Public Notices INCOME TAX CANTERBURY TAX PREPARATION SERVICE ON WHEELS SMALL businesses, salary or wage earner, have your return done In the privacy of your home or office. PHONE 428-220 NOW bahA’l BAHAI FOR Information on this world-embracing faith, please send coupon to: BAHAI FAITH P.O. Box 13-253 Armagh, Chch Name Address Discussion evenings every Monday night 8 p.m. onwards. Phone 388-218 for details 111 Central Canterbury ((( Electric Power Hl Board POWER SHUTDOWN General Area Affected: BANKSIDE, TE PIRITA THE Board advises consumers that it will be necessary to disconnect power in the locality described below on Tuesday, September 13, or if conditions unsuitable, on September 14, so that staff may safely carry out line alterations. Time: 1 p.m.-4 p.m. approximately. Area affected: Terrace Road from Main South Road. Two Chain Road, Breadlngs Road, Weavers Road, part Main South Road, north Rakaia Road, part Mitchells Road, Burns Road and Rakaia Terrace Road. As the Board will endeavour to restore power to soon as possible, consumers should treat the lines as alive at all times. B. W. LAING, General Manager. (Designate) LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD CONTAINER TERMINAL CONTAINERS UNPACKED ELLEN HUDIG, VBl TEXU 274126 T. WELLINGTON STAR, VOOBl BSLU 3015346, BSLU 3012917, BSLU 3010658, BSLU 5603708, BSLU 3034264, ACTU 7076500, ACTU 7076080, ICSU 3226231, SSIU 2979397. FCLs from the Wellington Star V 0081 are now available (except ITLU 6086357, BSLU 3030464, BSLU 3033334, BSLU 3050270 Agrlculture/Forestry permits required). Storage charges commence September 15, 1983. WrT ARMS BILL PERSONS or organisations wishing to make submissions on the above Bill should forward 25 copies to this office by Friday, September 30. Please indicate If an appearance before the Committee is desired, giving name and telephone number of witness. R. M. Atkin, Secretary, Statutes Revision Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Telephone 749-199, Extn 8564.
Public Notices A special Job needs a Specialist. see “The Press” Specialist Services Guide every Tuesday In the Trade Services column. ASSIST unemployed to be self-employed. Ph. 856-055. FOR your renovations, additions, Improvements, look for the specialists In “The Press” Spceclallst Services Guide each Tuesday, Trade Services column. HAIRDRESSING Academy. Ltd. Winners of the Free Haircutting. First draw: Mrs Pauline Harkers. Second draw: Mrs J. Wyse. RABBIT meat pies. Delicious heat 'n eat family and Individual sizes In convenient home freezer packs. Contains 20 family or 62 individuals or your mix to $4O. Delivery arranged. Credit cards accepted. Grand View Rabbit Farm, Akaroa. Ph. D 8874 collect, or write freepost C/Duvauchelle Post Office. RABBIT meat. Succulent table "Briar Patch” meat now available In home freezer 10kg free-flow portion packs, $4l and delivery arranged. Credit cards accepted. Grand View Rabbit Farm, Akaroa. Ph. D 8874 collect or write freepost C/- Duvauchelle Post Office. WE’RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you'll see why! To place your ad. phone 792-440 any time. IN THE MATTER of Section 102 Sale of Liquor Act 1962 and IN THE MATTER of An Application for a TouristHouse Keeper’s Licence for the Tourist House known as the Canterbury Inn situated at 87 Mandeville Street, Christchurch. CANTERBURY’ INN (1983) LIMITED a duly Incorporated company having Its registered office at Christchurch has made application to the Canterbury Licensing Committee for a Tourist-House Keepers Licence in respect of the CANTERBURY INN situated at 87 Mandeville Street. Any person who Is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of this application may, not later than 14 days from the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of his objection and of the grounds thereof with the clerk of the Canterbury Licensing Committee at Christchurch. This is the second publication of this notice. Marshall Cordner and Co., 6th level, Amurl Courts, 293 Durham Street, CHRISTCHURCH. C(N’2JJ CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS AMENDMENT BILL PERSONS or organisations wishing to make submissions on the above Bill should forward 25 copies to this office by Monday, October 3, 1983. Please Indicate If an appearance before the Committee Is desired, giving name and telephone number of witness. L. G. Fowler, Secretary, Health and Welfare Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Phone 749-199, ext. 8227. AVON PARK HOTEL SMORGASBOARD LUNCHEON MONDAY to FRIDAY 50 PARK TERRACE Phone 794-560
Kabir SOUTH WARD CAMPAIGN OPENING and Supporters Meeting. Wine and cheese Wednesday, September 14, 7.30 p.m. Coronation Hall, Domain Terrace. Come and meet your local candidates: ALEX CLARKE RUBY FOWLER ALISTER JAMES REX LESTER ® LABOUR LJB ITS WORKING
Page 30 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1983, Page 30
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