Public Notices Z?x Ministry of Works x 27 and Development TEMPORARY BRIDGE CLOSURE SH67 MOKIHINUI RIVER BRIDGE THE above bridge will be subjected to temporary closures for periods of up to two hours at a time to allow for deck repairs to be carried out. The closures will commence In early November and continue until further notice. As far as possible the closures will be limited to between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. each day. CATERING EXCELLENT central venue with catering available for Christmas parties and other functions. Ample parking. Phone 489-632.
sar 1 I"—'jgz AUDITED ACCOUNTS FOR YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1983 PURSUANT TO REGULATION 14 (1) of the Local Government (Territorial Authorities) Accounting Regulations, 1979, the audited Annual Statement of the Waimairi District Council is published herewith. A copy together with a summary of General Statistics will be forwarded to any elector making application for the same. WAIMAIRI DISTRICT COUNCIL STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS AND RELATED SOURCES OF FUNDS APPLIED YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1983 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 Actual Estimated Actual $ $ $ During the year, the Council Expended Funds as Follows: GENERAL ACTIVITIES 4,900,753 Administration and Central Services 4,544,858 4,506,874 2,090,125 Roading 2,600,900 2,329,926 397,736 Sanitation 420,481 399,992 1,138,270 Water Supply 1,753,552 1,558,915 567,759 Recreational and Cultural Activities: Library 676,890 648,751 127,722 Jellie Park Lido 158,615 172,812 89,871 Community Activities 186,085 159,977 1,645,090 Reserves 2,033,398 1,315,432 118,825 Housing and Property General 182,636 177,404 194,384 Housing for the elderly 274,370 247,641 54,246 Land Subdivision 64,854 65,948 89,381 Pest Eradication 95,180 95,163 55,009 Cemeteries 61,370 80,722 5,626 Forestry 11,471 15,285 467,267 Funded to Special Fund Accounts... 210,287 324,732 — Rates — Ad Hoc Authorities (See Note 1) 6,730,480 6,901,378 $11,942,064 $20,005,427 $19,000,952 L 135.208 Christchurch Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Committee (Waimairi District Council is Administering Authority) 1,992,997 993,249 $13,077,272 TOTAL FUNDS EXPENDED DURING YEAR $21,998,424 $19,994,201 This Expenditure was Financed by Revenue Derived from: 6,456,886 Rates 7,655,224 7,737,571 — Rates—Ad Hoc Authorities (See Note 1) 6,730,480 6,704,455 286,818 Petroleum Tax 290,000 295,921 1,426,351 Government Subsidies and Grants .. 1,036,255 1,261,998 2,452,190 Licences, Fees and Other Charges... 2,905,836 2,108,643 364,139 Commission and Interest 348,627 549,604 $10,986,384 $18,966,422 $18,658,192 ADD LOANS, SPECIAL FUNDS AND TRUST FUNDS 200,307 Loan Moneys Applied During Year.. — 59,983 1,005,634 Special Funds applied During Year.. 1,039,005 648,496 1,135,208 Christchurch Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Committee Funds Applied During Year 1,992,997 993,249 $13,327,533 $21,998,424 $20,359,920 LESS Increase in General Funds Calculated as Follows: Balance at March 31, 1983... $849,003 Balance at April 1, 1982 $483,284 365,719 LESS Increase in General Funds Calculated as Follows: Balance at March 31, 1982... $483,284 250,261 Balance at April 1, 1981 $233,023 $13,077,272 TOTAL FUNDS APPLIED $21,998,424 $19,994,201 1981/82 1982/83 Actual Actual $ $ In addition the Council held the following funds at March 31, 1983: 45,351 Loan funds 27,870 1,089,052 Special Funds 1,147,704 650 Trust and Bequest Funds 650 804,782 Christchurch Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Committee Funds 1,921,094 $1,939,835 $3,097,318 STATEMENT OF MOFfEY OWING AS AT MARCH 31, 1983 $ $ The Council was owed in respect of unpaid rates and other revenue 816,379 The Council was owed in respect of Term Loans and Mortgages 463,401 The Council owed for supply of materials and services, etc. 378,931 Christchurch Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Committee Funds Held 1,921,094 2,300,025 Public Debt Net of Sinking Funds and Rural Housing Loans 2,145,044 NOTE ON ACCOUNTING POLICY These financial statements have been prepared on the basis that revenue is recognised when money is received by the Council and that expenditure is brought to charge when payment is made for goods and services rendered to the Council. NOTE 1: RATES - AD HOC AUTHORITIES In previous years, these funds were shown as net items within the accounts and are for 1982/83 shown separately. J. REID, District Clerk. REPORT OF THE AUDIT OFFICE The Audit Office, having been appointed in terms of Section 25, Public Finance Act, 1977, has audited the financial statements of the Waimairi District Council. The financial statements reported on comprise the Statement of Payments and Related Sources of Funds Applied and Statement of Money Owing. The audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and practices. In the opinion of the Audit Office, the financial statements fairly reflect, in the form prescribed by the Local Government Accounting Regulations, the financial position of the Council as at March 31, 1983, and the results of financial operations for the year. (R. F. EADDY) for Controller and Auditor-General. September 21, 1983. The Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 1983, were considered and adopted at an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on the 28th day of September, 1983, pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Territorial Authorities) Accounting Regulations, 1979. M. E. MURRAY, Chairman, WAIMAIRI DISTRICT COUNCIL. J. REID, District Clerk. District Officej. IFENDALTON, fr ' November 23, 1983.