Tenders /fX Ministry of Works and Development CONTRACT 8187, SH 1, SELWYN RIVER BRIDGE DECK REPLACEMENT THE deck replacement on a two lane highway bridge, approximately 320 metres long, which Involves the removal of the existing timber baulk decking and widening of the concrete T beam superstructure and pier caps. The Selwyn River bridge is located on SH 1 approximately 4 km north of Dunsandel. Tenders, closing with the Secretary, Head Office Tenders Board, Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 12003, Wellington North, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 1983, are Invited for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed “Tender No. 8187.” Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development Office, Second Floor, Government Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch, and MWD Office, Tlmaru. ffX Ministry of Works and Development CONTRACT 8198: SH 70 LOTTERY AND LOWER MASON RIVER BRIDGES DEMOLITION OF TIMBER BRIDGES DEMOLITION of the 123 m long Lottery River timber bridge and the 175 m long Lower Mason River timber bridge Including extraction of all RSJ piles and delivery of piles to M.W.D. Depot, Christchurch. Tenders, closing with the Secretary, District Tenders Board, Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 1479, Christchurch, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 1983 are invited for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed “Tender No. 8198.” Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development Office, Second Floor, Government Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch. ffX Ministry of Works and Development CONTRACT 8205 G, SH6 MACDONALDS CREEK BRIDGE APPROACHES AND ABUTMENT ROCK PROTECTION THE construction of approximately 600 metres, including first coat sealing, to form the approaches to the new MacDonald Creek bridge approximately 125 km south of Hokitika. Sealing chip, basecourse and guardrail, construction of abutment rock protection and the removal of the old bridge. Tenders, closing with the Secretary, District Tenders Board, Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 1479, Christchurch at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 1983 are invited for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed “Tender No. 8205 G.” ■Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development Office, Second Floor, Government Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch and MWD Office, Greymouth. ©Ministry of Works and Development CONTRACT 8206 G: S.H. 6: SHAPE CORRECTION BRUCE BAY TO MARATATA THE work involves the clearing of shoulders, removal of stumps, excavation of side drain, river run gravel fill, base course overlay and first coat seal. The supply and laying of 375 mm diameter culverts is also Included. Length of highway Involved Is approximately 1680 km. Tenders, closing with the Secretary, District Tenders Board, Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 1479, Christchurch, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 1983, are Invited for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed "Tender No. 8206 G.” Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development Office, Second Floor, Government Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch, and M.W.D., Greymouth. ZT\ Ministry of Works vZr and Development CONTRACT 8215: CANTERBURY PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS COMPLETE EXTERIOR BURNING OFF AND REPAINTING THE work consists of the complete exterior burning off (with Hot Air Blowers), and the repainting of all surfaces as indicated or implied in the contract documents on all buildings contained In the Canterbury Provincial Buildings complex situated at Armagh and Durham Streets corner, Christchurch. Note: Contractors are asked to note the short tendering period before tenders close. Tenders, closing with the Secretary, District Tenders Board, Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 1479, Christchurch at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 1983 are invited for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed “Tender No. 8215.” Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development Office, Second Floor, Government Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch. DAMAGED MGB ROADSTER TENDERS are invited for the purchase of a fire damaged 1967 MGB reg. No. DH5557. The vehicle can be Inspected at Auto Salvage Breakdown, Falsgrave St Conditions of tender are as Is where Is and the highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders close at our office on September 20, 1983. INDEPENDENT ADJUSTERS, LTD, P.O. BOX 22058, CHRISTCHURCH. FOR SALE BY TENDER 1980 SHERPA van, reg. number JW1353, 29,700 km approx. Available for Inspection at 8 Worthy Street Christchurch 4. Tenders are invited for the above unit as is, where is. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Written tenders close September 20, 1983. They should be addressed to Sherpa, 8 Worthy Strefll, Christchurch