Cars For Sale HOLDEN HQ S.W., 1974 model, 173 motor, wedgewood blue, very tidy, $2900. Ph. 582-055. HOLDEN Klngswood HJ auto, power steer, 1 owner, 45,000 mis, snow white, has to be seen, definitely best for sale, $7999. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. HOLDEN Klngswood Waggon, 1975, 253 V 8 with automatic transmission, radio, heater and air shocks, lovely condition, $4499, Kevin O’Connell Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, (opp. Rattrays), ph. 50-584, ah. 382-461, MVDI. HOLDEN Klngswood 202, 1973. Virtually one owner from new mech. Al. $4499. On display now at Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64-308 LMVD. HOLDEN Sunbird SL 1980, travelled only 54,000 km, champagne gold, wool upholstery, steel belted radials, a mint car, $6999 or $4220 dep. Ace Sales Ltd, 134 Ferry Rd. 793-162 MVDI. HOLDEN Sunbird automatic, 1978. Exceptional cond. Only 56,000 miles. A.A. check welcome. Only $4999. Great buying from Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64-308 LMVD. HOLDENS, 2 to choose from, Dec. 74 Klngswood 202 auto, R. and H., factory moulding, immaculate $4295. 1972 HQ waggon, best available at $3295. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam St, LMVD. HOLDEN Torana 1900 SL 1975, 45,000 mis, finished In autumn gold, with parchment trim, $4499. Russell Taylor Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 60-666 a.h. 856-284 MVDI. HOLDEN 308 motor and gearbox, excel, runner. $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 381-747. HONDA Civic, 1981, model, 5000 mis, copper bronze, 5 door model, only $9999. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. HONDA Civic, 1976, 43,000 miles, a wee beauty, radio, heater, body mouldings. Only $4500. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. HONDA Civic 1976, 51,000 miles, engine Just overhauled, Spanish Olive 3 mths warranty, $4895. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, ah. 35-071, LMVD. ■ ■ ■ ■ HONDA Civic 1979, one lady owner, only 11,000 miles, superbly styled In blue with tan interior. This is the facelift EB3 model. Ph. today for a demonstration at your home or call and Inspect. $7995. Mai Ormandy Cars Ltd, LMVD, 496 Moorhouse Ave on the Fitzgerald Ave corner. Ph. 62-281. HONDAMATIC, 4-door, 1976, only 70,000 km by 3 owners, In near new cond. $5399 or $3240 dep. Dave Diggs Motors, cnr Hills and Shirley Rds, LMVD. HUNTER station wagon, 1974, very tidy, goes very nicely, genuine bargain $2595. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. HUNTER, 1967, drives real well, $2399. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. MARINA 1700 Estate 1979, 57,000 miles, radio, 2 owners, spinnlker white, 3 mths warranty, $5995, Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004 ah. 35-071, LMVD. MARINA 1750 manual, 64,000 mis, mint, $2999. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. MAXI HL, 1975, 51,000 miles, luxury English model In first class cond., for only $3495. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. MAXI 1750, 1976, 68,000 miles, 2 owners, mint, 3 mths warranty, $3195. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 790-004, ah. 35-071, LMVD. MAZDA 323 Estate, 1982, 1 owner, low kms, excel, order, extras, $11,199, 12 months warranty. Blackwell Motors (Rga), Ltd, High St, Ranglora, Phone 8237, LMVD,ah. 882-751 Chch, 6383 Rga. MAZDA 626, 1980, 1 owner, 39,000 miles, burnt pastel orange with contrasting houndstooth cloth trim. A superb car for $8699. Kevin O’Connell Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Avenue (opp. Rattrays), Ph. 50-584, ah. 371-096, MVDI. MAZDA 626, 1981, 1 owner, radio, sparkling condition, $11,499. 12 months warranty. Blackwell Motors (Rga), Ltd, 17 High St, Ranglora, Phone 8237, LMVD, ah. 882-751 Chch, 6383 Rga. MAZDA 808 coupe, 1974, 73,000 kms, Absolutely Immac. Primrose with black trim, tinted windows, etc. One of the best for $4995. Contact Noel Simons at Tench Datsun Used Cars, 64 Manchester St. Ph. 790-631, ah. 370344, LMVD. MAZDA 808,1977,1 owner and only 37,000 km, as new. Look sacrificed $lOOO to $4999. Russell Taylor Motors, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 60-666, ah. 856-284, MVDI. MAZDA 929 1978, only 60,000 kms, 2 owners, a most Immac. example, finished in white, stereo etc., a hard car to fault. $6499. Simon Odium Motors, now at our new premises a't 407 Ferry Rd, ph. 894-467, ah. 555-953, MVDI. MGB Roadster, 1974, overdrive, Rostyle wheels, tonneau cover, stereo, first class, In deep blue, $11,995, $7200 dep. Mecca Motors, 826 Colombo St, ph. 799-575, ah. 831-649, LMVD. MINI Clubman, 1980, 1275 GT, brown, as new cond. 10,200 kms, $7500. Please ph. 518-055 after 5.30 p.m. MINIS, Minis, minis, we are buying and selling good used Minis, consult the experts first at the South Islands only Mini Centre. Select Auto’s, 231 Colombo St. (next to Boon’s Bakery), Phone 371-402, ah. John 487-803 or Vaughan 429-539, LMVD. MINI 1000 LE, 1979,28,000 miles, 1 owner, bright yellow, 3 mths warranty, $4995. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. MINI 1000, 1972, Mk2, a good one. $1490 or terms. Centrepoint, ph. 61-374, LMVD. MINI 1000 1976, choice of two, both In very nice cond. $2495, and $2795. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. MINI 850 1974, heater, a wee beaut $2499 or $l5OO dep. At Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 62-272; ah. 486-459. MITSUBISHI Galant 1850 Coupe, 1976. A sparkling example of this very popular sports coupe, travelled only 38,000 miles. Reduced to $5999. Russell Taylor Motors, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 60-666, a.h. 856-284, MVDI. MITSUBISHI Galant coupe, 1974. Superb original cond. $4499. Just In Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64-308, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Lancers, 1980, GSL, 1600, 5 speed, beautiful 3 tone bronze paint. $7995. 1979 LP Lancer, GL, lovely cond., $6299. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam St, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Lancer EX 1980, 39,000 km, Matador red, tan velour trim, 3 mths warranty, $7999. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-004, ah. 35-071, LMVD. MITSUBISHI Lancer, 1976, attractive gold with matching trim, only 60,000 kms, $5499. Russell Taylor, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse, Ph. 60-666, MVDI. MITSUBISHI Lancer EX, 1980, sparkling irridescent blue in colour, only 27,000 miles by two private owners. Lovely little car for $7499. Kevin O'Connell, Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, (opp. Rattrays), Ph. 50-584, ah. 371-896, MVDI.