Livestock GOATS Canty Goat Breeders Club field day, Sunday September 11,1.30 p.m. at D. and F. Goulden’s, Weedons. Signposted 10km south on S.H. 1, from Hornby traffic lights. GOATS, sell, nannies (3) and buck (milking strain). Ph. 427-531. GOATS, two Saanen, one billy 12 months old, one nannie 12 months old. Ph. 8939 Kalapol. GRAZING available, suitable horses, very sheltered, brood mare a speciality. Ph. 596-702 any time. GRAZING required In Styx Mill Rd or vicinity for well cared for kind tempered horse, due to lack of adequate feed in present paddock. Ph. 525-194. GREEN riding jacket, matching hat and tie, new cond., fit up to 14 yr old, $lOO. Ph. 524-423. GREY 3 year old mare, partly broken or suitable for breeding, approx. 112hh, cheap to good home. Ph. 897-458. HACK bridle, as new, $45.171n G. saddle, fully mounted, good cond. $350. Lady’s brown, air leather riding boots, good cond., size 6W, $4O. 281 n waist jodhpurs, as new, $3O. Phone 6653, Ashburton. HANOVERIAN cross thoroughbred filly, mature 16 to 16.2 h.h. $675 0.n.0. Phone 427-774. HARNESS gear, leather, everything included, as new, $590. Phone 582-081. HEADING, dog or bitch wanted, good quality, young, well bred with trial potential. Reply ’Press” Z 2652. HEADING pups for sale, 12 weeks. Black and white. Have excellent breeding with Imported blood lines. Vaccinated and guaranteed to work. Ph. 26-6441 Chch. G. Evans.
HEADING pups, well bred and natural, both parents can be seen working, $4O. Ph. 303 Cheviot after 7 p.m. HONDA, 132 bay mare, B grade F.E J. Excellent O.D.E. pony, open hunter pony, competed successful at Springston 1982 and 1983. Quiet to shoe and float. Rider regretfully outgrown. Phone 47-569 Tlmaru. HORSE and pony feed, additives and supplements available from Cover Services, 77a Briggs Rd. Shop open weekdays and Saturday mornings. Bank cards welcome. Ph. 858-062. HORSE float, double float on tandem self levelling axles, $l5OO. Ph. 881-014. HORSE float, double fully covered In, single axle, near new tyres, needs some repair, as is where is, for quick sale only $4OO. Ph. 898-168. HORSE float for hire, double, tandem wheels, 500 Avonhead Rd. Ph. 583-937. HORSEFLOAT new, large dble, tandem axle, disc brakes, tinted glass, rubber mats, spare wheel, sprung door, interior completely removable. Ph 296-839. HORSEFLOAT, new double, on tandem axles, $2500. Phone 65-017. WS HORSEFLOATS, new, tandem, double, fully enclosed, spring loaded tailgate, spare wheel, warranty, choice of colours, immediate delivery. $25,000 or $5OO dep. Cashel Car Sales, ph. 68-425 or a.h. 851-494. HORSE loose boxes, new, easily transported, Immediate delivery. Ph. 596-702 any time. ' HORSES and ponies for hire, open all week-ends. Phone 849-330 any time. HOUSE cows, 1 FrlesianShorthom, good producer, milking now. 1 ShorthornFrleslan heifer, due to calve February, hand reared. $350 each. Ph. 303 Cheviot after 7 p.m., Saturday. HUNTAWAY bitch, 3H year old, will work in yards. $3OO 0.n.0. Ph. 792-221. HUNTAWAY for sale. 4 years old, good hill dog. $4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 584-903. HUNTAWAY pups, 6 months, plenty of noise, make ideal yard dog, $6O. Ph. Goy. Bay IS your horse warm? He will be if he is wearing a Linc-a-lon cover from Lincoln Saddlery, 1 South Belt, Lincoln Ph. 252-290. JERSEY heifer sell, 26 months, well bred and grown, empty. $3OO. Ph. 874 Glentunnel. JODPHUR boots, good cond, size 5, N.Z. make. Ph. 298-627. JODPHURS. N.Z. make, excel, cond. Size 12. Ph. 298-627. JOGGER. Light work jogger sell, $250 oji.o. Ph. Springston (295) <661. LITTLE yearling filly, reg. N.Z.P.8., mature 10 h.h. excel. show quality. $2OO. Ph. 297-871. McEWING’S Mini Circuit. Entries for Hawarden-Waikari Pony Club Jumping Show close September 12. Please send entries, to Miss L. Crane, Llttle'Dene, Hawarden. MEDIUM eyed heading bitch, aged, suit small farmlet or learner. Ph. Darfleld 88-540 after Sunday. MIDNIGHT, Star, black gelding 136.5 cm, good O .D.E. very rarely unplaced in dressage, completed Springston Trophy, 1983, Novice FJEJ. good games pony, rider sadly outgrown, needs calm, gentle but confident rider. Sell to good home only. Leeston 758. MUST sell. 13.1 h.h. mare, quiet, easy to ride and also yearling filly by Maori Legend, owners moving. Ph. 48-835 Amberley. NETTING, chain mesh, suitable security fence or deer gates, approx. 130 m plus 2 coils new barbed wire. Best offer. Ph. 227-335. OAT crusher for sale, 6in wide rollers, $5OO. Ph. 849-330. AMBERLEY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SHOW OCTOBER 29, 1983. ENTRIES close September 30. Schedules available Box 2, Amberley. Please note misprint in led Correction as follows: Class 38 1983, Class 39 1983, Class 41 1982, Class 42 1982, Class 43 1981, Class 44 1981. CHESKIN HITCHING POST LITTLE RIVER OPEN daily for trekking on scenic Banks Peninsula hill county. English or Western riding lessons. Bookings essential. Plwne 251-192. \ CHRISTCHURCH PONY CLUB HALSWELL BRANCH 27TH ANNUAL SHOW To be held on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1983 . at the ADDINGTON SHOWGROUNDS PLEASE send large sa.e. for schedules to the show secreMrs P. M. Schroeder, 189 Kennedys Bush Rd,' k 1 CHCH 3 ENteiES CLOSE FRIDAY, : 2l