Cars for Sale TOYOTA Corona XR 1.6. 1980. dark red. 19.000 km. 1 owner. 12 month warranty. Just arrived. 58700. Amuri Mazda. Durham St. Phone 798-180. a.h. 31-571, 382-047, LMVD. TOYOTA Corona XT llftback. 1981, one owner, immaculate condition. 29,000 km. $12,995. Ph. Paul or Earl at Wrlghtcars, 897-530 any time. 47 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. TOYOTA Corona XT estate 1800 1981 (facelift), 63.000 miles, 1 owner, red, velour trim, 3 months warranty. $9495 dep. $2400. Small Car World. 31 Moorhouse Ave. ph. 790-004 a.h. 381-314. 370-257, LMVD. TOYOTA Corona 4 door Llftback 1980, two owners. 5 speed. 1800 cc. red, low km. 12 months warranty, mint For more Information contact Murray Stewart at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Ave. ph. 790-024 LMVD. a.h. 883-626. TOYOTA Corona 1800, 4 speed manual, 1975, blue only--80, OOOkms. great value. $4499 or $1125 dep. Inspect today. Ace Sales, ltd. 134 Ferry Rd. 793-162. MVDI. TOYOTA Cresslda GL 1981 (Dec.), 19,000 km, one private owner. 5-speed manual transmission, $17,499. Merv Moore Motors, Ltd. cnr Sandyford and Colombo Sts. Sydenham, ph. 65-888. LMVD. TOYOTA Cresslda, 1981, loaded with power steering, stereo/cassette. manual, only 19,254 miles, one owner. Now $15,899 with a 12 months warranty. I have more exclusive details now. Contact Mike Mrkonlc at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 790024. LMVD, a.h. 34-601. TOYOTA Starlet, DL. 4 door, 1982, radio etc. 32.000 miles, sapphire inetalic, 3 months warranty, $8295, Dep. $2lOO. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, PHone 790-004, a.h. 35-041, 370-257, LMVD. TRIUMPH Spitfire 4, 1972, excellent condition, urgent sale, going overseas. Best offer. Fl/42 Antigua St. TRIUMPH 2500 PI, 1975, stag grill model, auto, p/steer. only 77,000 km, (43,000 miles). Leather interior, adjustable steering and fuel injection make the PI model an interesting variant. Avenue Autos, 227 Durham St, ph. 68-112. TRIUMPH 2500 TC auto, 1973, very nice condition, a popular model $3999 or low deposit, Merv Moore Motors. Ltd, cnr. Colombo and Sandyford Sts, ph. 65-888 a.h. 324-548, 480-260, LMVD. UNDERSEALING for your car, thick textured sound seal, see our showroom display at 160 Tuam St next Tingeys or see us in yellow pages under Rustproofing page 500. VALIANT APS, good condition, new w.0.f., $750 0.n.0. Ph. 894-706. VALIANT Safari waggon VF, sparkling white, great family car. Only $875 dep. L. A. Autos, 376 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 382-083, a.h. 895-147, or 389896. VAUXHALL Chevette Hatchback 1977, low' kms, metallic bronze, 2 'owners, a good looker, $5695, low deposit $1425. Gordon McMillan Motors, Tuam and Madras St 797-339 VAUXHALL, PA, 1960, nice car, goes well, new warrant, $699, $350 deposit. Christchurch Car Sales, 279 Colombo St. Sydenham, ph. 35-427, LMVD. VAUXHALL Viva 1.8 Automatic, 1975, red, 62,000 km, 2 owners, transmission Just overhauled, $4200. Amurl Mazda, Durham St, Phone 798-180, a.h. 31-571, 382-047, LMVD. VICTOR, 1963, all original, goes well, new warrant, $995. $5OO deposit. Christchurch Car Sales, 279 Colombo St, Sydenham, ph. 35-427, LMVD. VIVA HC 1971, 4 door, mechanically sound original condition, $2499 or $lOOO dep., Regal, 193 Ferry Rd. Ph. 792861, a.h. 585-667, 67-251, LMVD. VIVA 1300 DL 4 dcor 1974, 49,000 original miles, glacier white, lovely order. $2999, $lOOO dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd. Phone 382-494, a.h. 881-081, LMVD. VOLVO 264 GL 1977, only 70,000 km, by 1 fastidious owner, options Include leather trim, air conditioning, and sunroof, see us today. Southern Subaru, 100 Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 799-711 a.h. 894-627 or 298-725 LMVD. VW Golf 1976, 1 owner, original condition, throughout, $4999 or $2OOO dep. Regal, 193 Ferry Rd. Ph. 792-861 a.h. 585667, 67-251, LMVD. VW Kombl, 1966 model, 1600 cc motor, 12v electrics, in excel, order. $2990. Ph. Storer Motors 583-371 or 888-808. VW owners. Want good value and expert service on your VW? Consult us, we’re the experts. Ph. 50-703 or call 59 Ferry Rd, VW Sales and Service. VW Passat LS (coupe), 1973, sparkling orange, 2 ow'ners, low miles, as brand new throughout, $7995. Mini Car Corner, Cnr Ferry Rd and Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 60-026, a.h. 35-129, MVDI. ZEPHYR, Mark 111, 1964, nice original condition, new warrant, $995. Deposit $5OO. Christchurch Car Sales, 279 Colombo St, Sydenham, ph. 35-247 LMVD. Cars Wanted "ABOUT to sell.” Call into Mini Car Corner, Cnr Ferry Rd and Fitzgerald Ave. For best prices today phone 60026 a.h. 35-129 or 558-689. ALAN FORD wants cars and wagons urgently. All makes and models. 4,6, and 8 cylinder. Phone 60-350 or call 438 Tuam St, cnr Philips St, Linwood, LMVD. ALL makes and models of cars, utes and vans required urgently. Top prices paid for top vehicles. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd, (Carlton.) Phone 556-557, a.h. 596-045 or 327-934. ALWAYS buying cars, tidy cars 4 and 6 cylinder. Top money paid. Russell Taylor Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Fitzgerald Ave corner, ph. 60-666. CAPRI 1600-2000, 73-77, must be tidy, selling yours? Phone 64-303, LMVD. CARS urgently wanted now, at least 12 required, call in or phone Paul Chaney Motors. 541 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 65889, a.h. 428-764, 882-162. LMVD. $ $ $ ❖ CARS wanted if your tidy car is forsale contact us now. We will always pay more. TerInus ph. 65-586, a.b. 35-453. CASH buyer, for good tidy cars. Mainland Motors, Cnr Cranford St and Main North Rd. Ph. 529-967. CASH for cars, 1970-1975, some repairs considered. Ph. 324-094, pvte, LMVD. CASH for Holdens, Chevrolets and Vauxhalls, wrecking or repair. Ph. 795-719, a.h. 389-900 COMMODORES, 4 and 6 cyl. models required at 27 Moorhouse Ave. Smithburn Motors, Ph. 64-057. COMMODORES 4,6, 8-cylln-der cars, s/wagons, manual or auto, your one stop dealer for buying, selling, trading or up-grading. The Commodore specialists are Bert Govan Motors, Ltd, at “Commodore Corner” cnr. of St Asaph and Durham Sts, ph. 795-307 a.h. 31-862, 882-585, LMVD. COMMODORE to 1982 urgently wanted. Small Car Wordl, 31 Moorhouse Ave. Ph 700-004 CORTINAS Mk 3, 4. and 5. Ph. Woodend 703. LMVD.