Cars for Sale MITSUBISHI Sigma GLX 2000 s.w. 1982, 5 speed gearbox, a very popular modek, $14,499, or low deposit Sandyford Cars, cnr Colombo and Sandyford Sts. Ph. 65-888, a.h. 596-554, 324-548, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma GL 2 pvte owners, 1977, plus nylon trim, immac. cond., 76,000 mies, 3mth warranty, $6195 or $1550 dep. at 27 Moorhouse Ave, Smithburn Motors, Ltd, home 515-385. MITSUBISHI Sigma 2.0 G.S.L., 1979 (facelift), 46,000 km, 5 speed, radio, drawbar. Finished in metallic gold with gold cloth trim. Excellent cond. $10,490. McLean Motors, Ltd, 108 St Asaph St. Phone 798-940 any time. MITSUBISHI Sigma Super Estate, 1982, 5 speed, radio, steel belt tyres. This top line wagon is in excellent cond. and seldom offered for sale $12,490. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. Phone 798-940 any time. MITSUBISHI Sigma SE, 1982, 14,000 km. Standard fittings Include power steering, electric windows, stereo, mag wheels, plush velour trim. Absolute luxury for $17,990. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St, ph. 798-940. MITSUBISHI Sigma GSL 2000, 1980, facelift, beautiful klpchak paintwork, only 58,000 km, factory radio. Value at $9999. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd, (Carlton branch), 12-14 Papanut Rd. Phone 556-557, a.h. 596-045 or 327-934 LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma 1981, 1 owner, super saloon shape, 5 speed finished in phantom mist met cloth trim, must be the best buy in the country, as new condition. $8999. Terminus, Ph. 65-586, a.h. 35-453. LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma GLX 1982, one owner, 25,000 km, red with black vinyl roof and beige cloth trim, 5 speed gearbox, radio, stereo, mag wheels etc, $13,500. Cable Price Toyota, 20 Lichfield St. Ph. 797-840 a.h. 383-881, 229012, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma 2000 GLX, 5 speed, 1981, latest shape, one driver from new, only 51,000 miles, in sparkling red with tan trim, an excellent example covered by full 12 months warranty at only $9995. Turners Daihatsu, 512 Moorhouse Ave, phone 50346, a.h. 516-672, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma 2.) GSL auto, 1978, travelled only 58,000 km by one owner, finished in crisp white with beige cloth trim, an excellent example of this popular model covered by full 12 months warranty and priced at only $8495, Turners Daihatsu, 512 Moorhouse Ave, phone 50-346 a.h. 516672, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma GLX 1978, finished in lovely cream with matching cloth trim, 68,000 km, Japanese assembled, one owner from new, this car is in brand new condition, only $8299 or $2500 dep. John Sergei Cars Ltd, 301 Lincoln Rd, Christchurch 1. Ph. 381-654, a.h. 881-333. MITSUBISHI Super Estate, 1981, only 1 pvte owner, finished In sparkling red and covered only 24,000 km, this car features all usual super estate features plus quality stereo and Commodore roof rack. Covered by a full 12 mths unlimited mileage warranty makes this hard to obtain model good buying at $14,495. Turners Daihatsu, 512 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 50346, a.h, 516-672, LMVD, ~~♦ ♦ ♦ MITSUBISHI. Mirage GL 1981, P. B. radio, 63,000km/39,000 miles. A sporty Avis hatchback In top condition, only $7495 or $1875 dep. at Kea Car Sales Ltd, 75 Gloucester St. Ph. 799-706, LMVD. MITSUBISHI 16L 1973, very tidy car $4799. Gary Cockram Ltd, Ph. 64-852, Japanese Car Corner, cnr Tuam and Durham Sts. LMVD. MITSUBISHI 1982, Super Estate, excellent condition. Attractive cornflower blue, radlo/cassette, 32,000 miles, private. $12,900. Ph. 227-620. MONARO HG 1971, excel, cond. extras Include, Draylon interior, mirrors, air shocks, stereo, mags, motor gearbox and dlff overhauled recently. Must sell, $5OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 498-398. MONARO HX GTS, 1977, a superb low example, travelled just 78,000 km original honeycomb mags, the very best for just $12,999 or low dep. Carriage Co., Motors, Ltd, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742 LMVD. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ MOORHOUSE Mazda. We’re new In town and have plenty of cash to buy your car now. If you have a late model, low mileage car of any make or model, we are interested In paying you top price for It. Moorhouse Mazda, Ph. 799930, a.h. 583-504, LMVD. MORRIS Freeway, 1965. Mk 11, 6 cylinder, immaculate cond., best available. $1195 or $5OO dep. John Sergei, 301 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 381-654, a.h. 585-612, LMVD. MORRIS Kimberley, 1971, auto, very tidy, drives exceptionally well, just $1199 or low dep. Carriage and Co. Mtrs Ltd, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, LMVD. MORRIS Marina, 1973, a real tidy motor car, all extras fitted, priced at only $2399, Kalkanui Motors, Ltd, 82 William St, Kalapol, Ph. 8185, a.h. 277-236, 237-166, LMVD. MORRIS Marina 1.8, 1976, one local owner, low kms, Immaculate $5695. Motorcorp Ranglora, phone 8334 or Chch direct line 277-460, a.h.858-635 Chch or 8437, 8217 Rga, LMVD, ♦♦ ♦ ♦ MORRIS Marina, 1975,13, reliable car, tidy condition, must sell this week, $2500 0.n.0. Ph. 559-193. MORRIS Mini 1000 1971, English assembled, one of the nicest avail, anywhere, $2499. Dennis Tullett Motors, Ltd, 175 Waltham Rd. Ph. 66-894, LMVD. MORRIS Minor 1952, reg., w.0.f., good running order, $5OO 0.n.0. Phone 515-968. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ MORRIS Minor 1000, 1959, 1 owner, genuine 21,800 miles, as new cond. $4500. Must represent value for such a collector’s Item. SPCS, cnr Lincoln Road and Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529, 582-069, LMVD. MORRIS 1100 Mk 2, 69,000 miles, very tidy, $2395. Trevor Crowe, 160 Ferry Rd, Phone 797-967, MVDI. MORRIS 1100, 1965 model, good cond., needs some work, $4OO. Ph. 31-163. MORRIS 1100, 1964, good condition, very reliable, $l2OO oji.o. Ph. 559-407 before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. MORRIS 1300 Mk 3,1973,1 lady owner, 76,000 km, Cadiz orange, with navy trim, in top original order, $2999. Motorcorp, 87 Rlccarton Rd, Ph. 489-914, a-h. 515-974, or 324-835, LMVD. MORRIS 1300, 1970, a nice driving wee car, exchange motor just fitted, only $1999 or low dep. Carriage Co. Motors, Ltd, 69 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-742, LMVD. MORRIS 1300, 1969, this car Is finished in dove grey, matching trim. A genuine 29,000 miles, showroom condition. $3999. Kalkanui Motors, 82 Williams St, Kalapol. Phone 8185, a.h. 277-236, 237-166 LMVD. NISSAN Turbo, six cylinder engine, 5-speed gearbox, done 1000 km. Ph. 583-274.