Auctions ADDINGTON SALE TODAY (TUESDAY) On Account SELWYN TERRACE FARM. Greendale: 1 Rising Two Years Friesian Helfer due now to Friesian Bull LEEBARTON FARM, Kimberley: 5 Slmmental Bull Calves , WRIGHTSON NMA LTD H Auctioneers g CHRISTCHURCH Properties for Sale ■ INVESTORS. St Albans. Five i magnlflclent 2 bdrm o/shlp flats, bathed in sun with lockup garages and private courtyards, close to St Albans Street Capable of f $23,500 p.a. A wonderful op- , portunity at $225,000. Sole ? agent Jim or Sheryn Glass, i, 62-623, 794-135, a.h. 554-258 s Jim Glass Real Estate Ltd., MREINZ. s KAIAPOI, 6000 sq ft of t glasshouses. Spacious mod- ) ern 3 bdrm brick home centrally situated with estabt llshed gate sales, cllental 5 and markets approx 50 per cent each. Easily run busli ness yielding $15,000 and more. All up price $llO,OOO includes g.w., stock, plant i and heating equipment Cathcart Real Estate, - MREINZ, Rga 7079 a.h. > Smythe Woodend 813. - LEITHFIELD, new release, sole r agents, modem 2 bdrm permanent material home with r 2 roomed sleepout, workshop, and carport. This home Is very sunny and Is set ! amongst established trees 1 and shrubs. Must be good , value at $45,000. Gillman Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, f Rga 6811 or Kalapol 6552 a.h. Amberley 48-474. ;♦♦ ♦ ♦ ' LINCOLN township, $96,000. Look what we found, first time ever advertised. 11 year old, Summerhill stone con- » temporary design with alum. ) Joinery, large (sun all day) r living area, 3 bdrms and over 1 600 sq ft garage. All this plus 1040 sq m section, only 2 > minutes from bus and shops. I Ph. 484-149, or 481-095. Whittle, Knight and Boatwood, MREINZ, a.h. Barney . Williamson 587-247. - LINWOOD, close Ferry Road. Spacious 3 bdrm early home, f still In need of final stages of restoration. $32,500, A very '• comfortable home In deed for someone prepared to do a I little work, further details Town and Country Real Estate, Sole agents. Phone ■ 69-234, ajl. 265-195, MREINZ. ■ LINWOOD Equivalent 5 bed- : rooms and over M acre (1098 sq m) sound and sunny older type dwelling in tidy condition, large lounge, kitchenliving room, etc, Just east of Linwood Ave, $38,950. Please 1 phone 60-212, W.C. Mehalskl, ! MREINZ. ’ LINWOOD north. $9OOO deposit can see you Into this 3 bdrm ’ w’board home. Totally characteristic and awaiting ’ someone with imagination. Ph. 794-061 a.h. 558-227. ■ LINWOOD North. Dacre St I Estate realisation of attractive perm, mat home featur- ; Ing natural timber panellC Ing, large lounge, sep. i livingroom and 2 bdrms and sunroom. $39,750. Sole , agents, Matthew Robinson Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 60-211 a.h. 1 481-285. 1 LINWOOD Off Ferry Road. i Modern 3 bdrm family home on large rear section, spacious living area, sep. dining, 1 top quality carpets throughout, attractive decor, $43,500. e Ph. 63-628 a-h. 582-371, r McMillan Real Estate, i, MREINZ. 1 LINWOOD, $38,950. Excellent perm. mat. home. Spotless r Inside and out Handy to all i amenities. Huge block garage. Tremendous value at 1 this price. Imm. possession. 1 Further details contact ’ Pacific Real Estate, Ltd, 1 MREINZ, 791-000, a.h. Bem- ! ard Lagrosse, 325-578. i !♦♦ ♦ ♦ LINWOOD, $41,950. First day offered by sole agents. Immaculate 2 bdrm home on , quiet street, yet handy to I shops, buses, etc. Sunny spacious lounge with o/flre- • place, large llvlng/dlnlng room, very private rear yard. Sult Housing Corp. Ph. Ron Turner, R.E.F. (Real Estate ' and Finance, Ltd), 795-525. i a.h. 39-927. MREINZ. ’ LINWOOD. Only 23 years old i brick and tile home in Immaculate condition Inside : and out. Situated In quiet cul-de-sac. At only $50,000. I Well worth your Inspection. , Ph. Dianne Atkins 66-917. , Mercer Rea! Estate, I MREINZ. , LINWOOD. Only $37,950. Excellent opportunity for someone here. Large 4 bdrm house at present In 2 flats. Can easily be converted back to large home. Very tidy condition. 2 washing machines, fridge, dryer and furniture thrown In with price. A great start for a young couple. Ph. now Dianne Atkins 66-917. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. LOOK, only $43,950. Lovely sunny 3 bdrm Summerhill stone home, big lounge, wetback space heater In kitchen dining. Carport-garage and sleepout. Owner purchased business and must sell. Best street. Walnonl. Sole agency, Bob Kllloh, 799-596 a.h. 427141, Rathle James and Co. MREINZ. LOWER CASHMERE $85,000 LANSDOWNE TCE. Immaculate 3 bdrm (doubles), modem perm. mat. home In quality street. Spacious living with feature fireplace, exposed beams, nothing to spend, [ private, double block garage and perfectly laid out section. Be quick, Ph. Peter Le Llevre : any time 50-571, Packard Real I Estate, Ltd, MREINZ. j MAIREHAU, (Kellys Road). Roughcast over block home with tile roof, real rural out1 look here. Spacious 21 xl2 lounge with French doors to j separate dining room, large , kitchen, 2 good bdrms, atJ tractive tiled patio, single garage, 24 perch section. 1 Some paint and paper required but value at 3 ’ Ph. Peter Ellis 798-212, a.h. 886-738, Dalgety Crown, Ltd, - MREINZ. MERIVALE, St. Albans, $67,000. 1 Holly Road, character villa home. In excel, cond. completely renovated t-out. 2 dble bdrms, 2 large living rooms, could be 3 bdrms, new cooker and Kent log fire, spacious and spotlessly clean, family home for 50 years too large for present owner. Lovely sunny 759 sq. metre R 3 section. Sole agent, Town and Country Real 4 Estate, MREINZ. ph. 69-2 SI, a.h. 39-839.