Nude calendars 'educational’
PA Auckland Male nude calendars are educational and beneficial rather than harmful, a psychologist told the District Court at Auckland on Tuesday . Judge Blackwood
reserved until April 11 his decision on whether “Greystone Illustrated 1983” calendars were indecent. The Lawrence Publishing Company, Ltd, is disputing the forfeiture of the calendars to the Customs Department, which says the calen-
dars are indecent in terms of the Indecent Publications Act, 1963.
For the department, Mr Michael Ruffin said the real issue was whether the imported calendars were indecent. He gave the Judge a number of written submissions.
Dr Aloma Colgan told the Court that she had done a thesis on the effect of explicit sex material on human sexual, behaviour; She said attitudes to nudity, such as in the family, meant that the naked human body was not the mystery it was 20 to 25 years ago. Reaction to the Greystone calendar would be a surprise or shock to someone unaccustomed to viewing the human body, but the effect was likely to be more educational or beneficial than harmful.
She did not feel the photographs were likely to be injurious. : . ,CrosS*4xatnined by Mr Ruffin, Dr 'Colgan said that the dominant aspect of the calendars • were the male form displayed in an artistlc way;; with glossy. photo 7 graphis. and t in attractive She ; thought the hibriest purpose. jdf>) the. . calendars was an attempt ing the male forni' Jri'artistic ways.; Mr Brett • Shepherd, a company ;. director -£. and shareholder in the Lawrence Publishing- Company,- said the company; decided to import the calendars after considering' Indecent PublicationsiyTribunal decisions and couffictions relating to male, frontal nudity:
Nude calendars 'educational’
Press, 17 March 1983, Page 13
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