For Sale RANGE, Atlas Compacts. 3 ring, good cond. $lOO. Ph. 371465. RANGE, Atlas, 2 element, hot plate, and- grill, oven, warmer. Good clean cond $5O 0.n.0. Phone 584-587. RANGES and wall ovens direct to the public, large’ selection from $BO. Guaranteed. Carlyle Warehouse, 176 Carlyle St Ph. 790-706. Open Saturdays, 9.0-1.0. RANGES, Atlas 4 ring, only $265. Appliance Shop, 566 Barbadoe St. Sat 9-12. RANGE! l E, Atlas, good cond $5O. Apply 266 Cashel St. RANGETTE Atlas, good working order, $45. Apply 407 Worcester St. RANGE. Atlas Embassy, fully automatic, 4 rings, excellent condition. Phone 385-271. RECORDS, 1000 s in stock, all tastes in music. We buy, sell, and trade LPs, single and cassettes. Echo Records, 18 New Regent St REEL Lawnmaster mower, 241 n. offer wanted. Ph. 894204. REFRIGERATOR, Leonard, 361 litres, 3 year’s old, $4OO. Phone 527-394. REFRIGERATORS from $65, all sizes and makes, new and used. Inspect at Cool-Rite Appliances, 29 Victoria St, Ph. 793-631. RESTORE that old radio now. Obsolete radio parts by the score, everything must go. See Schaare and Son, 240 A Stanmore Rd. RIGBY slimming machine brand new, cost $55 sell for $4O Ph. 64-781. RIMU china cabinet, 3ft wide with 2 drawers and sliding glass doors, mirror back and glass shelf, $6O. Phone 6276 Ranglora. RING, Oct gold with 4 genuine sapphires and 3 synthetic diamonds. Lovely setting, $B5 0.n.0. Ph. 898-828. ROCKER chairs (2), excel, cond. $45 each. Ph. 523-054. ROCKING horse, new, suit child 2-5 years, $39. Phone 555-196. ROLLED arm couch, new dralon cover, $250; Hyde Park pram, $80; alum, bunks, $5O; carpet $150; handmade soft toys, various prices; amplifier and speakers, $65. Ph. 43316. ROLLER skates, size 7/8, as new, $4O. Ph. 881-152. ROPES. Feltex and Donaghys ropes, cordage and webbing, 130 different sizes, types and colours. Best range by far. Mahan Marine, Ltd, 149 Victoria St, Christchurch. ROTA-HOE Masport, hardly used, $375 or swap for 6 x 4 trailer. Phone 31-592. ROTARY clothesline $5O. Ph. 382-574. ROTARY hoe and exercycle, both in good cond. Please Ph. 526-665. ROTARY hoe, Howard Bantum, 2 speed forward gears, 4 h.p. Briggs and Stratton. Good going order. Ph. 8509 Ki. ROTARY hoe, Masport, good cond. $350 0.n.0. Ph. 295-754. ROTOSCAN filing system, 3 tier Ph. 559 -956 or 60-304. SHOP REFRIGERATION ICE CREAM CABINETS FROZEN FOOD FREEZERS DELICATESSEN COOLERS MILK STORAGE CABINETS FREEZER ROOMS COOL ROOMS 4x4x6 6x6x7 BxBxB 10x8x8 16 x 8 x 8 20 x 8 x 8 We build to any size LARGE SELECTION NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT Call and inspect our range Cool-Rite Refrigeration, 29 Victoria Street PHONE 793-631 Recliner Rocker FROM $349 SAVE sss WIDE RANGE OF COLOURS AND STYLES WHY PAY MORE? FREE CHRISTCHURCH DELIVERY Furniture 103 STANMORE ROAD PHONE 891-907 PRESS MAPS DEC. 1982 EDITIONS ON SALE NOW Wall map 52.75 Pocket map. . . . $2.50 Sectional map . . $4.00 THE PRESS OATHEDRAL SQUARE and GLOUCESTER STREET PREMIER BtockGarages Fu« service from quote to completion. Efficient, friendly service. No deposit finance available. r-.-- v; LTD. 891-170 or 495-4314,
Page 37 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1983, Page 37
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