Trades ALL painting and papering, buildings, offices, houses. Master painter. Ph. 488-377. ALTERATIONS, renovations, home repairs, work guaranteed. Immediate service. Phone 66-925, day or night. A special Job needs a Specialist See “The Press” Specialist Services Guide every Tuesday In the Trade Services column. ASPHALT and chip drives. Free quotes. Experienced men. $lOOO competition as a bonus. Super Seal, 583-636 evening. ASSIST unemployed to be self employed. Ph. 856-055 any time. BATH resurfacing, a new look for your old bath. Choice of colours, written guarantee. Ph. Tony Waller, Kalapol (27) 6460 any time. BONDED Tradespersons Bureau, for all types of repairs. Phone 856-055 anytime. BRAKE repairs. Try Safe R Brakes, Ltd, for efficient service. 87 Fitzgerald Ave.MWS BRICK paving and landscape services. For all paving, drives, paths, patios, etc. Ph. 66-689 for prompt service. BUILDER available for alterations, additions and repairs. For free quote, ph. 595-332. BUILDER available, alterations, additions etc., prompt quote, quick start, reasonable charges. Ph. 324-589 before 9.30 or after 5 p.m. BUILDER, experienced in new and alteration work. J. D. Collins, Ph. 528-680. BUILDER, Tellable, repairs and alterations. Insurance work, prompt start. Ph. 849725. BUILDER. Act now before Christmas. Specialist in repairs, renovations or any building requirements. Quality guaranteed. Phone Graeme Skilton, 798-469 for prompt attention. BULLDOZER loader, tip trucks for hire, owner operator. Free quotes. Ph. 899-927. CAR painting and panelbeating, cheapest prices, prompt service, free quotes, pick up. Ph. 841-212, or 882-237. CARPENTER available. Bathrooms relined, wardrobes, alterations, and repairs, etc. Ph. 559-497. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Deep steam, best method. Travel all areas. Ph. Prestige to-day, 62-573. CARPET cleaner. Ascot Carpet Cleaning special, lounge, dining, hall, $29 all areas, ph. 791-900 any time. CARPET cleaning with new (Wool Pride shampoo, created by N.Z. Wool Research Organisation) steam extraction. Lounge, dining, hall $3O and $7 per bedroom thereafter. Best rate and results. Phone Errol 65-852 24 hour, 7 day service, all areas. All credit cards accepted. CARPET remaking, repairs, laying, shampooing and stain treatment. Ph. 61-699 a.h. 326-054.
CARPETS, shampooed, and steam cleaned, average, lounge, dining room, hall, $29. Bedrooms $6 extra. Ph. 62-634. CAR repairs by qualified mechanic, all makes and models, competitive hourly rate and all work guaranteed. Ph. 43-771 or 885-209 a.h. CLOTHESLINE repairs, rewires, and new tops. No Job too big or too small. Contact Suttons Industries Ltd, 1 Normans Road, Bryndwr, Ph R4S-140 CONCRETE* drives, paths, terraces, exposed aggregate. Masonry Concrete Contractors. Telephone 496-083 and you’ll be set. A.H. 849-829. DRAINAGE. For all your drainage requirements, ph. M. G. Glubb, 44-882. DRAIN clearing, sewer and storm. Water cleared with high water pressure. No digging required. Ph. 790-575 any time. DRAINLAYER personal service, blocked sewer and storm waters attended to promptly. Bryan Mustchln, ph. 899-548. MW DRAINLAYERS available for all types of work. Electric drain cleaning machine for efficient clearing of blocked sewers. Free quotes. Bankcards welcome, $lO discount with this advt. Walton Plumbing Co., Ltd. Ph. 60-306 or 794-127. DRAINLAYER. For all your drainage requirements at a very competitive price, phone Ken Wooldridge, 383-615. ELECTRICAL work. Free quotes for all your electrical requirements. Phone K.T.S. Electrical, 370-434. ELECTRICIAN, Andy Freeman, for all electrical requirements. Prompt service. Phone 528-582, 24 hours. ELECTRICIAN for electrical contracting and service any time, any where. Ph. Graham Wardrop 495-233. ELECTRICIAN, Mark Signal, for all your electrical requirements. Discount for prompt payments. Free quotes. Ph. 371-465. ELECTRICIAN. Peter Cornelissen, all districts. For domestic or commercial electrical work. Free quotes. Phone 889-312, any time. STC FENCING, paling and pickets speciality, old fence removal, for free quote Robby Hyde, Ph. 799-278. FENCING. Able to erect your fence for less than the timber costs. Ph. 23-8009 bus., a.h. 517-836. FENCING. All types undertaken. Labour only or complete fencing. Phone Ray Donnell 831-385 or 69-270 bankcard and visa accepted. FENCING. Qualified tradesman who can give you the most competitive price. Ph. 23-8009 or a.h. 517-836. FOR all plumbing and roofing work, domestic and commercial. Ph. Willcox Plumbing, 891-305 for prompt service. FOR your renovations, additions, Improvements, look for the specialists In “The Press” Specialist Services Guide, each Tuesday. Trade Services column. GARAGE door repairs, tilting, roller, sliding, or hinged, domestic or commercial. No Job too big, or too small. Contact Suttons Industries, Ltd, 1 Normans Rd, Bryndwr, Ph. 556-149. JOINERY Craftsman will modernise or Improve your home. I specialise In kitchens, built-in wardrobes, pantries and all your Joinery requirements. The value of your home can only increase with this small Investment. Ph. 383-723 any time for Steve's Joinery, Ltd. KEY cutting, automotive and household. While you wait service. Bowmans Motor Supplies, 599 A Colombo St, Ph. 69-116. LAWNMOWER repairs undertaken by qualified tradesman. 184 Carlyle St Phone 794-207. LAWNMOWERS repairs and tuneups hand and motor mowers sharpened and set, garden tools sharpened, pick up and delivery, prompt service, ph. 497-498 Bumwell Coal and Hardware, Lawnmower Division, 314 Waterloo Rd, Hornby. LAWNMOWING lawnmowing. Best, cheapest, casual, regular, Ph. D. Baird, 884-385. LAWNMOWING on a regular or casual basis. For prompt efficient service. Ph. 880-236. PAINTER and paperhanger. Master tradesman. Can give Immed. start on all domestic, new and commercial work. Ph. 555-142 or 228-506 after 5.30 p.m. PAINTING and paperhanging, burning off, roof etc. Prompt quotations from qualified tradesmen. Ph. 35-859.