Cars For Sale Cars For Sale COROLLA DX SEDANS AUTOMATIC From $6995 Save over $4OOO on new price late Mileages to 30,000kms Factory PB Radio Colour Choice Finance to suit your needs 107 Moorhouse Ave Phone 797-886 a.h. Noel Duthie 556-287 EssH2E23toyota LMVD
DATSUN Bluebird 2X 5 speed 1981. Tan with darm brown velour trim, luxury motoring, 19,000 km, $13,295. Contact Noel Simons at Tench Datsun Used Cars, 64 Manchester St, Ph. 790-631, ah. 370-344, LMVD. DATSUN Cherry, 100 A, 1977, 1 lady owner, 51,000 kms, finished in shocking pink with bone interior, radio, mudflaps, etc. $4995. Contact Noel Simons at Tench Datsun Used Cars, 64 Manchester St, ph. 790-631, ah. 370-344, LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y 1976, 52,000 miles. Turquoise. 3 months warranty. $4695. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 790-004, ah. 35-071, 370- LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y; 1974, tidy condition throughout, economical motoring for only $3799. Russell Taylor Motors, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 60- ah. 856-284, MVDI. DATSUN 1200 coupe, a very clean tidy car, $3599 or $2160 dep. Dave Diggs Motors, cnr Hills and Shirley Rds, LMVD. ■ ■ ■ ■ DATSUN 1600, 1972, 74,000 miles, extremely tidy and original, radio etc. Only $2995, or $lBOO deposit and $22 per week. R.B. McGregor Ltd, 34 Yaldhurst Rd. Ph. 486-926, ah. 596-537, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 De Luxe 1976 model, excel, cond. A.A. test welcome. Save $5OO this week. $4999. Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64-308, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 GL, 1976, 1 owner from new, metallic blue, value here, $5299. Russell Taylor Motors, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 60-666, MVDI. DATSUN 1808 SSS, auto, 1974, metallic green, 58,000 mis. Jap. assembled. Inspection a definite must at only $6199. Murray Costello Cars, 365 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 1975, 2 owners from new. definitely the best available and at only $4799. Russell Taylor, Ltd, 500 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 60-66, after hours 856-284. MVDI. DATSUN 1808, 1976 sparkling condition, $4699, 12 month/ 20,000 km warranty, Blackwell Motors (Rga), Ltd, High St, Ranglora. Phone 8237 LMVD, ah. 882-751, Chch, 6383 Rga. DATSUN 1808 1978 62,000 kms, beautiful original cond. and tinted glass cloth trim, well worth inspection at $7599. Simon Odium Motors, now at our new premises at 407 Ferry Rd, ph. 894-467, a.h. 555-953, MVDI. DATSUN 2008 Automatic, 1979, brigade red with gold pin stripes and lots of other extras, superb condition, $6999. Kevin O’Connell, Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Avenue, (opp. Rattrays), Ph. 50-584, ah. 371- MVDL DATSUN 240 Z, mags, red, $9990. Ph. 597-440. DATSUN 260 C 1978, Auto power steering, electric windows, radio, stereo cassette. This one owner vehicle has travelled a mere 47,000 miles and Is priced to attract at only $9OOO which Is thousands under replacement price. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Road, LMVD. ESCORT Mk I sports mint cond. for age 1600 GT, flares, console dash, car alarm, hidden spots etc. Good buying at $3995 no dreamers. Phone 34-426, 35-544 after 7 p.m. ESCORTS, 2 superb examples. $3299-$3999.2 door and 4 door Lancaster Ferry, 166 Ferry Rd, Div. Ace Sales, Ltd. Ph. 64-308, LMVD. ESCORTS 2 to choose from, 1978,1.3GL Immac. Pale blue only $6295. 1978 1.3 L, $5995. Alan Ford, 438 Tuam St, LMVD. ESCORT 1.3 GL Auto, 1978, moderate miles, vinyl roof, brown metallic, tidy condl- - tlon, $5BOO. Wrlghtcars, 285 Cashel St, ph. Reg 798-530 any time. ESCORT 1.3 L low kms, one owner, wanted 1979-81, cash buyer. Ph. 793-162 or ah. 842227 MVDI. ESCORT 1.3 L 1976, Mk 11, 4 door, excel, and orlg. throughout. Private owners, $4495, $2700 dep. Mecca Motors, 826 Colombo St, ph. 799-575, ah. 831-649, LMVD. ESCORT 1.3 L, 1976, 73,000 miles, receipts engine, $864. Sapphire metallic, 3 mths warranty, $4495. Small Car World, 31 Moorhouse Ave, Phohe 790-004, a.h. 35-071, LMVD. ESCORT 1.3 Super, 4 door 1979; genuine 15,000 miles by one lady owner. Every luxury appointment, like new, compare! $7999. Kevin O’Connell, -Ltd, 223 Moorhouse Ave, (opp. Rattrays), Ph. 50-584, ah. 371-096, MVDL ESCORT, 1300 XL, 1973, only 62,000 mis, mint only, $3495. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd, LMVD. ESCORT 4 door, 1.3 L, 1973, In very nice cond., only $3495. Crester Car Sales, 897-715, LMVD. FALCON SW ’67, cheap car at $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 381-747. FALCON XA 250, floor shift, super car, value plus, $2500 or terms. Centrepoint Phone 61- LMVD. FALCON XC auto, 58,000 miles, copper bronze metal- . 11c, brown vlnyll roof. Only $7999. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. LMVD. FALCON XC 1977 4.1 Auto, buckets, $6999 or $4200 dep. At Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Avenue. Phone 62-272, ah. 486-459, LMVD. FALCON, 1967, XR, very popular model. $1799 or $lOBO dep. Dave Diggs Motors, cnr Hills and Shirley Rds, LMVD. FALCON 1973, 2 owners, heater, towbar, superb tonlngs, only $2995. At Averill Autos, c/- Crester Car Sales, 897-715, ah. 856-169, LMVD. FALCON 4.1 1978 XC, one owner, metallic bronze, as new. Value $7799, $4680 dep. Taylor Motors, 110 Lincoln Rd, ph. 382-494 a.h. 326-187, 881-081, LMVD.