Farms for Sale HAREWOOD, $228,000. on the fringe of the city. Over 7 acres (zoned Rural H), ideal intensive horticulture. Over 9000 sq ft of well constructed outbuildings, l.e. workshops, packing shed, storage, etc. The property Is also graced with a fabulous 4 bdrm perm, material home, only seven years old. Over 2200 sq ft, finished to a very high standard, with attractively landscaped house block. Must be seen to be appreciated. To view please phone 62-083, Baker Bros, Ltd. MREINZ, a.h. John Evans 324-289. LADBROOKS, B.olooha very well fenced for cattle, excellent pasture and one paddock of barley $65,000 0.n.0. Matson and Allan Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 799-753 a.h. Malcolm Blue 228-831. MARUIA VALLEY. 320 acres, older style 3 bdrm house, dble garage, hay shed and out-bulldlngs. Ideal for deer farm or stepping stone unit. $llB,OOO. Ph. Marula 846. MOTUKARARA, 19.569 ha (48 acres) with sound 2/3 bedroom house, garage and outbuildings, some good shelter, long main road frontages, very handy to racecourse, shop and bus $135,000, Matson and Allan Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 799-753, a.h. Malcolm Blue 228-831 or Geo. Wilson 842-237. OXFORD. Look only 1 year old Summerhill stone, 1600 sq. ft house situated In the best part of Oxford. Well over 2 acres of fertile land overlooking mountains and rolling countryside in four well grassed paddocks. This would be the best buy In the area. Three double bedrooms, 21 x 14 lounge, Kent burner, 21 x 18 kitchen dining, top grade carpets and drapes. Double garage. Ph. Len Jeffs, 888-931,885-310 a.h. R.E.F. Real Estate and Finance, Ltd, MREINZ. WEST MELTON, 8.9 ha block, access off Old West Coast Rd, $55,000. Phone Denise Vivian, 517-039 anytime, Mona Vale Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. OXFORD - 13.0271 hectares of excellent cropping and grazing land. This Is a superior small holding, beautifully situated, commanding super views from residence that contains 4 bdrms, sunporch and study, lovely large lounge with sun balcony off, good spacious dining room and kitchen with Kent log fire, dishmaster and wastemaster. House water from town supply. $140,000. Further details obtainable from vendor’s agent, Dalgety Real Estate, MREINZ. Ph. 798-212 or a.h. Trevor Heron 583-055. OXFORD 32 ACRES heavy land, fenced into 11 paddocks, all with good water, complemented with a sound w’board home set In spacious sheltered grounds. Comprising 3 double bdrms, large kitchen/dlnlng area, separate lounge, all with good carpet and drapes. Outbuildings include fowlhouses, implement shed, workshop, haybarn, piggery and garage. Some vendor finance available to an approved purchaser, $175,000. OXFORD 22 ACRES heavy land, fenced Into 5 paddocks and handy to township. Modern home with 3 bdrms, kitchen/dlnlng room, lounge living area all in good condition. Double garage, haybarn, 4 loose boxes, fowlhouse, woodshed. A nice small unit at $130,000 0.n.0. OXFORD 5 ACRES heavy land with older style 4 bdrm home, kltchen/llving room, iounge all in great condition, garage, piggery, fowlhouses, loosebox, all surrounded by mature trees, $78,000. For this selection of small farms plus many more to choose from please contact:— GILLMAN REAL ESTATE, LTD, MREINZ RANGIORA 6811 a.h. Russell Cottam Kai. 6552, Cust 838. isi IREAL ESTATE KREINz| OXFORD 32 acre farmlet, character renovated 3 bdrm home set in established English trees and lawns, full range of excellent farm buildings, has to be seen to be appreciated. Ideal deer farm or fattening unit, on the edge of the township. Plenty of water and well subdivided, genuine sale, generous finance available. Value at $175,000 L and B 0.n.0. SEFTON 70 ACRES on the downs of excellent cropping ground. 17 acres wheat, 40 acres barley, balance grass seed Included In the sale. Two perm. mat. homes, 11 pen pig sty and foundations for another 9, 4 bale cow shed and machines, 70 x 30 poultry shed, Implement shed, hay shed, 4 bay, well subdivided, a great retirement spot or first farm lending Itself to a variety of uses. Value at $230,000. Considerable finance available. Possession to suit. WEST EYRETON 887 ACRES In 2 titles, sheep and cropping unit. This property has been farmed by the present owner for 33 years, running 2000 ewes, 650 hoggets plus stud, 120 acres crop, 70 acres hay, well sheltered and full range of excellent farm buildings. Plus 3 bdrm brick home, ideal father and son unit with room for further stock carrying capacity. Finance available to an approved purchaser. Genuine sale as owner retiring. Sole agent. LOBURN 120 ACRES heavy cropping or fattening unit. New 3 bdrm homestead and double garage/workshop, newly fenced and sheep yards, has to be seen to be appreciated, ideal retirement for stud farm or deer, genuine sale, close to valuation. $250,000. CUST 186 ACRE dairy farm In 5 titles. Could be sold separately, subdivided Into 30 paddocks from race, Irrigation over 100 acres full range of farm buildings, older style, sound 3 bdrm home, runs up onto terrace where lovely elevated building site exists. $380,000 L and B and irrigation. A sample of the many properties we have for sale, for an ■•appraisal of your property or looking, for another, phone Rangiora 8022, a.h. Lex Chapman 7405.