CORPORATE FINANCE EXECUTIVE BComm, ACA Negotiable Salary plus Car, etc. A private company with large financial resources has asked us to assist with the appointment of a suitably qualified executive to assume responsibility for carrying out the financial accounting requirements of the company and the development of financial strategy and its implementation to achieve an increased return on assets employed in the business. Currently the resources of the company are deployed in corporate investments and property development as well as maintaining an appropriate level of liquid funds in the short term money market. In advising the Managing Director the successful applicant will join a small but dedicated team and be given the autonomy to carry out the objectives of the position. Requirement will include sound accounting skills, the ability to investigate and evaluate the feasibility of opportunities as they are identified and the experience to implement approved plans. Familiarity with the use of EDP spread sheets or similar to aid corporate planning and decision-making would be extremely useful. Details of the approach to remuneration are flexible and extremely negotiable and will be discussed at interview. Confidential applications should be addressed to Ewen McDougall at P.O. Box 391, Christchurch. Preliminary enquiries may be made by telephone. McDougall Rodgers Associates M zH C Management Consultants inn Auckland Christchurch \ Ph. 594-051 Ph. 798-909 \ U
Now in New Zealand. ' —-; — MBH' Meet the revolutionary Apple Macintosh Come on in and meet Apple See for yourself why over 70,000 Macintosh, the revolutionary personal were sold in America in the first 60 business computer that has taken days after it was launched. America by storm. Be quick though our stocks of There’s no complicated commands. Apple Macintosh are not limitless No languages to learn. No complex either, manuals to decipher. In fact the Apple / Macintosh is so simple to operate if you MtlDDllZ COHTBDUtQf know how to point you already know ■ I how to use it. SIMFLYGOODBUSINESS ZMMOZXS CENTRES THE FUTURE IS HERE 72 Oxford Terrace. Phone 796-080
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BUSINESSES AT THE TOP USE NEWSPAPERS. HEWSMKR MWIMBM WORKS! For advertising inquiries, phone r | TT IT 1 T)"D TP CJ G 790-940 now! Ask to speak to | | | JL XVJLL/kJkJ Brian Hastings — Advertising —— — — Manager, or Barry White — The largest-selling newspaper m Retail Sales Manager. Canterbury and the South Island. I.| t . i
Page 30 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 19 September 1984, Page 30
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