Plea for choice in transport
PA Auckland The president of the Auckland Manufacturers’ Association, Mr Douglas Benefield, has called for freedom in the choice of transport modes. Mr Benefield said that manufacturers wanted an end to the $1 million-a-year practice of flying Cook Strait ferry crews from homes as far afield as Waiheke Island every time they started a shift in Wellington. “These sorts of practices add to costs and undermine the ability of manufacturers to compete with imports,” he said. He said manufacturers considered transport costs to the South Island were too
high and the service unreliable. In his view, the Cook Strait ferries needed to be better organised and the flying of crew from far afield at the start of each shift should stop. Mr Benefield said closer economic relations with Australia made it essential that manufacturers had freedom of choice in transport. Auckland manufacturers would have to fight to retain their South Island markets. These markets, he said, would be vulnerable to attack from Australian manufacturers who could ship direct into ‘Lyttelton and Dunedin.
Plea for choice in transport
Press, 12 April 1983, Page 34
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