Auctions H PHONE 794-120 M.RJXNX g| LINWOOD 139 ALDWINS RD ACTING on Instructions from the Christchurch City Council we will offer the above property. FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION 2.15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Property comprises a 2-bed-room bungalow with separate living and dining areas and is situated on a 595 sq m site. GENEROUS TERMS AVAILABLE (to approved purchasers) 10 per cent ON FALL OF HAMMER 23 per cent on DECEMBER 21, 1983 Balance on first mortgage for 3 years at 10.5 per cent Interest reducible to 9.5 per cent for prompt payment. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE. An Ideal letting proposition or would suit young handyman as a first home. For further details please contact the Auctioneers: I*kent7rierl PHONE 794-120 M.R.E.I.NX || a.h. Andrew Pearce 266-707 Properties for Sale PAPANUI, $55,000, close to Northlands. Tremendous buying in this prime location. Immac. 2 bdrm home set on delightful corner site, Ideal situation for retired or young couple. Ph. Edgeware Estates N.W., 517-036 a.h. Jan Greenwood 830-864, MREINZ. PAPANUI, $84,500 (sole agent). Exciting new listing. A truly Immaculate spacious perm, mat. home. Only 8 years old, sunny lounge and large dining room with sundeck opening onto private North facing garden. Four extra large bdrms. Sought after tree lined street close to park and schools. Ph. Lynley Cunningham, 517-159 a.h. 523-961. Ch. Ch. Real Estate, Bryndwr, MREINZ. PAPANUI. Celebrate Christmas in this gorgeous character home, featuring 3 dble bdrms, leadllghts, woodpanelling and central heating throughout. Close to excel. shopping, buses and schools, $51,950. Ph. Drewerys Estate Agency, MREINZ, 799-646 a.h. Roger Greenaway 790-370. PAPANUI. Great summer lover’s section enhanced by unique brickwork yard sets the atmosphere for this impressive two storey family residence. Four bedrooms, spacious lounge and living areas ail offering charm and character. Inspection will impress. Only $95,000. Contact Craig Prier, Kent Prier Real Estate, MREINZ. Ph. 794-120, a.h. 843-063. PINES BEACH. First time offered. Delightful perm, home of 3 bdrms with a view of the sea. Large sunny lounge/living room, sep. kitchen, huge private decking area for outdoor living. Top quality carpets and drapes. Garage. Great buying at $42,000. Gillman Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 6552 Ki., a.h. 8579 Ki. or 7036 Bel. PREBBLETON. Relax in the parklike setting of this beautifully presented 3 bdrm perm. mat. home. Built for the sun and offering spacious lounge, sep. dining and family room, tastefully decorated throughout. The privacy of the landscaped section and Inground pool ensures fantastic Indooroutdoor living. Complete with dble garage and fully self-contained flat providing ’ home and Income. Value ’ here, $109,000. Ph. Ford and I Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ, 797- ' 830, a.h. Colin Rhodes, 325928. - RANGIORA, first day offered. , Northwest location. Very attractive modern home. Built > to catch the sun. Three bed- ! rooms. Sep. diningroom, i Lounge with open fire, garage. Close to Ashgrove . School. $65,000. Sole agent, Gillman Real Estate, Ltd. • MREINZ. Ranglora Ph. 6811. ! RANGIORA Private. Sun all day, landscaped section. ! Very modern town house. , Huge lounge. Hostess kitchen. Two large bedrooms, top quality carpets and i drapes, garage. $59,000. Sole agents, Gillman Real Estate, s Ltd. MREINZ. Ranglora 6810. ! a.h. 6254 or Woodend 695. RANGIORA, $54,000. Grand s family home, 3 dble bdrms, i plenty of living space. Large i garden, extensive fowl housing, sleepout, garage, > woodshed. Cathcart Real Estate, MREINZ, Ranglora, , 7079, a.h. Smythe, Woodend 813 RANGIORA. First day offered. Unbelieveable but true. A modern Summerhill stone home of 3 bdrms, very sunny lounge with solid fuel heating. Double garage. Look at the price, only $47,500. Gillman Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, Ranglora 6811, a.h. 6254, 6092 or Woodend 695. REDWOOD, with space and grace, most attractive character family home of 3 dble bdrms plus sunroom, very large lounge plus sep. dining, builders own home, extensively modernised throughout. Situated very handy to all services on a delightful tree studded 32 perch section. $53,500. Ph. Beattie Real Estate MREINZ, Bel. (23) 71 Qi WU7RI REDWOOD. Delightful haven from city worries. 51p section ’ surrounded by mature trees. 2 30 x2O lounge with ranchsliders to private patio, 3 sep. dining, 3 bdrms and studio/ t sleepout. Dble garage. Built J for sun and privacy at $86,000. Collins Real Estate, 1 Ltd, MREINZ, 488-784, a.h. Ray Scott, 484-429. i REDWOOD. Large, beautifully I designed for sun, 4 bedi rooms, 2 sep. living rooms, 2 bathrooms. Everything Is ■ Immaculate. Ideal for larger 1 family, massive of shrubs and trees on 32p section. 7 Phone Una Winter, 66-917, or i a.h. 583-492, Mercer Real : Estate, MREINZ. ) RENOVATORS Special. Solid t weatherboard 3 bedroom i home at 68 Peverel Street, s Riccarton, very handy to the i mall, on 678 m2 to be offered s by Public Auction, next Thursday on behalf of ‘, Estate, Simes and Co. Ltd, MREINZ, 790-604, a.h. D. Sut--1 ton, 489-182. 1 RICCARTON, $54,000. New list--3 tag. Nothing to spend in this i. character home ta superb :, cond. 3 bdrms, new one tone i. carpets. This home is beautit fully presented with » landscaped private gardens, i. Ph. Benson and England, Ltd, MREINZ, 67-329,24 hrs.