Properties For Sale AVONHEAD, superb outdoor living on 857 sq m (34p) section with secluded lawns, gardens, sundeck, barbecue and 6x4 inground floodlit pool. The perm mats home has modernised lourlge. dining. 3 bdrms, study and kitchen with wall ovens etc. $71,000. Dalgetv NZ Ltd. MREINZ Ph. 798-212 Fred Allan a.h. 324-374.
AVONHEAD to Casebrook. Cash buyer to $lOO,OOO urgently require 3 or 4 bdrm family home with at least 2 living’ rooms, preferably three and under 10 years of age being built to the sun and sights on private section. If .selling please phone Philip rotherham. 488-784. a.h. 381-903. Collins Real Estate. MREINZ.
AVONHEAD, Upper Rlccarton. Superb modern spacious permanent material home consisting of 4 double bdrms, large lounge. adjoining separate dinine-living area with ranchsliders to terrace. Fully landscaped on very private setting, amongst other quality homes, excellent value at slight above G.V.. $91,950. S. Austin. 63-628. McMillan Real Estate. MREINZ. a.h. 371-477.
AVONHEAD, Westbum $55,500 sole agency. 3 bdrm. Summerhill stone, tiled roof home on established 32p section. Dual water system, lock up block garage. Ideal first home. Mr and Mrs Foster 63628 a.h. 843-744. McMillan Ileal Estate. MREINZ.
AVONHEAD, $112,500. exclusive location, a superb mod. spacious Summerhill stone quality home with elevated living, louunge adjolngs 19ft living room leading to elevated 16 x 12 sundeck, sep. shower room. 4 bdrms, plus dressing room, offers great lifestyle, a home with a difference, quality carpets etc., superb very private grounds, bounded by exotic trees and shrubs, dble 27 x 20 basement garage. Details ph. Colin Norton 62-105 any time, Beasley. Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ.
AVONHEAD $185,000, almost new superior residence 4 bdrms: Cashmere $170,000 almost new town house 4 bdrms: Ham $179,000 superior Gentlemans residence. 4 bdrms.; Harn $105,000 splitlevel quality 5 bdrms, For the details and service Ph. Vendors Exclusive agents. Whittle Knight and Boatwood MREINZ. 44-149 a.h. Knight 487-275.
AVONHEAD, $61,750. sole agent. First day. Immaculate 3 large bdrms, newly painted home .on landscaped 32 perch section with many extras. Sunny kitchen dining with new Moffatt Contessa range, range hood, twin sinks, pantry, all new wiring and plumbing, 28 x 20 block' garage, excel, family home in tip top order. Ph. Maureen Thomson. Merivale Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ, ph. 559-097.
AVONHEAD, $82,000. Look! 4 bdrms, ample living areas, dble garage, sun all day, and a prize winning street. Phone sole agents. Benson and England, Ltd. MREINZ, 67-329, 24 hrs. AVONHEAD, $99,500. Attractive permanent material, 4 bdrm lamily home. Large lounge, spacious living dining, seperate study. Up to the minute kitchen. Double garage with internal access. Sunny aspect. Phone Whittle, Knight and Boatwood. MREINZ, 790-410, John Robinson a.h. 427-625. AVONHEAD. Finest quality available. This elevated near new tan brick 3 bdrm home, situated amongst executive homes, has unique handcrafted Joinery and extras too numerous to mention. Priced for urgent private sale at $115,000. Ph. 529-319. AVONHEAO. Luxury home, architecturally designed by Warren Mahoney, only $119,750. Naturally this magnificent 4 bdrm home has many extras, like the mezzazine floor and the cathedral beam ceiling in the lounge which opens onto one of the best landscaped brick and barbecue courtyards yet seen. Family dtning-llvlng room, bright kitchen with built in natural lighting, Hollywood bathroom, quality carpets and exquisite furnishings. Double garage with large workshop attached. Outstanding value. Phone 50-869 anytime, Jarvis Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. AVONHEAD. Modern 2 storey family home Just $135,000. Features Include 4 bdrms, games room, 2 living rooms plus large kitchen and dinette. As new top quality one tone carpet throughout. Delightfully private rear section with triple car accommodation. To inspect phone Bill Smith. Collins Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ. 488784, a.h. 855-133.
AVONHEAD. New 3 dble bdrm home ready now for wallpapering. Consisting of en suite and walk-in wardrobe, extra large kitchen and dining room, big lounge with sep. family room. Built for sun and complete privacy. Dble garage. $114,000. Ph. 598-751. AVONHEAD. Sole agents. First day offered. $64,750. Immaculate ranch-style Summerhill Stone home on 32perch section. Large lounge with connecting doors to kitchen dinette. Three bedrooms, sep. shower cab. Quality as new plain tone carpet throughout. Ph. Rlccarlon Real Estate. 487-029. a.h. Terry Quinn 584-127. MREINZ. MREINZ.
AVONHEAD. $114,000. Ready for your choice of wallpapers. Spac. 3 bdrm en suite, 3 living room property built to sun in quiet setting opp. reserve. Classy kitchen with breakfast bar and dining area, sliders to patio, cobblestone drive In hard standing areas, dble garage and fences. View now with Ainsworth Ingram, Ford and Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ, 797830 a.h, 427-773.
AVONHEAD. $llO,OOO. Lovely •situation for a delightful home, enjoying maximum sun and complete privacy. Only 5 years old, perm, materials throughout and excel, chattels and fittings. Three bdrms, spacious lounge with open fire, sep. dining with ranchsliders to lawn. See this one first or last. Ph. sole agents, Dunbar Topp. Ltd, MREINZ, 556-082, a.h. Julian Jennings 841-457. AVONHEAD. $78,000. new listing. Sole agent. Very appealing semi colonial home on excellently landscaped section. 3 bdrms, all double, spacious lounge, bay window, modern kithen, walk in pantry, washing machine etc. Sep shower, dual hot water. central healing, double garage plus car pork Fully , decked swimming pool. To inspect phone Lyn Sparks, Kent Prier Real Estate 794-120 a.h. 487-761, MREINZ.
AVON6IDE DRIVE, $56,000. Just listed. Super 3 bdrm. 2 w.c., spilt level Summerhill stone low maintenance town house, on 40 perch section. Subdivision is needed. Sult business couple or family. Phone Benson and England. Ltd. MREINZ, 67-329,24 hrs. AVONSIDE. immaculate 2 bdrm plus sunroom home, fastidiously maintained by original owner. New decramastic roof and stippled ceilings, open fire in lounge and in separate dining. You will be impressed, $41,500. Ph. Ford and Hadfield, Ltd, MREINZ, 797-830, a.h. Colin Rhodes 325-928.