Cars for Sale VALIANT VJ auto., 1974, Apache red, with vinyl roof, wheel trims, body mould etc., a very sound and attractive car at $3199. Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 60440, a.h. 889-446, LMVD. VAUXHALL Chevette GT. Hatchback, 1976, mags, front and rear spoilers, 2300 cc motor, a very quick little car only $1625 dep. at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St, Phone 65-798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849-867. VAUXHALL PB, 64, recon, motor, runs well $690 Ph. 882894 VAUXHALL Viva, 1970, 2000 SL, a very tidy quick little car, only $625 dep. at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St. Phone 65-798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849-867. VICTOR 2000 SL, 1971, very moderate mileage, crystal white with red trim, special wheel covers, etc., immaculate, $1999. Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Avenue, Ph. 60440, a.h. 889-446, LMVD. VOLKSWAGEN 1600, 1969, faultless cond., compare just had complete 1600 conversion and overhaul, $4499. Ace Sales, Cnr Cashel and Fitzgerald. Ph. 795-729. VOLKSWAGON Kombl 1964, 1500 cc, this would be the best Kombl In town, absolutely Immac. turnover, $3999 or $l3OO dep. John Sergei Cars, Ltd, 301 Lincoln Rd, Chch 1, ph. 381-654, a.h. 881-333. VW Golf, 1975 model with only 47,000 km, finished In blue, very tidy. Finance available. For further information please contact Kelvyn Brenton at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-025, LMVD, a.h. 44-871. VW 1957 with 1965 motor, $750 0.n.0. Phone 894-158. 1952 light 15 Citroen, spare engine In parts, runs well, $2OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 81-065 Blenheim. STOP ERIC SIDES ANNOUNCES NEW low deposits on any vehicle. Our H.P. Interest Is reduced up to 8 per cent. Up to 4 years to pay. We have the best selection of cars and station wagons In town. See us last, corner Montreal and St Asaph. Phone 60-467 a.h. 585-515 LMVD Opposite Aulsebrookes, Open Saturday morning. SEE OUR BLOCK ADVERT. UftSUMEII iwuxtion ® WARRANTIES Any car you purchase from a dealer is covered by a legal statutory warranty. O FULL DESCRIPTION ' Every car displayed by a dealer carry's a "notice of particulars" giving a vehicle history. ® DISPUTES TRIBUNAL Should complaints arise between buyer and dealer, they can be fairly resolved. A government appointed three man panel ensures your protection ‘the saje way to buy or sell a used car' 82 COMMODORE 4 SL auto, 24,000 km $12,999 82 CIVIC 5 door, 9000 km $10,499 81 COMMODORE S.W $12,499 81 COMMODORE R 417 000 81 CORTINA 2.0 L, Mk 5, 1 owner $8999 81 CIVIC $7599 80 XT CORONA $7999 80 AVENGER 1.6 GLS,32,OOOkm ..... $6299 79 ESCORT Sport ... $8499 79 ESCORT I.3GL auto, 25,000 km .... $7999 77 SUNBIRD $4999 77 TORANA LX $4499 77 HOLDEN Ute $6999 77 ESCORT 1.1 $3999 76 HOLDEN HJ $6499 75 CORTINA 2000 E,.. $6499 75 FALCON XB 4.1.. $4999 75 TORANA S.L $3999 75 AUSTIN 1300 $2999 73 CORTINA GT auto $4499 72 TOLEDO 77,000 ... $2499 70 TRIUMPH 2000, Auto, 41,000 mis .. $5299 70 FALCON XW $2999 NEW LOW DEPOSITS AVAILABLE NOW Wferv Moore Motors Ltdi. w .v.o. CNR COLOMBO AND SANDYFORD STREETS PHONE 65-888 or 65-895 After Hours Phone: Graham Moore 596-554 Merv Moore 324-548, Tim Glubb 791-816 Car Parts, Access ACE Auto Wreckers, phone 60-677 for all your car part requirements, 65 Brisbane Street. BATTERIES. New from $5O, 12 volt, 3 year guarantee. Value Tyres, 66 Bellvue Ave, Papanul. Also truck and tractor discounted. Ph. 529-091, or Rga 5487. 0 ffl U _ 0 BMC Transmission Services, 31 Carmen Road. Phone 497446. BUTLER Auto Spares for tow bars, trailer hire, new car parts, and accessories. Open setnn days, 261 Stanmore Rejd, also Blshopdale Mall 6 day spares. And 407 Colombo