GENERAL MANAGER The Trustees Executors and Agency Company of New Zealand Limited has asked that we advise on the appointment of a new General Manager with the imminent retirement of the present incumbent in January next year. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Insurance Company of New Zealand Limited, with its own Board of Directors to whom the General Manager reports. Our client currently administers assets of around $2OO million and $1.25 billion in debenture trusts as well as providing a range of financial services. The General Manager is accountable for the efficient administration of such assets and debenture trusts with due regard to the interests of all parties. Whilst a formal tertiary qualification in accounting and/or law would be desirable, it is more important that the General Manager has a sound appreciation of the role the trustee, in all of its forms, a knowledge of accounting procedures and, above all, proven ability to lead and manage people. This attractive and important appointment wherein there exists considerable scope for an ambitious, capable executive to achieve further business and personal goals. The General Manager will be based at Head Office in Dunedin and be responsible for the activities of the Company's seventyfive staff in eight different locations throughout New Zealand. Our client will offer an attractive salary and executive benefits 'package' and will include some assistance with housing finance. Removal expenses will be paid as for an employee on transfer. Please telephone Christchurch 68-437 to discuss in confidence your qualifications and experience in relation to this opportunity or, if you prefer, write to Wareham Associates (N.Z.) Limited, P.O. Box 2078, Christchurch. UJAREHAfTI
= PRODUCTION - = MANUFACTURING = MANAGER ===== Challenging Career Opportunity Auckland Based C&L Our client, a dynamic and highly respected public -/ company, is seeking an experienced production execu- ' ■ tive for the above position in a major subsidiary. lnvolved in the manufacture of sophisticated, modern - technology products, the plant is renowned for quality "output and harmonious labour relations. A staff in excess of 200 is employed. j x —— This outstanding opportunity is particularly suited to = applicants in the 30-45 age range with a proven record IZZZZZ of success in a high unit cost mass production 1 — industry. Although technical qualifications would be an advantage, emphasis is placed on practical manage- ... ment ability combined with strong people management jumzss: skins. To attract the right person our client offers a salary i; ■ ■■ package in excess of $28,000, use of a company car ——— and otner-executive benefits. Promotional prospects are ZhbZZZZZi. excellent LZ For further information please direct written applications 1 in the strictest confidence to:- ■■■■ E. G. EATHERLEY ■—J— CoODGrS Human Resources JJ. I wkrand Consulting Division ■ 7* Lyoranu po Box 48 Auck | and —— Associates Phone 797 007
BE SURE OF TOMORROW INVEST TODAY WITH 1 — PROFESSIONAL CZ2 < (MORTGAGE MANAGERS This is the security we offer: All investments secured by first or second contributory mortgages R.S.L. mortgages are insured in Great Britian by the Trident Insurance Group, and the British National Insurance Co. Ltd. Acting jointly under policy No. 652177. As is normal with insurance policies this policy is unsecured. The lender is insured against: IThe borrower failing to insure the security under the mortgage. 2 The insurance policy being invalid due to the borrower not complying with the conditions of the policy over the security under the mortgage. Loss to the lender of principal and interest up to 3 $250,000 on any one individual mortgage resulting from default by the borrower under that mortgage. 15% ~16% Ist MORTGAGE 2nd MORTGAGE per annum on your Deposits Minimum Deposit $5OO — Minimum Terms of 2 Years For Further information Return this Coupon without Obligation To: ■ I w N ” e I B .. T . . . Address I I Registered Securities Limited I . P.O. Box 2482, Auckland I I Telephone Auckland 796-323 I Collect or After Hours I ~444-5071 (Collect) ' e ' > — M J<r .
Page 22 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1983, Page 22
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