Machinery Sell MILL drill on cabinet stand, rotary table, collet chuck, vice and clamps. $1650. Phone 524-805. MITSUBISHI tractors, 16-45 h.p., available from your Christchurch Dealer Mechanised Farm Services, Ltd, 557 Springs Road, Prebbleton. Ph. 499-702, a.h. 228-174. MIXER Mill Manmoth all bulk c/w std equipment, $6500. Ph. 7931 Rga. MIXING machinery, made to order B.H. Button- 11 Watts Road, Ph. 482-218. MOTORS, single and threephase at Dennistons, 164 Hazeldean Rd. STC MOWERS for sale by tender. Ashburton Borough Council. See Tenders column. MULTILITH 1250W, single leaver off set press, mechanically sound, $3BOO. Ph. 525-523. MURPHY Pickup, good cond. $l4OO 0.n.0. Ph. Southbridge 242-876. M.F. 135, M.P. good tyres, very good condition, $4250. K. D. Vallance and Co., ph. 6465 Ranglora. M.F. 35 very tidy, good tyres. $2OOO 0.n.0. Ph 23-8727. NOVAFLO. Land drainage, best prices, design facilities available. Mlco-Wakefleld Plastics Division, Balfour Terrace, Christchurch. Ph. 792-890 NUFFIELD 1060 diesel tractor, good going order, reasonable tyres, $l2OO 0.n.0. Hay baler, Case model 220, pickup with auto, twine tie, excel, order, $9OO. Ex Internation Header variable feed screen, complete, offers. Ph. 478-550. NUFFIELD 4/65 complete with front-end loader, Mechanised Farm Services, Ltd, Prebbleton. Ph. 499-702, a.h. 228-174. OFFERS, removal lift elec, winch. Phone 881-925. OXY-ACETYLENE flame cutting machine. David Taylor Copy Master, spare vertlcle rack available. All in good working order. Ph. 277-995, during business hours. PLOUGH 3 furrow Duncan, very good cond. $450. K. D. Vallance and Co., ph. 6465 Ranglora. PLOUGH 4 furrow, 3PL, Reid and Gray. Ph. 427-063. POLYTHENE pipe and wide range of fittings at very competitive prices. Phone us at 62-763, Richardson Industries, or call 60 Sandyford St. POLYTHENE pipe, low density, high density, class B, C, and D, lateral tube, micro tube. Full range of fittings, ball valves. Best prices. Design facilities available. Mlco-Wakefleld Plastics Division, Balfour Tee, Christchurch. Phone 792-890, Branches throughout New Zealand. POSTDRIVER Yardley, $775. ph. 7931 Rga. POST hole digger, motorised Mate, good cond. rock drill etc. $2OO. Ph. 251-156. POWER Pony now available with 12 or 16 h.p. motors. Attachments available, 381 n and 571 n mowers, rotary hoe, dozer blade, and front end loader. For further Information or demonstration phone 63-924, Hobdays Lawnmowers, 1036 Colombo St, sole Canterbury stockists. POWER pony, 16 horse power 2 cylinder Briggs and Stratton 571 n mower attached, as new, $4255, $775 below list price. Ph. 478-864. PRECISION Garden Seeders. Simple one step operation. Opens soil, plants and spaces seeds, covers seed, packs soil and marks next row. Complete $lB5. Norwood, phone Christchurch 495-089. PULLEYS and vee-belts for all applications from R. B. Denniston, 164 Hazeldean Road. STC PUMP stainless steel, Dairy centrifugal, McKewans with 3 phase motor as new, cost $525 must sell $375. Ph. 559956 or 60-304. REPAIRS to most makes of small petrol motors and chainsaws. For top service call Small Engine Services, (div. McKay Hire), 175 Ferry Rd, ph. 62-242. ROLLER, Cambridge Bft 61n wooden frame, $250. K. D. Vallance and Co., ph. 6465 Ranglora. ROLLER Ideal as farm roller. Can be water filled. sft wide $B5O Ph. 478-121 8-30 to 12 noon Sat. a.h. 478-500 after 12 noon Sat.
ROTARY hoe, Howard Ban- ■ turn, 2 speed forward gears, 4 h.p. Briggs and Stratton. Good going order. Ph. 8509 KI.
I 7% TRUE INTEREST ON SOME ! I MODELS OR DISCOUNT FOR CASH | MILLARS TRACTOR SPARES, LTD Now at Main Road, LEESTON. WRECKING STOCK: TRACTOR CASE 830 (2), Hough 308 LEYLAND 285, 384, 270 CHAMBERLAIN 9G’s and 306 JOHN DEERE 2030, 2120, 2010 I.H. 250, 275, 414, 434, A 554, 504, 606, 706 FORDS 3000, 4000, 5000, 7000 M.F. TEA 35, 65, 165, 175, 178, 185, 194-4, 1080 D.B. Cropmaster, 900, 950, R and W 990, 1200, 1210 FIAT 615, 415, 550 ALL FORDSONS AND NUFFIELDS WINCH suitable for tractor DOZERS CASE 1150 power angle and tilt blade TD6, TD9, TD9-92, TD9B, BTD6 and blades BTDI4 Drott 4 in 1, TD24 with hydraulic blade ALLIS CHALMERS HD3, HDS, HD6, HDII CAT D2-3J-SU, D4-7J-7U, D69U, DBH ALSO GRADERS, HEADERS AND BALERS N.Z.’S LARGEST RANGE - SEE US FIRST PHONE LEESTON 888 or 618 A.H. 812 or 775 Peacock A MASSEY-FERGUSON USED HEADERS 1978 Massey 750 Hydrostatics, air cond., 16ft front, farmer owned $NZ49,500 1979 Massey 750 Hydro., air cond., 14ft powerflow front $NZ55,000 1980 Massey 750 Hydro, air cond. 16ft front, grain monitor $NZ62,500 WE ARE ONE of the country’s leading farm machinery dealers specialising in HARVESTING MACHINES. We have exported machines all over the world, having satisfied users in many countries, including New Zealand. Please contact us for further details or other models such as M-F 760,525,535, 565, 665. Chris Rothery, PEACOCK AND BINNINGTON, Old Foundry, Brigg DN2O BNR, £ South Humberside, ' ~ UNITED KINGDOM.