Sporting Fixtures P.R.L.F.C. GOLF TOURNAMENT February 11. 1984 HAREWOOD GOLF CLUB NO 1 TEE 7 a.m.: E. Pearce. R. Gordon. G. Hannahan. K. M. Pearce. 7.06: R. Hurst. R. Treloor, W. Cannell, M. Blazey. 7.12; B. Hawkins. R. Kelly, L. Ross. R. Douglas. 7.18: A. Green, D. Hanham, S. Bartlet, K. Green. 7.24: R. Pearce. R. Kingston. A. Kennett. E. Crawford. 7.30: R. Marson, E. Clarldge, R. M. Dunn, T. Gill. 7.36: S. Thin. D. Kingston. J. C. Hawthorne, G. Turner. 7.42: N. Geddls. G. Norman, K. Blackler, R. Kerrlngan. 7.48: B. Brown. R. Brown, G. Hayde, M. Langley. 7.54: J. Robinson, B. Kupe, C. Tupul. P. Robinson. 8.00: B. Craig, B. Allan. K. C. Pearce, B. Gardiner. 8.06: Harewood 4. 8.12: M. J. Brereton, B. Kennedy A. Brereton. K. Norton. 8.18: Kalapoi 4. NO 10 TEE 7 a.m.: D. Hurst, B. Blazey, B. Guy, R. Feutz. 7.06: M. Hurst, J. Hurst, A. McKay. T. Ruhuwla. 7.12: J. Dowling, P. Fitzgerald, M. Donaldson, M. Dowling. 7.18: M. Vincent, D. Frazer, R. Syrnans, B. Everest. 7.24: O. Jones, W. Park, F. Millward, B. Hillier. 7.30: C. Kirkwood, J. Hines, P. Gleason, R. Hesford. 7.36: R. Lee. K. Dickman. M. Tipene. D. Heta. 7.42: J. Stokes. B. Cassidy. M. Williams. D. Thompson. 7.48: B. Hines, K. Kelly, B. Mayell, M. Hlggenson. 7.52: T. Allan, K. Peters, D. Nealne, V. Bond. 8.00: P. MacQuire. M. Maclntie, D. Holmes. H. Lyall. 8.06: M. Godlnett, R. Dalzell, G. Dunstan, D. Mustchin. 8.12: R. Hogg, G. Norris, D. Harrison. Report to starter 10 min. before tee off time. ST MATTHEWS PARISH GOLF TOURNAMENT FEBRUARY 10, 1984 Draw.—3.oo: B. White, B. Rennell, B. Bradley, J. Jones. 3.06: B. Hempseed, W. Hempseed, G. Watts, D. Penrose. 3.12: B. O’Brien, J. Mere-dlth-Kaye, C. Hampton, R. Hampton. 3.18: W. Gilbert, K. Lee, P. Bendall. 3.30: Fr O’Gorman, M. Hobby, V. Hobby. P. Wlldermoth. 3.36: L. Newton, Mrs Newton, Mr and Mrs Tonyecllffe. 3.40: M. Stone, L. Blair, D. Wilcox, D. Inder. 3.48: T. Quinn, A. Quinn, R. Glubb, P. Glubb. 4.00: A. Kennedy, D. Kennedy, N. McLeod, P. Ford. 4.06: B. Mulholland, J. Mullholland, V. Quinn. 4.12: R. Mercer, M. Mercer, B. O’Malley, N. O’Malley. 4.18: P. Reilly, N. Reilly, G. Sllllfant, R. Dudley. 4.24: Mr and Mrs J. Butler, Mr and Mrs B. Harrison. 4.30: B. Eccleton, M. O’Connell, J. Gagliardi, M. Perkins. 4.36: J. Donaldson, T. Anderson, B. Kennedey, N. Casey. 4.42: J. Meates, M. Brownlee, A. Brownlee, L. Brownlee. 4.54: P. Falconer, J. Graham, J. Mercer, D. Mercer. 5.00: T. Young, C. Young, P. Davies, R. Glubb. 5.06: C. McDonald, J. McDonald, H. Darby, B. Darby. 5.12: R. Corcoran, B. Corcoran, U. Corcoran, M. Corcoran. 5.18: B. Smith, M. Loughnan, C. Fraser, G. Eathorne. 5.24: L. Stowell, C. Stowell, P. Coleman, M. Coleman. 5.48: B. Quinn, K. TlgheUmbers. 5.54: M. Craddock, D. Caddlck, C. Caddlck. 6.00: G. Hayes, V. Hayes, A. Brown, N. Brown. Please report 15 mins prior to starting time. RANGIORA R.S.A. ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT RANGOIRA GOLF COURSE, SUNDAY, MARCH 6. ENTRY fee of $lO covers course refreshments and morning tea only. Meals available at club house. Entries from R.S.A. members close Monday, February 28. Phone: R.S.A. CLUB, Rga 7123, a.h. Forward Rga 7920 Grazing GRAZING available for horses, reasonable rental. Ph. 659 Ohoka. Coal, Coke, Firewood FIREWOOD, order now for early delivery. Blue Gum, Macrocarpa, Willow or Pine. Garden City Coal, Ltd, 85 Coleridge St, Ph. 50-682, or 67-705. FIREWOOD Willow $55 per cord (3.6 cm please note new phone number, Sefton 834. FIREWOOD. Guaranteed minimum 10.5 cu. m. For prompt, efficient service phone Timber Bye Products, Ltd, bus 63-559, a.h. 497-280. IDEAL log fires, split carpa and Willow, discount on 2 cord (7 metres) drops, c.o.d. Ph. 831-638. SPLIT pine. 3.5 m, immediate delivery. Phone 481-068 evenings. COKE SPECIAL GOOD SUPPLY NOW STOCK UP FOR WINTER COKE IS IN SHORT SUPPLY Richmond Coal Supply, Phone 852-902 6 Chrystal St, RICHMOND. Musical Instruments KEYBOARDS for sale. Yamaha SKIO Symphonic ensemble. Recently overhauled. Excel, cond. $6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 889-269. LEASEHIRE: All Instruments In our store are available on this unique scheme. Flutes, clarinets, trumpets, cornets, oboes, saxaphones, pianos, organs etc. The no risk start to your musical career only at Sedley Wells, 200 Cashel St. Ph. 60-400, open Sat. mornings. MATON accoustlc guitar, 6 months old, excellent buy. $650. Ph. 880-717. PIANOS iron frame and fully guaranteed, several to choose from $69 deposit, easy terms. Ph. 64-939, open 6 days. ROCKIT electric guitar, amplifier, for sale. Superb sound. 130 Watts, Messa valves, etc. Owner going overseas. $lOOO or highest offer. Phone 793-020 or call at Flat 10, 53 Gloucester St. SAXAPHONE Yamaha Tenor, brand new, $7OO. Phone 881271. SELL electric guitar In good condition, $2O. Alron amp, very good condition, $BO 0.n.0. Ph. 6806, Rangiora. STUDENT brass, tenor horns, Flugel horns, trumpets, cornets, trombones etc. Leasehire or buy only at Sedley Wells, 200 Cashel St, open Sat. mornings.