Across I—ln the morning about to get the smallest particle. (4) 3— Go beyond the second Gospel — it will get one through! (4, 4) 8— Sound equipment to be removed from church if ill-used (2-2) 9— Perhaps altering shape. (8) 11— Not the first swindle to get a subordinate place. (6, 6) 13— Confirm if exceedingly round. (6) 14— Possibly are not elaborately decorated. (6) 17— Brave — but thick at the centre? (5-7) 20— Doing nothing when supposed to be fighting apparently. (8) 21— you and I return to look at. (4) 22— Somehow must stir suspicion. (8) 23— Everybody finds youth leader a supportive friend. (4) Down 1— Hide vase broken in gum. (8) 2— Functionary not on duty with Eric out. (7) 4— A doctor has one foot off course. (6) 5— Face the court in test of witness-box? (5, 5) 6— Heavenly messenger within range later. (5) 7— Preserve part of castle. (4) 10—Agitated when betting? (2,1, 7) 12— Cause to leave as new day breaks. (4, 4) 15— A rise for workers? (3-4) 16— Fires — sound the horn in the ship! (6) 18— Pulls to shreds evidence of grief. (5) 19— No shaky business it would seem. (4) (Solution tomorrow) Yesterday’s solution Across: 1, Measurement; 9, Liberal; 10, Tacit; 11, Nurse; 12, Collect; 13, Estate; 15, Laurel; 18, Bondage; 20, Arson; 22, Shaft; 23 Physics; 24, Peace treaty. Down: 2, Ember; 3, Serpent; 4, Relics; 5, Metal; 6, Nuclear; 7, Blunderbuss; 8, Stateliness; 14, Tonnage; 16. Analyse; ,17, Despot; 19, Attic; 21, Shift. *! «'
Press, 23 November 1983, Page 16
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