Cars For Sale TRIUMPH 13/60, 1969, In tidy cond., compare, $1099, or $660 dep. Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, phone 66-811, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2.5 P.I. auto, 1975, stag grille, P. 5, 81,000 km, radio, heater, original cond., compare. $5499. Fitzgerald Ave Car Court, ph. 66-811, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 TC manual, any Inspection, $3999. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 TC, red, very tidy, goes well, excel, tyres, $2990. Not a misprint, $2990 or terms. Centrepoint, phone 61-374. TRIUMPH 2500 TC auto 1973, low miles, blue paint. Has been kept as new. Radio. $4999, $3OOO dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, 382494 ah. 881-081, 326-187. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 TC, automatic, 1976, almond. Immaculate. Four new radial tyres, $5700 0.n.0. Ph. 324-230 after 6 p.m. VALIANT Ranger XL, 1974,245, white, 49,000 kms (29,000 mis), excel, order, $6600. Ph. 852757. VAUXHALL Victor, Nov. 1965, new rings, bearings, clutch and w.o.f. Car in excel, original cond. $BOO 0.n.0. Ph. 886478. VAUXHALL Victor 2000 SL, 1972, 57,000 miles, mint cond. Would be very hard to find a nicer one, only $2995. Crester Car Sales, phone 897-715, LMVD. VAUXHALL Viva HC Estate, 1973, sparkling condition throughout, overhauled engine. Test drive today, $3299. Russell Taylor Motors, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 60-666, MVDI. VICTOR 1600 1969, $1599, or $960 dep. $66 monthly, at Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 62-272, ah. 486-459, LMVD. VICTOR 2000 SR 1972, only $l5OO, at Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 62-272, ah. 486-459, LMVD. VIVA 1972, 4 door, 38,000 miles, a wee beauty. Only $2995. Crester Car Sales, ph. 897-715, LMVD. VIVA 4 door 1974, low miles, glacier white, spot on throughout. Must be seen. $2999, $lBOO dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, 382494 ah. 326-187, 881-081. LMVD. VW Passat LS station wagon 1974, German assembled, In superb original cond. 1 owner. 49,000 miles. Quality European motoring for $6499. A rare opportunity at Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64308. Early inspection advised. LMVD. ZEPHYR Mk IV, 1972, genuine 55,000 miles, radio, heater, wheel trims, etc., in outstanding condition, $1999. Fitzgerald Avenue Car Court, phone 66-811, LMVD. ZODIAC, 1972, has everything. Buckets, floor change, power steer. Immaculate, $3295. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam St, LMVD. $3500 Galant, 1600 L, good running order. Ph. 893-216. 1971 HT utility, good cond. $2BOO. Ph. 381-747. 1973 Morris Marina, 1975 motor, new timing chain and universal bearings, good cond. $2OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 165 Kaikoura after 4.30 p.m. Car Parts, Access AAA Auto Wreckers will turn your car into cash. Phone 482-428, a.h. 35-376. D A big selection of cars wrecking now. Holdens, Hillmans, Zephyrs, Vauxhalls, Morris Minors plus many other makes and models. Ph. 62881 a.h. 66-074. ACE Auto Wreckers, phone 60-677 for all your car part requirements, 65 Brisbane Street. MGF ATTENTION. We are buying all makes and' models for wrecking. Jubilee Spares, Ph. 849-752. AVENGER 1500 motor in excellent condition, can be heard running, $3OO exchange. Phone 69-954,68-482. BATTERIES. Free fitting. 3 year guarantee. Lowest prices. Discounted. Don Grindley’s Tyre and Auto Service. Ph. 791-050. D ■ ■ ■ ■ BMC Transmission Services, 31 Carmen Road. Phone 497-446. BRAKE spares, complete range including power brake repairs. Safe R Brakes, Ltd, 87 Fitzgerald Ave. TFS BUY Statesman or Premier front wiring loom for HQ Holden. Phone 62-079. BUY 10 or 12 bolt Chev diff wanted, for Holden HQ. Phone 62-079. CARS buy for wrecking. Phone Auto Reclaims, 69-954, 68-482. CARS wrecking, open all day Sat. Jubilee Spares. Phone 849-752. FALCON car and s.w. dismantling, XB, XA, XY, XW, XR, good 250 motors. Ph. 65291. HOLDEN car and s.w. dismantling, HQ, V 8 and 6, HG, HT, HK, HR, good 202 motors. Ph. 65-291. MAG wheel polishing. Very reasonable rates. Only specialist in South Island. Don Grindleys Tyre and Auto Service. Ph. 791-050. THS NEW tyres. All makes, all sizes. The lowest prices in town. Don Grindley’s tyre and Auto Service, Ph. 791050. D OFF road tyres, large selection. 151 n suitable for Range Rovers, Land Cruisers, etc., plus rims to suit. Don Grindley’s Tyre and auto Services. Ph. 791-050. THS RETREADS. All makes, all sizes. The lowest prices in town. Don Grindley’s Tyre and Auto Service. Ph. 791050. D SHOCK absorbers and full suspension repairs. A grade mechanics. Discounted lowest prices. Free quotes. Workmanship guaranteed. Don Grindley’s Tyre and Auto Service. Ph. 791-050. Ask for Auto Services. THS TYRES from the newest and most modem shop in Chch competitive prices and superior service at Hornby Tyre Services, 29 Carmen Rd, 496-772, 496-496-323. USED tyres. Most sizes. W.O.F. Standard. From $l5. Don Grindley’s Tyre and Auto Service. Ph. 791-050. D VALIANT VH and VJ dismantling all parts. Ph. 65291. VOLKSWAGENS, leading car wreckers have dismantled over 300 beetles from 1954-73. Randall Panelbeaters, Volkswagen repairs and used parts specialists. 3618 Tuam St Ph. 66-473. D WHEEL alignment by one of the most experienced operators in Chch phone Les at 496-323, Hornby Tyre Services, 29 Carmen Rd. SECOND-HAND TYRE CENTRE — Second hand tyres. — New tyres. — Retreads. FREE FITTING AND BALANCING PHONE 381-847, or call at 319 LINCOLN RD.