FIAT 132.1977, auto., air conditioning, a superb 1 owner vehicle. Canterbury Cars, 97 Mam Sth Rd, Ph. 488-043, a.h. 582-079, LMVD. FIAT 132, 2000 auto, with air conditioning, electric windows, power steering, metallic silver with blue trim, stereo, radlo/cassette. Michelin tyres, a superb car for only $12,990 or $2600 dep. Manchester Flat, 47 Manchester Street, Ph. 799-470, LMVD. FORD car dlsmantlers, 147 Maces Road. Ph. 842-319. Can we help you? FORD Cortina 1.6, S/W. 1980, moderate miles, finished In cream. A very tidy example of this popular model, $8295. Wrightcars, 285 Cashel St, Phone Jeremy or John 798530 any time, LMVD. FORD Cortina 1600 Mk 111, 1975, finished in beige, brown trim, extensive engine overhaul etc. A real gleaming vehicle, $4999. Kalkanul Motors, 82 William St, Kaiapol. Phone 8185, a.h. 277-236, 237-166 LMVD. FORD Cortina 2.0 L auto, 1980, 42,000 miles, cream with brown Interior, radio, towbar and mudflaps fitted, $10,1195, Cable Price Toyota, 20 Lichfield St, phone 797-840, a.h. 383-881, or 229-012, LMVD. FORD Coupe. 1936, mint condition, $10,500. Parker Motors, 236 St Asaph St, Ph. 50-379, a.h. 583-375, LMVD. FORD Escort Sports, 1.6 1980, 32,000 km, orange and black paint work, a good looker only $9499. Hodder and Son, Ltd, LMVD, 393 Ferry Road, ph. 898-082, 382-970. FORD Falcon XA 1972, run only 77,000 miles, a superb motorcar priced to sell for only $3995 or $lOOO dep. at Sydenham Park Car Sales, Ltd, 326 Colombo St. Ph. 35668, a.h. 299-841 LMVD. FORD Falcon 1969, 3.6, tidy and drives well $1599 or terms. Kalapol Kar Kourt, 102 Williams St, ph. 6370 KAI, LMVD. FORD Falcon 4.1 1973, fully recond. motor, excel. 205 radials, tidy family car, Ph. 790-329. FORD Laser Ghla 1981, 1.5, 5speed. A most attractive car finished In two tone blue, only 4400 km. Just $10,499, or easy terms. Hodder and Son, Ltd, 393 Ferry Rd, ph. 898-082, a.h. 859-001, or 382-970, LMVD. FORD Laser, 1.3 GL, 1982, only 13,000 km, 1 owner, 5 door hatchback, as brand new, $10,995 or low dep. John Poelman Motors, Ltd, 55 Rlccarton Rd. Ph. 487-105, a.h. 523-688, LMVD. FORD Laser, 1.3 L, 1981, one private owner, platinum metallic, low kms, as new cond. Save $3OO, $8999 or $2250 dep. Ace Sales, Ltd, 134 Ferry Rd. Ph. 793-162, MVDI. FORD Laser 1.5 Ghla, 1981, 29,000 kms, every extra, only $10,999. Gary Cockram, Ltd, Ph. 64-852, Japanese Car Corner, cnr Tuam and Durham Streets, LMVD. FORD Laser 1982, 4-door, only 14,000 km. Extras, popular model In as new condition, $9295 or low dep. Don McNeill Motors, LMVD, 55 Rlccarton Rd. Phone 488-969, a.h. 519-317. FORD Mercury Cougar, 1968, factory 390 GT XR7, absolutely mint orlg. cond. The best In N.Z. Just $12,999 or low dep. Carriage Co. Motors, Ltd, 69 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-742, LMVD. FORD Mustang 1980,2.3 litre, 4 speed, copper bronze metallic, 18,000 miles, very appealing car, on display In the showroom. Graeme McVicar Ltd, 55 Rlccarton Rd, ph. 487-106 a.h. 523-688, LMVD. FORD 8 cylinder engines, transmissions and dlffs, ex. U.S.A. Very competitive prices at Ford Auto Spares, ph. 842-319 or 849-232. FOR the converted, a Californian convertible. A lot of good work needs to be done. P.T.L. and phone Luke, 66206. GALANT coupe, 1600 L, metallic bronze, 1973, $395. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St ASaph St. (High St cnr.). Phone 67-401, a.h. 555-946 or Darfleld 88-479. LMVD. HILLMAN Hunter 1969. 81,000 miles, red, good cond., $1950 0.n.0. Phone 50-381 between 9-4.30 p.m.