zoom lens $2OO. All In Immac. cond. Ph. 519-640. TOKINA Lens at discount prices at .Mak's Camera Centre Ltd, 161 Manchester St, PHone 796-119. Computers 1.8. M. PC and XT Micros for hire. Micro, printer software (Dbase2, Lotus 123, Wordstar, Communications, Stats, etc.). Options available, for short or long term. Ph. Action Computers, 50-389. NEW TPCI tele-video portable computer and Riteman printer with word processing, spreadsheet, graphics and Invoicing packages at pre-devaluatlon prices. $5OOO. Ph. Blenheim Computer Bureau, Blenheim 82-001. SPECTRUM BBC, ZXBI, HP, plus a full range of software computer books and supplies. For all your computing needs, Whltcoulls Computer Stores, cnr Manchester and Hereford St, also at Peterborough St and Cashel Steal! us on 797-541, 795-700, or 794-580. TRSBO computer, 2 months old, $450. Ph. 63-445. VIC 20, as new, data set, software etc. $450. Ph. 428-643 after 4.30 p.m. Agencies Commission Representative Immediately EXCLUSIVE bedwear manufacturer in Auckland, established In the South Island, requires energetic representation of our quality products for South Island area. Generous commission on all sales Including mall and telephone orders. Reply: Valerie F. Blythe, VICTORIAN LINEN PRESS, LTD. P.O. Box 26061, AUCKLAND 3. Hire EXERCISE MACHINES EXERCYCLES, exagyms, Joggers, rowers, belt massagers, weights. LARGEST STOCKS. LOWEST PRICES. CUT CATERING COSTS. Glassware, china, cutlery, tables and chairs. Equipment for food preparation and serving. • MOODY’S HIRE SERVICE, LTD. 503 St Asaph St. Ph. 69-128. Inspection welcomed.
Page 38 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 38
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