kerridge odeon CinzmaA FULLY AIR CONDITIONED > .."■?<l F ° R VOUR comfort - - ~"~ sth WEEK! TODAY 2.15 pm A 8.15 pm sth WEEK! HE'S OUT THERE . . . TODAY 2pm p Hying tjje Most L et hol Weapon Ever Made! IT'S A HIT! WI.YTR (Rl3> IT'S A DELIGHT! E?> ><WTyrMT4wTO Contains IT'S THE BEST YET! A «MLU£M JL*£aH Phone 61-621 Phone 60-062 TODAY 2pm & Bpm RIOTOUS 4th WEEXI TODAY 2pm & Bpm _ /^l WHKi A WORLD LIGHT YEARS BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION Mjdtabeanl ~, KRULL C JHe put the ‘RAT' into PIRATE! ■. ■■■ ■■ Vn k (G) Port* May Dirtorb Young or Karroos Children
We are proud to present selected dishes from the world's finest cuisines. MON-SAT From 6 p.m. 8.Y.0. 12SA OXFORD TCE PH: 69-363
KARATE Self-defence Mqrning and Evening. Classes American Biack Belt Instructor Free.l-hour lesson available’ ring Sensei at 65-229 OKINAWA-TE IN WORCESTER ST CINERAMA THEATRE BUILDING
Properties for Sale ST MARTINS New listing, $92,000, on the flat, with huge section, this 4 bdrm perm, mat. home with every modern convenience, exudes character and charm. Phone now, and be there first. Phone Benson and England Ltd, MREINZ, 67-329, 24 hours. ST MARTINS, $129,000. Superb large family five bdrm home (2 bdrms with en suite), Carlsson kitchen, formal dining room, spacious lounge, sunroom plus fabulous games room and bar area. Three car garaging. Inspection is sure to Impress. For further details contact Wrlghtson NMA, Ltd, MREINZ, 796-521, a.h. Trevor Rlseley 583-981. ST MARTINS. Lovely character home with golden pannelllng in entrance hall and lounge. Sep dining area and TV room with ranchslider to lawn. Kitchen extensively remodelled as is the tiled Hollywood bathroom. All this plus 4 bdrms. A delightful home for $59,800. Phone Dunbar Topp, Ltd, MREINZ, 556-082, a.h. Julian Jennings 841-457. SUMNER, a beautifully presented perm. mat. home with a fabulous view over Sumner Bay on an almost flat easily managed section. This fine home comprises 3 bdrms, bathroom with sep. shower, delightful lounge and sep. dining area. Dual hot water, dbie basement garage. A delight to inspect and priced to sell, $llB,OOO. Offers invited. Please ph. Patricia Van der Bent, of Stephens Real Estate, MREINZ, 794-784 any time. SUMNER. A fantastic perm, mat. home with lovely outlook. Four bedrooms, spacious living, magnificent kitchen, two bathrooms. $102,000. Sole agents, Cunningham Real Estate, 266273 a.h. Barbara Vaughan 265-296, MREINZ. SYDENHAM $42,950, 4 bdrm, family home, large kitchen/ dining area, sunny lounge, rear or house completely renovated with perm, mats, alum joinery, new laundry, bathroom, large garage, large section close to all amenities. Jollifies MREINZ, 66-347 a.h. Dawn Sheard 526991. I McLeans Island Rd PHONE 597-108 a.h. 486-515, 68-173 VISIT OUR DISPLAY VILLAGE OPEN Mon.-Fri. Bam-spm Sat. 10am-spm Sunday Ipm-spm THORRINGTON, $89,000. Without a doubt this Is probably the best presented and most faultless property in the area. Set on V> acre of ground, this 3 bdrm, 2 living room home is impeccable. Dble block garage. Kent fire. Immac. garden. Must be seen. Phone Peter Gormley, 792-120 of Sherris and Robertson, MREINZ, a.h. 796-731. TWO storey residence full of character. Walking distance to city. Truly excellent condition throughout, stained wood panelling, leadllght windows. Spacious lounge, sep. dining living, 4 bdrms, quality carpets and drapes. Look at the price only $49,950. Simes and Co., Ltd, MREINZ 790-604 a.h. Arthur Ainsworth 893-153. WAINOM, $35,500. 3 bdrm, brick home, very tidy inside but needs a bit of love and care on exterior and grounds. Dble garage. Must sell at this price. Trevor Downes, M. D. Glera and Co, MREINZ, 67-095 a.h. 588-499. WEST COAST. Two bdrm house on freehold section at Kakapotahl south of Ross on good whitebaiting river. Mains electricity, with wood range and pot belly. School bus at end of road. Urgent sate at $lO,OOO 0.n.0. Ph. Ufper Moutere 801 or write H; M. Green, c/o P.O. Motueka.