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Government of i Papua New Guinea ' Department of Transport and Civil ’ Aviation Office of Civil Aviation ( Applications are invited for the following positions Examiner of Airmen (GENERAL AVIATION) Level 19 (2 positions) DUTIES' Inspect and report on Flying Operations within Papua New Guinea and ensure the maintenance of Departmental Operational and Safety standards; examine and, wtwe necassarv fliaht test applicants for Flight Crew Licences and Ratings and relevant endorsothe and renewal of Flight Crew Licences and Ratings: examine ooerations manuals prepared by operating organisations and recommend approval, amendment or rejection; assist in the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents. miALiFiCATIONS: Possession of a current Commercial Pilot Licence with an A Instructor Rating and Class 1 instrument Rating, and at least 5 years e^ r| enra as of modem multi-engined aircraft, with extensive experience under instrument Flight Hutes. Examiner off Airmen (HELICOPTER) Level 19 nimpq- insnect and report on helicopter operations within Papua New Guinea to ensure o" departmental operational and safety standards; . examine rartewhere necessary, flight test applicants for flight crew licences and ratings and re *® v ®"’.® n ?° r ?h n rnents- approve the issue and renewal of flight crew licences and ratings, asstsll in the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents; examine operations manuals prepared by operating organisations and recommend approval, amendment or rejection. QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of a current Commercial Pilot Licence with an 'A Instructor Rating and Class 1 Instrument Rating and at least 5 years experience as modern multi-enqined and rotary wing aircraft, with extensive expenence under Instrument Investigator (AIR SAFETY) Level 19 DUTIES' Undertake or participate in the investigation of accidents and incidents occurring within PNG either individually or as a leader of a team of specialist officers; receive a d examine the notification advices of accidents and incidents, take or initiate appropriate advisory action and initiate investigatory procedures; bring to notice any deficiencies in the operation and maintenance of aircraft and aircraft equipment or in the provision and maintenance of facilities and services revealed during investigations, prepare air safety mate™ for puScatiori and lecture in aviation safety matters, undertake training courses for the maintenance of adequate operational and technical qualifications. QUALIFICATIONS: Possess or have been in possession of at leasta Senior Commercial Airworthiness Surveyor (ENGINEERING) Level 17 (3 positions) DUTIES: Conduct detailed investigations of defects and technical as P. e cts of eurcraft incidents , and accidents relating to airworthiness of aircraft and their associated systems, approve I tnqine^ingi content of maintenance manuals and systems and make concerning 9 changes to maintenance requirements; investigate aircraft nnnt<s for reliability and condition and determine suitable overhaul and Inspection periods, i tevestiqate and makt re<Smmendations on the issue and renewal of certificates c> airworthy I ness subject to such conditions as considered necessa jyManualsfliahts of aircraft where appropriate; prepare and amend data for tiiant manuals, I renuire modification or maintenance to be performed on an aircraft or for aircraft to undergo Ifts rand examTnabons at a condition of the Certificate of Airworthiness remaining in force; ' negottete tat compliance of mandatory requirements with aircraft operators, investigate i applications for concessions against Civil Aviation Orders. 1 niiALiFtCATIONS* Possession, or previous possession of an Aircraft Maintenance EngiI Lteence and at teat* 8 years experience in the aircraft industry after obtaining tha i licence Extensive experience in the maintenance and supervision of the a ! r w° rth| n®s® aircraft or aircraft engines and associated systems and equipment. A good knowledge of / relevant Civil Aviation 9 Regulations and Orders. Ability to conduct investigations and prepa technical reports. ' S LEVEL SALARY “GRATUITY APP^$ UST 2 ’ \ io K9O K 4 925 $33,079 $55,573 ) ' !<?8;670 W $30,096 $50,561 1 Conditions posjtjons wi u be training of Papua New Guineans I • 'Gratuity of 24% of salary taxed at 2% k • Three (3) year contract . \ • Fares paid to and from Papua New Guinea 7 • Settling in Allowance ’ o Leave tares to home country once during contract I. • Almost rent free accommodation | • Generous educational subsidies for children Applications A For application forms, please contact: The Recruitment Representative, L Public Services Commission, ) Papua New Guinea Consulate, { G.P.O. Box 4201, Sydney, N.S.W. 2001 I) Tel. No. (02) 29 5151 ( APPLICATIONS CLOSE: 19110/84 ,„ OIOJI , An ft IN REPLY please Quote Advertisement No. 128/84/40
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Press, 19 September 1984, Page 33
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1,028Page 33 Advertisements Column 2 Press, 19 September 1984, Page 33
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Copyright in all Footrot Flats cartoons is owned by Diogenes Designs Ltd. The National Library has been granted permission to digitise these cartoons and make them available online as part of this digitised version of the Press. You can search, browse, and print Footrot Flats cartoons for research and personal study only. Permission must be obtained from Diogenes Designs Ltd for any other use.
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Page 33 Advertisements Column 2 Press, 19 September 1984, Page 33
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Press. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Copyright in all Footrot Flats cartoons is owned by Diogenes Designs Ltd. The National Library has been granted permission to digitise these cartoons and make them available online as part of this digitised version of the Press. You can search, browse, and print Footrot Flats cartoons for research and personal study only. Permission must be obtained from Diogenes Designs Ltd for any other use.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.