AUDITIONS Preliminary Notice DODGERS & DADT A musical celebration of the 30s and 40s Season: March 1984 12 select singers for solo and ensemble work. AUDITIONS OCTOBER 16th Phona 857-793 for details by arrangement with Chappal & Co NZ Ltd ©arisen by Georges Bizet 14 leads and sub-leads, and important chorus work — full orchestra. First production in this city of the original full-stage version. Season: June 1984 AUDITIONS NOVEMBER 5/6 Chch Gilbert & Sullivan & Light Opera Society Inc. Currently staging The Gipsy Baron.
Properties Wanted ■ ■ ■ ■ FENDALTON- Merlvale-Ilam. We are continuously looking for properties in these areas. If your are contemplating selling please contact me at 517-594 as I have genuine buyers in all price ranges just waiting to view your property. Ph. Joan at Reg. McKenzie Real Estate, MREINZ, 517-594. HOME ownership flat buy. Anywhere at foot of hills, prefer Lower Cashmere. Genuine buyer requires 2 bdrm sunny unit in block of two. Poessesslon to suit. Beasley Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ, ph. Charlie Sanders, 62-105 (any time). HOON HAY, Lower Cashmere, Spreydon or Somerfleld residents. If you are considering selling your home ph. Harold Galpin, Sherris and Robertson’s local rep. for prompt courteous attention and 12 years experience in all Real Estate matters. Ph. 792-120 or a.h. 388-040, MREINZ. HOON HAY, Spreydon, Cashmere residents. Local Real Estate specialist David Blackwell specialises in these areas. He is fully conversant with current prices. Becuase he is experienced and well known in this area. He always has numerous buyers In most price ranges. Considering selling, for ajio obligation consultation phone David Blackwell, 60-063, a.h. 326-564, Manchester Homes, MREINZ. ■ ■ ■ ■ INVESTMENT flats. Owners I have an enthusiastic buyer with cash to $65,000 wanting a house converted Into 3 or more units, prepared to renovate. Ring me now for Inspection today ph. Sheryn Glass, 62-623 aJI. 554-258 Jim Glass Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ. INVESTMENT shops. Having recently sold several blocks of shops, we have many genuine buyers wanting to purchase. If you are contemplating selling please contact in strictest confidence. Wing Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 62-972, a.h. Colin Doyle 558-368. KAIAPOI. Properties in all price groups required. Buyers waiting. Ph. Kalapol 8968 or a.h. 6432 Anstlce Real Estate, MREINZ. k MAIREHAU, family now wishes to purchase a 3-4 bdrm bungalow to $65,000. Must be perm, mats, possession to suit. Please ph. W. C. Mehalskl, 797-534, of Geo. Anderson, Smiths City Market, Ltd, MREINZ. PARKLANDS to North Brighton, $50,000 to $65,000 Is the price our cash clients will pay for a 3 bdrm perm, material home in nice area. Must have double garage. Prompt decision made by these genuine anxious to buy couples. If you can help please phone Bernard Lagrosse of Pacific Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 791-000, a.h. 843-334 or 885-359. ■ ■ ■ ■ PREBBLETON. Templeton, Halswell area. Valued cash client to $85,000. Mod., 3 bdrm home with appeal. Must have rural aspect This is a genuine Inquiry. Phone Allan Lamble, 792-399, aJI. 517-327, Chch Real Estate, Carlton, MREINZ. PROBLEMS? We have them too. You need to sell, we need to know you need to sell. Ph. 266-273, Cunningham Real Estate, MREINZ. SOLO person with cash up to $35,000 wants to settle In Brighton, Dalllngton or St Albans, prefer small home on small section and tidy. Ph. Sheppard and Co. MREINZ, 60-246 aJI. Drewery 39-445. SOUTH SHORE or Brighton south. Modem perm, material 3-bdrm home with privacy and sun. Cash buyer to $65,000. Ph. Dunbar Topp, Ltd, MREINZ, 556-082, ail. Julian Jennings 841-457. ST ALBANS, Papanul. If you’re thinking of selling and would like professional advice In valuing your property please phone us, especially If the price could be between $40,00 to $60,000 and you have 3 bdrms, 2 living, as we have a client looking for just that Contact Robin Lucas 518-276, a.h. 558-583 of Janice Quigley Real Estate, MREINZ.
Page 34 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1983, Page 34
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