CAMELIAS MKHm Many popular varieties, some in bud or flower. Most varieties $9.95. Some as low as $6.95. ■k BO RO NI AS I Highly perfumed yellow ft flowered Boronia Lutea in ■kgt flower — special this week only $3 PRIMROSES Large potted plants in flower, usually selling at up to $1.20, now only 60c. Rare double Primroses, usually $2.75, now $1.75 and $2.25 BARGAIN BIN Still hundreds of plants in our bargain bin, mostly priced at around $3, some as low as $1.95 CAMSIDE NURSERIES GIBBS DRIVE, WOODEND. / OPEN 7 DAYS, SUNDAY 10 a.m.-4 p.m., CLOSED DAILY 12-1 p.m. WM
It won’t taste the same IF if it hasn’t got the name! '/’■-r Only genuine Sodastream concentrates give you real Sodastream jmjjK taste. That's because they've been specially formulated to give lull flavour and that special Sodastream bubble that lasts and lasts! OK wW flv Twelve great flavours too. with special diabetic range. ■ ..ijv ZJ T♦/ • 11 ZJ F/fl/ * l/ I/ k .< ■' CONCENTRATES Available from ail leading H Appliance Stores and Supermarkets
Page 12 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 10 September 1983, Page 12
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