Farms for Sale OHOKA OPPURTUNITY knocks but once. 30 acres together with an almost completed ranch style perm, mat 3 bdrm home. Large living areas, sep. lounge with ranch sliders to terrace, dble garage/workshop, sited for all day sun and views over farmland to mountain ranges beyond. The property Is for sale for ge.iuine reasons and is excellent buying at $115,000. For further details and an early appointment to Inspect ph. sole agent, Gillman Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ, Rangiora 6811, a.h. Doug. Washington, Rangiora 8162. OXFORD, 70 acre sheep and fattening land, all subdivided with permanent and electric fences. Sound weatherboard 4 bedroom home plus 2 haybarns and implement shed/workshop In good condition. This property Is In a good rainfall area and would suit many enterprises. $170,000. BENNETTS, 161 acres good medium to heavy soils, all with good fencing and shelter. Haybarn, Implement shed and yards. This property must appeal to those wishing additional land or as a first farm venture. $155,000. Glllman Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, phone Rangiora 6811 or Kalapol 6552 a.h. Russell Cottam Cust 838. WOODEND $130,000 0.N.0. 5 ACRE FARMLET ANOTHER exceptional property In this sought after area comprising of lovely 2 bdrm stucco home with log fire, dining room, modern kitchen, plus garage, glasshouse, fowl house, sheds and sleepout. This attractive property would be suitable for an extensive range of enterprises and is priced to sell at $136,000 0.n.0. Contact the sole agents, Devlin Real Estate, MREINZ, Rangiora, Phone 8829, a.h. 5445, 7949 or 607 Woodend. Tenders DEMOLITION and excavation, residential and commercial, Carlyle Contractors, ph. 790769 or 794-207 a.h. 896-139. GOVERNMENT I—| STORES BOARD SALE OF SURPLUS TENTAGE UNUSED AND USED Tender No. 997 Closing 2 p.m. Monday, February 20, 1984 TENDERS are Invited for tents, Universal GS, qty 2, held by The Ministry of Defence, Ngaruawahla, and miscellaneous covers, canvas, tent valises and mallets, etc., held by Walouru and Trentham. Detailed description of items and conditions of sale obtainable from The Board, Wellington, telephone 723-617, extn 513, OR District Stores Officer, Ministry of Works and Development, Christchurch, telephone 530-099. Requests to the board for tender schedules or added Information should NOT show the Tender No. on the envelope. Tenders are to be submitted In a sealed envelope marked “Tender No. 997” and addressed to the Secretary, Government Stores Board, P.O. Box 5067, Wellington.
Metal Fabrication Top Value for Money Welding: Steel Aluminium Copper (MiG) All Io Radiographic Standard. Cutting, pressing, punching, folding etc. Batchproduction or one-offs. Highest standard of workmanship. Accuracy guaranteed. Reliable deliveries to all districts. Total subcontract service includes in-house non ferrous foundry, machine shop, assembly & test area plus design-and-build. Canterbury Engineering Co. ltd 38 Hands Road, Christchurch Phone John Hamilton (03)388-195 collect or write P.O. Box 9045, Christchurch.
Page 35 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 9 February 1984, Page 35
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