Public Notices SUMNER Round Table. Sydenham Park to Sumner family fun run, Sunday April 17. Entry forms at Caltex Service Station. WE'RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you’ll see whyiD BUDGET, TAXATION SERVICE TAX returns prepared, etc. Confidential. PHONE 427-792. WAIMAKARIRI-ASHLEY DOG CONTROL AND HYDATIDS AUTHORITY Notice of Impounding A black and white, long haired collie dog, found at Williams Street, Kalapoi, Is Impounded In the authority’s dog pound at the Kalapoi Borough Council. Notice Is given that unless this dog Is claimed and all expenses paid within seven days, It will be destroyed. Dated this 11th day of April, 1983. A. A. H. MCKENZIE, Secretary. ARANUI HIGH SCHOOL EX-PUPILS EX-PUPILS warmly Invited to an Informal meeting In the School Hall, on: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 AT 7.30 P.M. Discussion: 25th Anniversary celebrations. Enquiries to: Raewyn Wright, ph. 886-040 (evenings). IN BANKRUPTCY CLARENCE RALPH WINSTON DAVEY, Invalid Beneficiary, of 12 Bordesley Street, Christchurch, was ajudged bankrupt on April 11, 1983. will be held at my office, 159 Hereford Street, Christchurch on Thursday, April 21, 1983, at 10.30 a.m. IVAN A. HANSEN Official Assignee LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD CONTAINER TERMINAL Containers Unpacked GODWIT V 1458 MOLU 5752290 MOLU 5730373 MOLU 5722110 SCIU 2604105 WELLINGTON STAR V 75 lEAU 2204434 BSLU 3017098 CTIU 1478334 Storage charges commence, April 15, 1983. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OXFORD TERRACE CAR PARK ON the occasion of the visit to Christchurch by His Excellency Mr Zhao Ziyang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, access to, and exit from the Oxford Terrace Car park may be restricted as follows: WEDNESDAY, April 13, 1983, between 9.15 a.m.-n.15 a.m., 12.30 p.m.-2.45 p.m., 5.00 p.m.7.15 p.m. FRIDAY, April 14, 1983, between 8.15 a.m.-8.45 a.m. JOHN GRAY, General Manager and Town Clerk.
CANTERBURY AND WESTLAND STORES, PACKING AND WAREHOUSE WORKERS' UNION ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE Christchurch: Auditorium, Town Hall 8.00 a.m. Thursday 14 April BUSINESS Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting Secretary's Annual Report Adoption of Balance Sheet and Auditor's Report Election of Officers and Executive Affiliation to the Labour Party Guest Speaker: Mr Jim Anderton, President of the Labour Party.
nzim MANAGEMENT ACTION • A COURSE OF seven evening sessions to give an appreciation of basic management principles. • For small business owners, departmental heads, potential managers and those seeking an introduction to what management involves. • Content topics include: planning, organising people and resources, effective selling, use of personal time, controlling and staffing. Please send me details of: MANAGEMENT ACTION to commence April 20, 1983. NAME ADDRESS PHONE N.Z. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, 307 MADRAS STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. PHONE 60-581 P.O. BOX 13-044. PUBLIC MEETING ROYAL NEW ZEALAND FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND A PUBLIC MEETING of the Christchurch Advisory Committee will be held at 86 Bristol Street, Christchurch, on — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1983 at 12 NOON The purpose of the meeting is the presentation of the Chairman’s Annual Report jyrd the election of ibree (3) members to the Committee. C. FISK, Branch Manager.
Page 34 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 April 1983, Page 34
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