Public Notices ELECTRICAL SERVICE COOKER. lights, plugs, repairs or Installations any district, prompt service. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION, LTD Phone 60-431, 60-176. 60-159 IN BANKRUPTCY Marie Lynette REID, Married Woman, of 11 Wimborne Crescent, Christchurch, was adjudged bankrupt on February 8,1984. Date of first meeting of creditors will be advertised later. IVAN A. HANSEN. Official Assignee. CHRISTCHURCH. LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD CONTAINER TERMINAL Containers Unpacked ACT 5 V 2531 ACTK 2505551 KANGOUROU V 3120 HLCU 2182507 HLCU 2241826 NZCU 0008641 LFA 02009 ACTU 7021805 ACTU 7063117 OCLU 2641347 AUSTRALIAN ENDEAVOUR ACTU 7038990 ACTU 7056930 ACTU 7083303 HLCU 2744760 Storage charges commence February 14, 1984. SHIFT WORKERS 25 HOUR CLUB ANNUAL MEETING Christchurch Council Chambers, today, Thursday, at 11 a.m., Committee Room I. New Members Welcome. To Let A bach, house, flat or share. N.Z.’s largest rental referal service covers all areas, prices, sizes, kids, pets, singles, our specialty. Rent Mart Ph. 796-510, or call at 517 Colombo St, 7 days. A bargain. Cosy carpeted flatette, phone, parking, by bus, $23. Rent Mart, 796-510. A beautiful order 1 dble bdrm flat, central, very sunny, mod. facilities, 1 of 4, garden, $45 (183). Ph. 794-322 Home Locators. ABLE to offer now one bdrm flat Sydenham $45, one bdrm flat Linwood $70,1 bdrm flat Waltham $B5, 2 bdrm house St Albans, $95, 2 bdrm ownership flat Waltham $lOO, please call in person to Virginia between 10 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. Edgeware Estates, Ltd, MREINZ, Edgeware Village. A Brighton carpeted 3 bdrm home, fenced for kids $75. Others Rent Mart 796-510. A central 2 bdrm flat, good condition, fridge and washing machine, long term (194). Ph. 794-322 Home Locators. A city sunny carpetd flat, $45, ph., parking, group of 3. Rent Mart 796-510. A delightful cottage, 2W bdrms, semi furnished, large private grounds, garden, lockup garage, completely redecorated, suit professional couple, long lease preferable, very quiet area, close to schools, first time ever rented. Ph. 6267 Kalapol evenings. A good style 2 bdrm unfurn. flat Linwood, not suitable children or animals, $65 p.w. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd, 799910, MREINZ. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ A lovely apartment Merlvale, fully furn. from the 18th Feb for 4 months or a little longer. Not suitable children or animals, $BO p.w. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd, 799-910, MREINZ. A mod. 2 bdrm unfurn. flat St Albans for a married couple, not suitable children or animals $6O p.w. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd, 799-910, MREINZ. ARMSTRONG and Associates can offer a spacious 2-bdrm St Albans town house, architecturally designed with good sun aspects and has lockable garage, $llO p.w. Ph. 61-727 or 60-166. A steal. Spacious carpeted flatette, phone, parking, $l6. Rent Mart, 796-510 till 8 p.m. 4 ♦ A superb 3 bdrm unfurn. home, Lower Cashmere, beautifully decorated, $ll5 p.w. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd, 799-910, MREINZ. AVONHEAD. Luxury 3-bdrm town house avail, short term, $l2O p.w. Merlvale, 3-bdrm family home, avail, for careful family temants, $l2O p.w. Linwood, ownership flat, $l2O p.w. Lower Cashmere 3bdrm fully furn. home, avail. 3-months, $l4O p.w. Ph. Alison Woods, M. D. Glera and Company, 67-095, MREINZ. AVONHEAD 3 bdrm modern family home, dble garage, unfurnished, $125 weekly. Ph. 559-011. AVON LOOP, 2 bdrm and study, very spacious pvte sunny, 1 of 5, garden (170) ph. 794-322 Home Locators. BEACH flatette, private garden, carport, nice condition, only $25. (553). Ph. 794-322 Home Locators. BECKENHAM. Tidy, carpeted, 3 bdrm, shower, phone, kids o. $9O. Rent Mart, 796-510. BECKENHAM. 2 bdrm flat in quiet cul-de-sac, available for immediate occupation. Rent $lOO per week. Large private back yard. Phone Hill 796-280, H. G. Livingstone, Ltd, MREINZ. BEDSIT clean and tidy, central, garden, $3O (169). Ph. 794- Home Locators. BEDSIT own kitchen, good condition, very sunny, $3O, central (182). Ph. 794-322 Home Locators. BEDSITTERS, city furnished from $25 p.w. Quiet mature tenants only. Ph. 65-676. D BEDSITTERS, city, Sydenham and Opawa, furnished, casual or perm. Ph. 892-963 D BELFAST. Spacious, 4 bdrm, phone, dishwasher, garage, $lOO. Rent Mart, 796-510. BISHOPDALE. Neat 3 bdrm house, shower, phone, garage. Rent Mart, 796-510 till 8 p. BRIGHTON. Renovated flat, shower, fire, parking, $55. Others. Rent Mart, 796-510. BURWOOD stylish 3 bdrm house, dryer, garage, fenced, Rent Mart 796-510 til 8 p.m. BURWOOD, 3 bdrm home, Just renovated, modern, private, garage. Ph. 794-322 Home Locators (158). CENTRAL tidy carpeted 2 bdrm ph., parking by bus, $7O. Rent Mart 796-510. CENTRAL 2 bdrm flat, Immaculate condition, modern, 1 of 4, garden, garage (188). Ph. 794-322 Home Locators. CHRISTIAN female flatmate, mid 20’s, wanted for Christian flat. Large sunny bedroom, rent $22 approx. Ph. 795CLIFTON HILL quality flat, ph., parking, view by bus. Others Rent Mart 796-510. CONSULT us when looking for your next rental, with over three years local experience, for a wide selection of flats and houses In all areas and all prices. Ph. 794-322 Home Locators or call at 307 Manchester St. COUNTRY carpeted bach, ph., shower fenced, $4O. Others, Rent Mart 796-510. DELIGHTFUL carpeted flat, shower, ph., garage, handy bus, $7O. Rent Mart 796-510. EAST side. Spacious, 3 bdrm, phone, parking, kids 0.k., by bus, $lOO. Rent Mart, 796-510. FEMALE flatmate to share 3 bdrm house, ShlrJey area. $3O p.w. Ph. 857-790.*'